How do you make hash/oil, I am new to the growing and cultivation of marijauna. Please let me know. thank you, MJS
Here is another useful link to a thread here if you are making hash. I wish it would be put in the faq before it gets lost...
Hang your herb in a dark room with some ventilation. Too much will dry it too fast. Dry until stems crunch in your teeth. Make hash out of resin collected through a cheesecloth or fine screen by putting it into a cigaratte celophane, tightly wrapping it. Then surround it with a layer of wet newspaper and place into the oven for 15 min. Remove, and roll it flat with a rolling pin. Unwrap your package to find dark dank hash. Enjoy.
can we get a gas mark, or temp, on that oven please? sounds like old fashioned hash making,did you learn that in persia?
wOOPS, I do 375 Deg F for 10-15 min, pull it out, squish it with a rolling pin, re wet the little package, and place it into the oven for 10min, re squish, as many times as I want. Usually the more the better. Makes Excellent pressed hash.
Yea Iraqi I seen that way in a little vid I downloaded,I plan on trying that.And I have a question as well....lets say I say...**** YOU TRIMMINGS I WANT TO USE BUDS!....and instead of trimmings I put the buds on the screen to collect the resin.If I do that with the buds can I still smoke the buds and catch a high off them?
It will substantially reduce the potency of your buds, but it would still be ok joint weed... I wouldn't be suprised if I learned that method off the same video you saw (the one where he keeps refering to it as a little packet)! Your going to have some awesome hash if you use all buds... Let me know how it turns out (dont forget to try with a small amount before you invest alot of hash in this method. I accidently used a non cellophane plastic and it melted into the hash ruining it once!)