Drying my herb

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by marijane, Sep 15, 2005.

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  1. marijane

    marijane Guest

    What is the best way to dry my herb to attain maximum smoking pleasure.
  2. bonghitter

    bonghitter Germinated

  3. marijane

    marijane Guest

    How do you make hash/oil, I am new to the growing and cultivation of marijauna. Please let me know.

    thank you, MJS
  4. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Welcome to GrowKind, marijane.

    The FAQ has great information about harvesting, curing, and processing ganja.
  5. weedgrl

    weedgrl Metalhead

  6. Angry Iraqi

    Angry Iraqi Begun Flowering

    Hang your herb in a dark room with some ventilation. Too much will dry it too fast. Dry until stems crunch in your teeth. Make hash out of resin collected through a cheesecloth or fine screen by putting it into a cigaratte celophane, tightly wrapping it. Then surround it with a layer of wet newspaper and place into the oven for 15 min. Remove, and roll it flat with a rolling pin. Unwrap your package to find dark dank hash. Enjoy.
  7. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    can we get a gas mark, or temp, on that oven please?

    sounds like old fashioned hash making,did you learn that in persia?
  8. Angry Iraqi

    Angry Iraqi Begun Flowering

    wOOPS, I do 375 Deg F for 10-15 min, pull it out, squish it with a rolling pin, re wet the little package, and place it into the oven for 10min, re squish, as many times as I want. Usually the more the better. Makes Excellent pressed hash.
  9. Bong O Matic

    Bong O Matic A Fat Sticky Bud

    Yea Iraqi I seen that way in a little vid I downloaded,I plan on trying that.And I have a question as well....lets say I say...**** YOU TRIMMINGS I WANT TO USE BUDS!....and instead of trimmings I put the buds on the screen to collect the resin.If I do that with the buds can I still smoke the buds and catch a high off them?
  10. Angry Iraqi

    Angry Iraqi Begun Flowering

    It will substantially reduce the potency of your buds, but it would still be ok joint weed... I wouldn't be suprised if I learned that method off the same video you saw (the one where he keeps refering to it as a little packet)! Your going to have some awesome hash if you use all buds... Let me know how it turns out (dont forget to try with a small amount before you invest alot of hash in this method. I accidently used a non cellophane plastic and it melted into the hash ruining it once!)
  11. jerseydude

    jerseydude Banned

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