Fertilizer schedules

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by ThaiBubble, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. ThaiBubble

    ThaiBubble Germinated

    A quick question about a potential fert combo:
    Fertilizer combinations:
    a) 4 tbsp FF Big Bloom; 15-20 ml sweet(0-0-0); 3 tbsp
    bat guano (.5-12-.2)
    b) 4 tbsp FF Big Bloom; 4 tsp FF Tiger Bloom (2-8-4); 15
    -20 ml sweet (0-0-0); 3 tbsp Bat Guano
    c) 1/2 cup FF Big Bloom; 20-15
    sweet(0-0-0; 3 tbsp bat guano
    d) just water

    water schedule:
    watering every day (due to hot temps and increased transpiration)

    (Edited by ThaiBubble at 3:04 pm on Feb. 8, 2006)
  2. jerseydude

    jerseydude Banned

    #Moderation Mode

    Moved to Organics.

    Errrr, btw, what's the question?

    Moved here
  3. ThaiBubble

    ThaiBubble Germinated

    o yea, the question...

    what do you guys think of it?[​IMG]
  4. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    I think that watering everyday would be a royal pain in the arse, at least for those of us growing >12 plants in soil.

    Fertilizers are tricky, and how plants use them soil you are using in conjunction with the nutrients.
  5. ThaiBubble

    ThaiBubble Germinated

    yea, now that ive switched to flowering, transpiration rates are much lower. As of now, three days of 12/12, the soil is finally ready to be watered... Im giving them a tbsp of bat guano(.5-12-.2) and a teaspoon of FF grow big (6-4-4) as well as 15 ml of sweet. They are looking good, i will post picks as soon as buds develop
  6. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Right on...

    Good eye:rolleyes:
  7. Nesta

    Nesta Full Flowering

    I havn't used FF ferts in a while but 4 tbls of any fert sounds like way to much. Sounds like you may be passed that stage though. One thought for you, Bat Guano is not readily available to plants, it takes time to breakdown. When i make my guano tea i bubble it for at least 24 hours.

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