Just annouced today. Basically telling the US to **** off! http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/news....=NW_1-T
Wow! That's late breaking News isn't it ? North Korea,Iran,Bin Laden,Saudi Arabia,As My Beloved Country goes down the toilet from the inside.I mean Who's gonna Pay for all of Bush's Madness when He's out?All of those I listed are way more Important than Bush's Infatuation with His Daddy's Fight."We The People"need to wake the **** Up!W.M
This is just the beginning soon we will be seen as a threat to all non-democratic nations and some democratic ones all thanks to a fucking jack ass cowboy. Don't get me wrong I dont give a **** about other countries and their government I am a real american the kind that doesn't give a **** about anything but the bottom line. But it pisses me off that people around the world think that I am even remotely like that fucking douchebag. I love how Condi Rice says they have no reason to feel threatened where the **** has she been for the last year and a half. I want what shes smoking.
No ya' don't Hella...I mean have you seen her lips...what ever the **** she's been hitting on...has really done a number on her lips...I mean damn, can hardly see her face for lips...so be careful what you wish for...is all I am saying...and give peace a chance...ok...PC/DC
We'll just continue to Police the entire World until it back fires in our face PC. IMO its the only thing that may wake us up at this point. A massive retaliation by those countries sick and tired of the United States control issues, and hypocritical stances for example the: We may have an arsenal of nuclear weapons however you arent allowed to possess even one agenda. Lets hope that the retaliation is geared toward the Government officials for once rather than innocent civilians. Its about time the individuals who are sick and tired of our Government begin taking it out on the Governement officials rather than killing the innocent whether they be civilians or soldiers. I dont condone terrorism however I do believe its about time the Government start taking some of the brunt of this anymosity geared toward their questionable form of politics. In other words Im tired of seeing innocent women and children dieing over a slack decision made on our President and his cabinets part whether it be the current Commander in chiefs decisions or those made by previous leaders in the last 3 decades.