Herbman\'s 2nd Grow

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by herbman, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. herbman

    herbman Full Flowering

    This is my second grow. I currently have 13 plants at 2 weeks old. They consist of NLxNL, orange kunk, somatooth, and a unknown sativa strain. They just got their first dose of Grow Big today. Were lookin a little bit yellow, but I think the Grow Big should satisfy them!!

    Here is a group shot:

    Here is NLxNL at 2 weeks:

    Somatooth at 2 weeks:

    Orange Kunk at 2 weeks:

    :baked: :baked: :baked:
  2. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Looks good Herbman...good luck on this batch. :bigok:
  3. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Lookin good Herbman. Mine are about the same age. Have you had them under Hps the whole time? Mine were under flouro's until yesterday, they are not quite as far along as yours.
  4. herbman

    herbman Full Flowering

    Yeah SFC they have been under the HPS since they sprouted. Have also had them on 24/7 light schedule. I prefer the HPS right away instead of the flos at first...
  5. Domin8rix

    Domin8rix Resident Evil

    Really? I usually have better luck and bushier plants if I start them on floros first. What wattage of HPS are you using? I would recommend using an 18/6 light schedule if you are going with the HPS. I think it helps the plants out if they are able to rest from the barrage of High intensity light. Just my .02

    Oh... almost forgot, your plants look very nice! :kiss:

  6. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I run 18/6 once I switch to hps. I like to give them some darkness to rest. I did put my exhaust fan on a timer this time though too. My temps were always real low with it on 100% of the time my light is on. I'm trying one hour off,half hour on, and then three half hour fan cycles during lights out to help keep humidity in check. Sorry for rambling .

    (Edited by starfleetcommand at 5:47 pm on Aug. 28, 2005)
  7. herbman

    herbman Full Flowering

    That sounds like a good idea Dom. I might go ahead and put them on 18/6...They are looking really good except for the little bit of yellow they were showin. Do you guys think that yellow has something to do with too much high intensity light?? :confused: I'll see if the grow big helps get rid of that yellow and I'll keep posted.
  8. weedgrl

    weedgrl Metalhead

    Our babies are about the same age! I have kept them under fluoros because I heard that lower temps=more females. It gets too hot with my HPS.

    Your plants are looking good herbman - keep it up!
  9. the monster xxx

    the monster xxx delta-9-THC

    awww, they look adorable
  10. TheObserver

    TheObserver Veggy Stage

    Awe, herbman! Good job man.
  11. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    You rocketh the joint...kickin' ass...light on!...

    ...blendin' baby doll...:baked:DC
  12. herbman

    herbman Full Flowering

    Thanks for all of the compliments guys!!! I plan on updating the pics every week so keep watching as these little babies grow and grow!!!
  13. OutlawServer

    OutlawServer Germinated

    Go For It herbman It all looks ready and rar'in to go

    PS herbman don't take this personal, but can I play with your tits, thats the best avatar I've seen.

    Best of Luck....

    (Edited by OutlawServer at 9:24 pm on Aug. 30, 2005)
  14. herbman

    herbman Full Flowering

    :LOL: :LOL: That is some funny **** Outlaw!! Just make sure ya wipe the saliva off the screen when ur done licking them!! :LOL: :LOL:
  15. herbman

    herbman Full Flowering

    Alright guys and gals I have week 3 pics!!!

    Here are a couple of my Orange Lights at 3 weeks...



    Here is a week 3 group shot...


    Here is one of my unknown Sativa strains I have goin, I am having troubles keepin these healthy...


    :baked: :baked: :baked:
  16. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Very nice. Thinking of cloning this time around?
  17. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    They are coming along Herbman. Looks like I am stil a couple days behind ya. Keep'en an eye on ya bro. Peace.
  18. herbman

    herbman Full Flowering

    Thanks Indi and SFC.. Yeah I am thinking of cloning this time Indi cause starting from seed takes toooo long. I don't know SFC, yours kind of look a little bigger than mine, but I'm watching yours too...:animbong:
  19. Danno33

    Danno33 A Fat Sticky Bud

    lookin great herb, Good strain choices too!!!!

    have you fed them yet?? They look like they could use a lil shot of nutrients.
  20. herbman

    herbman Full Flowering

    Yeah Danno I have gave them 1 dose of FF Grow Big..Some of them do have alittle bit of yellow happenin...

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