I finally have some pics of my plants in flowering for ya'll. Do the buds swell a lot during a certain time of flowering or not really? (Edited by Patz0852 at 1:36 am on Oct. 12, 2005)
What lights are you using? Using any nutes? How big are them pots? Also, how far along in flower are they? Could give you a little more info if you could help us out with answering the above mentioned questions. Best of luck!! (sorry if you posted all this somewhere else and I failed to see it) PeAcE
I'm using one 400W HPS I'm using Fox Farm Big Bloom for my organic fertilizer...I was supplementing that with some fish emulsion during veg, but have since cut that out. They are close to 40 days flower
yo instead of black plastic try something thats shiny or white! just a suggestion. and the bigger the pot, the better the root ball, the better the weed!
QUOTE Quote: from Outdoorchronic on 4:59 pm on Oct. 12, 2005 does any oone else think they should need a longer veg period? yes
how far away is your light? Buds usually swell the most during the last three weeks of flower. I have to say (and i think it is becuase of your lighting issues, and the small pots) that for 40 days these plants are way behind. Alot depends on the strain, but as a reference this is a 10 week 70 day strain @ 28 days *CLICK THUMBNAIL* (Edited by Nesta at 4:57 pm on Oct. 12, 2005) (Edited by Nesta at 4:59 pm on Oct. 12, 2005)
somethin tells me your ph is off! It should be 6.4-6.9. Temps? Your first grow made it farther than mine did! Gk will help ya out dude.
Hello I would move that other plant up by stacking it on a bucket or something. Make it just a tall as the other plant. Also those side lights are not going to help you much unless you want some heat. I know this is your first grow and all but something is not right in your grow for the time frame. You did good by posting pics for thats the best way you can learn from the growers here. I am sure your next grow will be much better. Are you sure thats a 400 hps? the light from the photo glare does not look to be powerfull anough to be a 400 hps to me. Anyway goodluck... 5150 (Edited by georged5150 at 11:29 pm on Oct. 12, 2005)
Yup 400W Bulb, I don't use the sidelights at all I put them up there thinking i would but then i realized i didnt need em and didnt bring em down. They've had a rough life so I'll be happy for qanything
oh u know i had 2 chk out dem nice flowrz! lookin good. i think theez guyz r right, sumthin happend in veg. mayb da light iz 2 far way bcuz u shuld have dbl or triple da nodez u got. in veg u want nice tight nodez, bcuz thoz r placez wher da plnt will bud.
Yea I got carried away with raising the light, first grow, I'll just have to remember for next time.....
It's almost time for harvest I'll take some before and after pics and get ya'll some details as to quantity and quality....
Not to bash your first grow, but your girl looks real small for the size light youre using. I have a 250 W HPS and my plants are way bigger. I think you need to move your light closer. Or hook up some nutes. Im using the same exact nutes as you too.
something isnt JIVING here..should be better output at this point in your grow based on what youve told us..Looks to me as lack of light..Maybe just me