Here is what I have been up to. I started three seeds of each of AK47, DP WW, and DP Blueberry. This picture was taken yesterday. They have been under flouro's for about two weeks, until yesterday when I turned on the 430. The three larger plants are the reason why I switched to the big light. It was too difficult to keep the flouro's close enough to the seedlings with the larger plants as well.So I decided to fill my new grow containers,and maybe transplant the seedlings. The AK which in the pic is all the way to the back were the fastest seedlings, so I transplanted them first. Once I started though I wished I had waited a little longer, oh well, now I know. They seem to have made it through ok, but their wasn't much of a root ball yet. Anyhow I decided to wait on transplanting the Blueberry,and WW until they get a little larger. The WW's are doing pretty well,and I have no concerns with them. The Blueberries true to reputation though are slow going for me, and I can already tell they are going to require alot of attention. The three larger plants are clones from my lone outdoor girl. There was actually four clones, but one was a little behind the pack, so she met an unfortunate ending. I always hate haveing to kill one. They are unknown genetics though, so if the mother doesn't produce well enough to justify keeping them alive I will do what must be done. The two larger ones were becomeing rootbound,and they have not had any nutes, and it was starting to effect them, hence speeding up the intro of the 430. Some of you may remember my old square grow buckets, and may have noticed that I have switched. I have followed WA,and others trail, and went with 21qt garbage pails from Wally world. I would like to have been able to use even larger ones but space is an issue. Notice the three clones are in 15qt containers,again size is an issue. I also have kept track of which seedlings started with long stems versus short. You know the theory of longer stems being male,and shorter female. We'll see. I plan on crossing these strains if I end up with some males. Being these are not feminised seeds I would think the probability is that I will have at lest a few boys in the bunch. One other thing I am doing this time different is using purified bottled water. I bought some purified,and distilled the other day,and was surprised at how low the PH of the distilled tested. It was only like 4.8,with a TDS of .001 that is pretty low PH IMO. The purified tested out at 6.8,with a TDS of .003. Compared to the 7.8 PH,and TDS of 386 of my Tap water I think the plants will prefer purified. I know I said I was going to do hydro this time ,but I have elected to wait until I have clones off of these plants. I was a little to intimidated to try it from seed. Also after reading up on it I think I will convert seven gallon buckets for the job, instead of the hydrofarm buckets. Word is the smaller the resivoir the more fucking around with nutes,and ph,and ****. I am not looking for any more headache than I have too have. (Edited by starfleetcommand at 2:51 pm on Aug. 28, 2005) (Edited by starfleetcommand at 7:48 am on Oct. 30, 2005)
yep i remembr thoz square potz. good idea 2 set em on top of otha potz 2 give em a boost 2 da lite source. keep us updated..
well that's very professional lookin' there SFC. I hope all goes well. got my fingers crossed for ya if ya need it. wa
SFC... Well, well...looks like yer' back in the saddle again...and it would appear the kids are alright... I hope to have things ready to get underway later this fall...temp. issues here where I live(too hot out-a-doors currently)...and I have some but not complete climate control within my living space...and if the Cosmos is willing...I will be able to share w/ sum updates...I hope to share a few pixs soon of my two outdoor projects(girls)...I am saving for a digi cam...had enuf of the chaos that comes with trying to involve others in the photo-taking of my kids...if you want it done know the drill...anydamwaze...enuf about me...this is yer' thread...and may I just say...lookin' like a real kind space there, my grower in o' daze...keep us grinnin'... ...blendin' baby doll...DC
Thanks for all of the good words. I spotted my first fungus gnat already yesterday. Fox farms is good soil,but for the second time now they appear. It may not be their fault though. The soil has made a long trip from Cali,out to here,and I am sure their would be plenty of opourtunity for the soil to become tainted. On a side note my kids spotted a praying mantis outside, and I caught him,and gave it a new home in my grow. Hopefully he'll catch any of them little bastards that show themselves. Them blueberry seedlings are really fucked up looking. I know leaf mutation is common in that strain so I am not panicking,but it is a little frustrating.
Lookin' good SFC, what are you going to do when the big girls are ready to flower and the smaller ones aren't yet? Just curious as to if you have a seperate veg chamber or not... Keep us posted, I always like to see happy plants! -------Dom
Them big girls back there are most likely going to be sentenced to death. I hate to do it but I just don't have the room for them. I am waiting though until I go back out into the field,and see the mother. If she is really starting to bud up well I may try to find a way, if she is still dragging along I will do what needs to be done. On a positive note I got to watch the Po-Po fly around my area today for a good 45 minutes. They, to the best of my knowledge did not spot her.
That's why I decided to build a seperate veg chamber for my girls... and had to tie 'em up in order to make 'em fit lol. I just built it under a desk in a store room in my house... I plan to vent it into my main chamber this week to encourage good ventelation and eliminate the smell. Anyway, good luck with them, I hope your other plants all turn out to be girls! --------Dom
All Systems Are Go SFC Looks Good And You Are Ready For Take Off, Good Luck. Please Report Back Here To Mission Controll For Updates And Photo's (None Of Uranus Please, Its Just A Gassy Planet Away...)
looks good! ill be watchn this one too, whats that goop on the wall on the left? use a sock next time. lol
Many may remember I fought a fungus gnat insurgency throughout my first two grows, and that goop on the walls my friends is what happens when flypaper gets stuck to the wall. I was going to repaint, but said "**** it". I did wash the walls down with bleach,and water. I suppose its about time to take another pic. I spotted a gnat a few days ago,and killed it. I figured it was the beginning of another war, but that has been the only one that I have seen so far. maybe it was a loner. Yeah I know, probably not.
whats the brown stuff on the wall on the left at the back ? Could you please wipe that off... it frightens me... ... take care !!
loners are possible...ya' know refugees...left over from the last great grow...them sneaky bastards could live in a carpet strand...they are sneaky, diabolical little gnats that need a little course in smashology...bye little gnat...hope ya' had a nice life...goodbye cruel world(that's what I imagine the gnat had to say)... blendin' baby doll...DC