OutlawS W/Photo\'s From Our Main Grow

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by OutlawServer, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    i wish we could all grow legally
  2. OutlawServer

    OutlawServer Germinated

    Many Thanks:

    Tiberon: You get so high manicuring it don't hurt anymore.

    your other Question. It affect everyone to some degree but it affect the high profile Growers, Doctors, Canibus Clubs, Things Like That, Not small gardens like ours yet. State and local law enforcement have to uphold state law not help the feds, so bylaw they have to protect your garden,they can't run to the feds if they find a legal grow...(Now If The Feds Find It, Thats Bad News Indeed)

    BC Chronic420: Go to a doctor that specizes in canibus medicines, with a chronic illness history, they will if they feel you need it a "Recommendation" it not a "Presciption" you can't prescribe a medicine the FDA will not approve. and you pick a sunny spot in your yard and grow....

    bradley smith: We here in the big CA are only protect by a paper thin law that seems to get thinner daily, A far as the Feds are concerned We are still "High On Pot Sex Crazed Perverts Drooling On Ourselves With Wreckless Abandon.....(I don't even have to be high ask my Ol'Lady) LOL

    Thanks Dom,Indigo,Patz.....
  3. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I am in Awe. Them are some mighty fine specimens you have there. That is how it should be everywhere. Good luck with them girls,and pray for no rippers for ya bro. keep up the good work.
  4. imripped

    imripped Veggy Stage

    **** yea man tell those cops this plant has a right to be here. its serving sick people and adds nicely to the landscape.
  5. Bong O Matic

    Bong O Matic A Fat Sticky Bud

    Holy....fucking....god...I felt high just stareing at those pics.....You are going to need a fucking big stash crate for all that....yes...I said stash crate not box...
  6. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still

    OK, Everybody join hands........."Here we go 'round the Grizzly bush, the Grizzly bush, the Grizzly bush..... Here we go 'round the Grizzly bush, so early in the morning!!

  7. Domino

    Domino Germinated

    u chould live in teh giriz's lol just step in

    amn they are teh huge take care of them babies
  8. Domino

    Domino Germinated


    Quote: from Mr Douglas on 12:25 pm on Sep. 4, 2005
    OK, Everybody join hands........."Here we go 'round the Grizzly bush, the Grizzly bush, the Grizzly bush..... Here we go 'round the Grizzly bush, so early in the morning!!


    ahahahahahh! nice song man u should record that **** "stoner tunes vol.1.."
  9. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    Those are definately some beautiful ladies!!! :bigok:

    I wish we could grow legally here!!! Instead of skulking around in closets & ****. Man... I would love to be able to grow TREES like that!!!
  10. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    thoz plantz look so good, i had 2 post in da thread again.
  11. HillbillyHemp

    HillbillyHemp Higher than Camel Pussy

    In a word................ awesome!

    I Salute Thee!!!!!
  12. Nuggbert

    Nuggbert Veggy Stage

    Hey Outlaw, I was wondering if this is your "main" grow then what is your other grow and have any pics? Yo have anything going on indoors?
  13. Danno33

    Danno33 A Fat Sticky Bud

    hey outlaw, awsome looknig plants man....4 thumbs up!!!!:bigok::bigok:

    im looking at them wondering how the hell you harvest a plant like that!! lol

    good work cant wait to see harvest pics!

    oh and i noticed you were growing chocolate chunk....its one of my favorite strains to grow, as long as its from a good breeder. It doesnt tast like chocolate, but its a real big couch stone!!!

    (Edited by Danno33 at 9:18 pm on Sep. 8, 2005)

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