Chop Chop

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by wawona, Jul 7, 2005.

  1. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    well thx a lot. i am more than impressed with myself if i do say so. i have never been able to grow ANYTHING. i have tried my hand at a few different things such as vegetables and what not in the past, but they all just died without production.

    The difference with pot is that i had Growkind to guide me. also I was the able to accept criticism and ideas without getting offended. I also realized early on that the people that were having success growing weren't using supplies from wal mart. :biggrin: I found me a place to get quality supplies and the rest is history.

    literally EVERYTHING I know about growing MJ came from no more than a handful of cool people here at GK. Tibs being one of them. so thanks man, that does mean a lot coming from you. :biggrin:

    hey haze you'd be one the only people here that i would actually send a lil sample to. :wink: thanks man and the smoke IS FIRE son.

    :animbong: wa
  2. Sandman420

    Sandman420 Veggy Stage

    So Wa a few questions... did u use any kind of ventilation or airflow in that bathroom of urs? and what kind of lighting did u use? Also what kind of nuts did u use.

    Sorry about all the questions, I can probibly think of a dozen more but I am just very interested in growing indoors but yet to try.... maybe over the winter but like everyone else need to absorb as much good advise as possible without having to spend too much in the proccess. Not everyone can have a 2nd floor bathroom dedicated too growing some awsome budage. but again nice work!

    Any advise u can give me would be great!
  3. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    yes there is ventilation. i dont have any idea of the exact cfm and what not. I have a 3 speed adjustable fan for intake, which stays on "high", and an inline duct fan exhausting air from above the light into a vent pipe that comes out of the roof. i use a 360w hps conversion bulb in a 400w mh fixture and ballast for veg and flower. These "nuts" were dutch passion femminised white widow.

    the grow room is not in my bathroom. that's just where i do the cutting so nobody can see in while i am doing the trimming. the grow room is in the garage in the basement "underground". no windows at all in that part of the house.

    :animbong: wa
  4. Sandman420

    Sandman420 Veggy Stage

    what exactly is a ballest for and what does it do for indoor plants. I just would feel alot better knowing what it does before I spend a good amount of $$ on one. The cheapest one I can find is $119 for a remote ballest.

    (Edited" target="_blank"> by Sandman420 at 11:19 am on Aug. 21, 2005)
  5. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    you have to have a ballast to run an HID light system. you can buy a whole system together with everything you need. that's prolly tour best bet. get everything in one system so u don't have to worry about whether it will work together.

    check out this link and look at some of the diiferent sizes and styles. might give you a better idea of what you are lookin' 4

    (Edited by wawona at 10:37 am on Aug. 21, 2005)
  6. Sandman420

    Sandman420 Veggy Stage

    Thanx alot Wa. I just started a thread in Beginners Lounge of a checklist of items needed.;topic=8079

    theres a quick link to it, your input is very helpful

    I am looking for a 400w hps unit what material do u recommend? From the link you just gave I researched and come up with this unit  

    if I were to purchase this unit what other materials would I need besides the cfm 265 blower fan

    (Edited by Sandman420 at 11:59 am on Aug. 21, 2005)
  7. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    YOU MUST HAVE a unique and different ballast FOR FLOURESCENTS, HPS's, and MH's...any light that uses a gases atoms to emit light.  And yes gas is the best.  Most effecient way to light your growroom.  A 'remote' ballast is what you want b/c it is not connected to the bulb and socket.  And you can place it outside the grow room to reduce heat.  

    There is no way to not use a ballast, they contain multiple important electrical components.  I believe they convert Alternating Current(AC) from the socket into direct current(DC) to run the bulb.  Most importantly ballasts contain a capacitor.  Capacitors store up charge on metal plants opposite of eachother.  Since the plates arn't touching there is no current and electrical path.  Once the charge becomes large enough the path is completed allowing immense amounts of stored charge to flow all at once.  This creates a thousand volt jolt that is large enough to ignite the gas.  The igniting excites the gas particles enough that they jump energy levels.  Atoms are losing electrons and photons(light) are being emitted.

    An example of a simple capacitor is in disposible cameras.  As you hold the flash charge is stored from the battery, until he squeeze the trigger and the flash goes off.  You can also shot the **** out of someone with one of theses.  lots of volts.  

    ^^^^Early Morning Rambling

    ....13 days till Buckeye Football begins!!!
  8. Sandman420

    Sandman420 Veggy Stage

    Wow! very interesting Eddie. Thanx alot. I just didn't know the exact purpuse of a ballest before but I now understand that it is a very important Item.
  9. Nesta

    Nesta Full Flowering

    Wow, i haven't been around much wa, great job. How do you like that golden skush? I just got some as a freebie. Smell, appearance, etc? Thanks for any info.
  10. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    thx nesta! i got these golden skush as a freebie from seedsdirect. it was easy to grow and 2/3 were female. there were a lot of plants in there with them so they didn't get their deserved attention. The buds were good size, dense and produced very lil odor during flower. definately need a very good flushing 2 weeks b4 flower. it is a very good smoke for the first buzz of the day. i find myself going to the white widow in the evenings. yield was average. height was about 4 feet. smoke was a bit harsh, but that was prolly my fault. buds finally sweetened up after they had been in jars for a few weeks.
  11. Nesta

    Nesta Full Flowering

    nice, thanks for the update wa. I prolly wont get around to planting these,too many others ahead of it in the line up. I appreciate the info.
  12. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Nice to see ya Nesta. :wave: already know I think you grow like a girl. :biggrin:
  13. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur


    Quote: from Herbsparky on 3:12 pm on Aug. 22, 2005 already know I think you grow like a girl. :biggrin:

    [​IMG] i pee like one too :biggrin: keeps me on target :wink:

    your welcome nesta :bigok:

    :animbong: wa
  14. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    LMAO! :roll:

    My momma taught me well.[​IMG]
  15. Domin8rix

    Domin8rix Resident Evil


    Quote: from Herbsparky on 3:12 pm on Aug. 22, 2005
    Nice to see ya Nesta. :wave: already know I think you grow like a girl. :biggrin:

    Hehehe... I'd take that as a compliment [​IMG].

  16. Nesta

    Nesta Full Flowering

    Good to see ya too Sparky, glad to see you dusted off the old sparky account. Its been a while. I will try to get some pics of my current projects up this weekend.
  17. OutlawServer

    OutlawServer Germinated

    One heck of a nice sink salad you have there wa and your plant aren't that bad either. White Widow taste strain very clear high' so the experts say, my opion is "Makes Me Unclear, And Very Stoned" Get very stoned man you deserve it...

    My Ol'Lady Taught Me:


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