I agree with you Dan that they are only Bad dogs if they had a bad owner. I am also From the Greater Toronto Area and i do not agree with the banning of pit bulls.
Yeah i kinda agree that they shouldnt boycott one breed of dogs. Its kinda racist in a wierd way. Thats like banning a race of people from the province because a few of them have bitten people. And at the same time i feel they should do something about it, like a registry. Where if you want to own a pitbull it has to be right from puppy and the owner has to have a respectable police record or living conditions. Also they should put them on some kind of probabtion where they have to be brought in to some kind of Dog School and be monitored around other dogs and unknown people, just to see if they have been brought up properly. Cause after seeing that picture of Dojuana's Pitbull mother sleeping with the baby under her arm it knida reminds you that they arent just viscious dogs, they can love as well. By the way "DoJuana" is that you in your avatar? (Edited by CanadianDAN at 3:12 pm on June 4, 2005) (Edited by CanadianDAN at 3:12 pm on June 4, 2005)
Just found this story... "Fatal attacks since 1975 have been attributed to over 30 different dog breeds yet all the media can talk about are Pit bulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans, or Akitas. Size alone is not an accurate indicator of which dogs are capable of killing and which dogs are not. In October of 2000, a baby was killed by a four pound family Pomeranian dog in California. In February of 2002, a Jack Russell Terrier mauled a 6 week old baby in nessee." for the whole story, go here " target="_blank">http://forum.gotpitbull.com/showthread.php?t=782
Awwwwww DUJ they are sooo adorable g/frd!!! Love the pics girly.....they are all so cute! Like I said before...nothing like puppy breath is there? Good article but sad ....ya know some ppl amaze me with buying pets for their children that are not appropriate. Ya have to feel sorry for dogs at times with the situations humans put them in to get a bad rap. Some dogs/breeds are NOT good around children....but yet people go out & buy these puppies cuz they think they want a dog & think it is so cute. Well the sad part is puppies grow up to be dogs...and yah some can be mean or moody just like humans. LOL Most ppl do not take the time to research before buying a family pet. They do not ask questions or see hey is this dog good with people and small children? duhh!! Now I have a yellow labrador and he adores anyone....most are great with children. I have also owned mutts growing up who were just as lovable & made a wonderful pet. Just depends ya know....and most breeders over breed their dogs and they turn out aggressive because of it. A few years back...my lil one was bit by a dalmation when she was at her frds house playing. The dog was skittish and nervous all the time...didnt even mean to bite my daughter either. In fact she just reacted as they were screamin and playing as children do...she snapped and made on puncture in my daughers lower lip as she was getting a ball that rolled near the dog when it was sleeping. I was fortuante she didn't rip my kids face off...she snapped and then licked her AFTER she realized it was someone she knew. These folks got the dog when there was a big hype after the dalmation movies...turned out the dog is a nervous wreck and now it is on sedatives to calm her....sad cuz if she had lived with elderly people she may not be that way. Then there are the other things that piss me off... I mean I have seen children tease and taunt animals before but you never see parents around to teach them that is is cruel. They need they bottoms tanned for that IMO. Why some dogs are mean because they have been abused. I say go to an animal shelter and check out the dogs if you want one...most of them will even tell you if they are OK with kids or not. Not to mention so many of them are on death row too.
People who own Labs beware,they are at the very top of the list for bitting people,piitbulls are #4 from the bottom.... Pitbulls are the most understood breed,don't believe all the media bullshit and a few clips that there are of pitbulls attacking. I encourage people to actually go to a few pitbull sites and read all the great stories on how pitbulls actually are
pitbulls are not bad in any way they get the bad rap mostley from movies most dog are understood if you so a dog, any dog , love and compasion it will show it back but if you show it crultey it will gain a grat disrespect for humans and all living creatures. im a vet and my top choice for a dog is a german sheperd iv got a full blooded black german sheperd named betty i love her as if she was my keen
ill remove that picture, i dont wanna get in trouble or piss anyone off, im neutral. (Edited by CanadianDAN at 11:48 pm on June 5, 2005)
I like how she isnt one of those "pretty in pink" girls. (Edited by CanadianDAN at 7:17 am on June 5, 2005)
[ img ]http://www.growkind.com/gardens/drunken_monkey/1731/0MyBuddyPudge.jpg [ /img ] drunken pug style
here ya go this pic is a little old she is sitting in her aquiriam while her other cage is being clean
I got baby beardies!!!!!! I opened up my incubator to check them out today and those little boogers were already out of their eggs just hangin out. !8 hatched today and now I have 56 more left in the incubator that should be hatching in about another month. Heres some pics of the little guys/gals... These little things are so fucking cute. Let me know if ya want one, I'll give ya a good deal!!
i am very interrested we should met up on another forum i mean not me wink wink * what are the little babys diet?
Yeah we could do that Outdoor!! I'll send my associate to talk to ya (wink wink) They don't eat anything for 48 hours because they have an egg sack they digest that holds them over. Tomorrow I'll start feeding them baby roaches and a assortment of greens.(Not the greens we like :LOL
here is a picture of the little guys open air cage with the UV lights taken off so i can get a good picture