
Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by Administrator, Jun 8, 2005.

  1. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    i got my stealth stash box a few days ago, and it only took 2 days after Pappy received my payment. like Prof i live clear across the country from Pappy so i was surprised at the shipping speed. oh yeah, and the box kicks ass!
  2. Max Rockatansky

    Max Rockatansky Hurricane wrestler.......

    All I can say is sweet!

    I dont think Pappy needs to work his way upto fine furniture, he's already there. Your skill already exceeds many other furniture makers my freind.

  3. Professor ChumLeaf

    Professor ChumLeaf A Fat Sticky Bud

    ;)Like I was sayin'...:baked:DChad
  4. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    As everyone said...your a fine craftsman & love the dehydrator....SWEET as those boxes you make! Knew you would make it in the wood workin have talent for sure! :bigok:

    Can't wait to see the furniture you will be making soon! I want a Adirondack chair and a swing! ;)
  5. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    i'd say that won't be a problem jg. And, you won't even have to pay the shipping.
  6. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator


    i'd say that won't be a problem jg. And, you won't even have to pay the shipping.

    :roll: This is true. I DO take tips however. :heybabe:

    Thank you all for the kind words. It makes me happy to see people happy with what I built for them. That's what I get a kick out of. ;)

    Here are two more dehydrators I built for GT420. He wanted these special vents on the back and a lock on the door. I made subtle changes in other places as well based on the prototype I first built. Professor Chum bought the proto. :biggrin: I'll have to make myself one once I get moved and the shop set back up cause I REALLY wanna try this sucker out! I played with the humidity a lil' using a wet sponge and it works great! Anyway...GT420 asked what we should call it and I have NO clue. Maybe you all can help us out here and come up with a good name to call these things. :ponder:



  7. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    dehydrator is pretty straight forward

    i like peter pan or scooby doo
  8. jordan

    jordan Germinated

    nice OnE!!!!
  9. Professor ChumLeaf

    Professor ChumLeaf A Fat Sticky Bud

    Eddie...excuse me for being slightly slow...

    "dehydrator is pretty straight forward

    i like peter pan or scooby doo"

       You lost me pal!...:baked:DChad

    (Edited by Professor ChumLeaf at 1:08 pm on July 1, 2005)
  10. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I thought dehyrator was straight forward myself. GT420 I'm sure is looking for a selling name. Something that WOW's people. ;)

    Scooby Doo...:roll:
  11. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    "Stash-O-Matic"  :LOL:

    :roll: at scoody bouts scrappy doos. ;)

    anywhos..let me think on a name...too stoned now but ill come bck with one.  [​IMG]
  12. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

  13. Dew Drop

    Dew Drop Begun Flowering

    What about De-highdronic, it's simple and everyone get's what it's used for.
  14. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Interesting Dew Drop. ;)
  15. xBxNodx420x

    xBxNodx420x Veggy Stage

    Nice Equip pap...

    Maybe in few months ill hit u up on that...

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