lets see some pics of midds nugz(middle level weed)ill ahve my pic on in bout 2 days just want to see the averge be honest
this is what i get for $70 a oz. <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v644/soadfan420/MVC-058Fd.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com"> (Edited by SystemOfaDown420 at 5:10 pm on May 7, 2005)
heres another nug. <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v644/soadfan420/MVC-074F.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
cool name, system.....even better avatar! those nugs are pretty nice, too. i still have a good bit of my homegrown skunk left so i won't be messing with "mids" for quite a while...thank gawd!
i think i'm done fucking with the mids. they're starting to just give me a damn headache. i'm ready for the good stuff!
you moke that swag nuggit? it looks like the same **** that came out from my ass this afternoon. i only let the bomb nuggit touch my lungs. no wonder why u get 70 a zip.
Easy fella's, not everyone is privelaged to have amazing chronic all the time. So you're right, maybe not the best looking buds, but I'm sure it looks better than what came out of your ass zep. I'll tell ya one thing, if you needed weed bad and could'nt get anything better, you'd buy a zip for 70 bones, hell, so would I. I'd roll fuckin cannons out of it too. What I mean to say is, there's a bright side to everything, so ease up on the comments. Grow"kind" remember that. Peace.
ya hes right mids aint bad its chillen weed and thats some good mid's i have two mids about 10in to 12in, 1 hi's in germ and two mystery seeds in germ .... mids aint bad for some thats all they got
Right on SmokeyJay. We gotta keep this place positive, no one comes to this site for a buzzkill. Besides, if for nothing else, mid's are good for making brownies and such. You can't always use the killer weed for brownies, what if you burn them? ...
The only weed I can find in my area is crap! I live in the midwest(US). This is a picture of my current bag. It is the reason I started growing! ^^^crappy weed^^^ (Edited by weedgrl at 3:23 pm on June 2, 2005)
how much did you pay for that bag at least there buds and not some shake good looking bag i would smoke em
I paid $35 for a 1/4oz. I think it is a bit much for the quality. I have a "regular guy" I buy from and the quality always changes, but never the price. Trust me, the picture looks better than the bud actually is.
yes im sure the bud will turn out better than that ever think about jsut takin a trip a few hundred miles for buy a big sack of killer bud?
I'm not that good at buying bud. I just happen to come across the guy I have now through a friend. I would definitely travel to buy it, but don't know how to find someone to buy it from.
ha when i went to coloroda i was fresh out of that sticky and just walked down the sidewalk and saw someone that looked like they had been smoking some bud and i asked him (hey man you know where i can get some lim) he said what the **** you mean pot? and i said yes and baought a abg of some sticky icky off of him.........mmmm great bud only paid 50 for 3.5 grams it was worth 2 hits off of my one hitter and boom your playing with a can opener