Hey, i am going to start growing some plants in my backyard. i want to grow some good ****, but i have no idea on which kind of . do any youll have some you would prefer?
Hey, I live in the BC interior of Canada and "Great White Grizzly" was a outdoor favorite. Great high, and good musky taste too. also great yield. Peace
Most likely dude, Marijuana can grow anywhere in the world with the right treatment. Here's some of my favorites: Lionheart 100% Jamaican Sativa, Chocolate Chunk 100% Dutch Indica, Stuporsonic 100% Hindu Kush Indica, Jack Herer, Shiskaberry, Blueberry, Northern Lights #5 bla bla bla, I can go on forever.... Heres some pics of mine and my buddies last grow, I hope they entice you. http://forum.growkind.com/forum/topic.php?forum=12;topic=494 Personnally I think you should go with the stuporsonic, as you can see or did see, ours did very well in the backyard, it was a clone and was out there in mid july and still harvested about 6-8 ounces.
THat plant yielded about 4-5 ounces. She tasted amazing, i will be doing it outdoor once again this year. i was very impressed, although she is pricey, i was selling them here temporarly for dirt cheap too, it was the same genetics as the one seen in my garden. lol If you want to experiement, i would just go for bag seeds for price reasons and see whatcha get, outdoor is totally different from indoors, the sun is the greatest source for abundance. THe plants you see in those pics were not even fed. I grew them au naturel, which means the sun and rain will do allll the work for you. Which means any strain will do fine outdoor. Some better than others, but in the end all you want is some quality pot, not nessesarly a quality strain.