Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by GrowerTony, Oct 19, 2005.

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  1. GrowerTony

    GrowerTony Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    listen this is to anyone who wants to invest 400 dollars in my hydro kit i recently purchased a 60 plant hydro kit that cost me 1000 and now i have no money left over for lighting systems so if anyone wants to invest 400 dollars now and ill give you 1500 dollars when my **** is done

    you will for sure get your investmant back ill give my personal info home number **** if you dont trust me ill even give you my social security number just to show im serious about makeing your money back

    and the only reason im asking for this is because i spent to much on nutrients and the hydro kit including medium everything

    so all of you should think about investing with and u will get 1500 dollars back in 2 in a half 3 months time once my plants are done

    so please if any of you can spare it and make some money int he process it would be great

    thanks guys
  2. bdub420

    bdub420 Full Flowering

    i think the best investment wouldve been planning...That system MIGHT work but how the heck are you provide adequate light? Also, many factors that you might not think of occur when beginning, especially with a new system..Basically, dont expect the light to be the last thing you buy..Im glad you got your system and I bet me and many others, are curious as to how that sys is gonna work so keep us posted
  3. GrowerTony

    GrowerTony Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    no listen i bought everything except for the lighting system nutrient the medium everything thats needed alls i need is 400 dollars for a decent hps light system that could give good enough light to 60 plants

    and listen out here i can charge 300 for a ounce of hydro

    and i think my final yeild will be about 15 pounds dry i dont no if you guys no math but thats close to almost 30 thousand dollars

    infact if you invest with me or any of you do ill give you my personal info address where i live infact ill even give you my cell phone number

    and to make this deal even sweater instead of giving you 1500 back ill throw 2000 dollars for helping me out seriously 400 is worth 2000 in the long run

    and ive grown hydro on smaller systems followed the boooks never ever ever once have i had a problem with growing as long as i did what was told to me

    now all of you please think about this or the lucky person who ever sends me 400 dollars

    but thats about the just of this situation 400 dollars for 2000

    please think abou tit
  4. mickfoster

    mickfoster New Sprout

    I could be wrong but I doubt if 400w can do the job for 60 plants. Also there is no way a 400w system can yield 15 lbs of dry weed.
  5. GrowerTony

    GrowerTony Latae Sententiae Excommunication

  6. mickfoster

    mickfoster New Sprout

    Listen ******* - I was just trying to be helpful. Forgive me for thinking you were getting a 400w system instead of a

    1000w. A 1000w system won't yield 15lbs of weed either, you need at least 5 times that amount. With your attitude, I doubt you'll get much help in this forum. You're the one begging for $400 - who's the stupid bitch?
  7. GrowerTony

    GrowerTony Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    im not beggin for **** i never did beg i asked if anyone wants to invest to get money and someone did

    how many lights do you think i need ?
  8. TheObserver

    TheObserver Veggy Stage


    Quote: from GrowerTony on 10:55 am on Oct. 19, 2005

    Yo, testosterone twinkie! Be nice, no need to shout aye?

    1000 WTS Doesn't give you passage to brightness in the linguistical form, dim it down dude.
  9. GrowerTony

    GrowerTony Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    hey what would you suggest what kind of light system should i get for a 60 plant hydro kit ?
  10. Doper

    Doper New Sprout

    I think your avatar suits this post.:beerchug:
  11. GrowerTony

    GrowerTony Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    yo doper what light system should i use for lighitng 60 plants
  12. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    maybe u should ask the man in the moon.

    or ur shoe maybe?
  13. GrowerTony

    GrowerTony Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    yo man stop posting in my section please stop if your not serious thank you
  14. georged5150

    georged5150 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    One gram per watt if your lucky.

  15. GrowerTony

    GrowerTony Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    dude that grow set up will work cause i have enough room for it and a 1000 watt hps light take care of itplease invest with me

    like i said ill give you 2000 thousand dollars from my harvest i promise ill give you all my info to make you feel i wont rob cause thats what i think u guys scared of and ive grown hydro for about 3 yaers now far froma amatuer
  16. HazeNHydro420

    HazeNHydro420 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud



    (Edited by HazeNHydro420 at 7:16 am on Oct. 20, 2005)
  17. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    well i grow 500 plants and I have 6 HPS and 1 MH......
  18. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    grower tony, you have leaped before you looked.  

    anyone who wishes to grow hydroponic weed should investigate first what type of containers to use.  the one you have purchased could get 60 seeds to grow for about 2 or 3 wks, then you'd need to transfer your plants to a proper size container so they could produce the height and rootball that a mature mj plant will require.  

    if you intend this as a bubbler system, each hydro plant needs a container that has a reservoir that will hold a minimum of 2-3 gals of water (a 5-gal container per plant is ideal) to produce a nice plant.

    sorry, but you seem too immature and in too big of a hurry to do the research needed before you even put a seed in rockwool.

    i'm sorry but i have to laugh when i think of a 3 ft or 4 ft (or 5-6', if sativa) growing out of that setup.  what you have purchased is for growing small plants and mj is not a small plant.

    calm down, slow down, and see if you can return that ... unless you want to grow 60 pots of seasoning herbs.
  19. GrowerTony

    GrowerTony Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    the people i bought it from said i go to buy a 65 gallon resivoir for what i would need
  20. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Actually, that set-up is great for S.O.G. mary. I know 2 people who use it with fantastic results. It's a quasi aero/SWC set-up. And I have seen moster tomato plants grown in them. (Had to be tied up of course! as the 3" pot won't support the big plants, and I think that's what you were getting at)

    As for this ass-hat asking for money on a pot forum, well, I think everybody is on the same page there. Obviously a noob or something worse?

    WTF has happened to this site? There's a bunch of FUCKTARDS running the asylum and no mods?

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