i was wondering what the best way to ship some herbals thru fedex would be-this shit is STANKY and i am a rookie at it so any help is greatly appreciated. cLo
DO NOT USE FED-EX!!!! UPS etc. Use the U.S. Mail. They check the packages. I lost a delivery from a friend in Canada. The package was 'lost' and I never heard about it again. I bet that was one happy Fed-Ex employee.
I've heard the same. FedEx and UPS both scan packages whereas the USPS does not. Sounds crazy I know, but that's the facts. Problem is sending USPS is a federal crime while sending the other two is not.
I have a friend *wink* that has sent and recieved usps. Never put a correct return address-obvious. He uses a pump-n-seal to vacuum seal it but if you don't have one be sure to atleast triple bag it and don't touch the outside of the bag with herbals. It is a good idea to hide it in something but all the talk about covering the smell with coffee, bleach etc is a joke. Dogs are trained for that.
Dogs noses are 10,000 more times more sensitive than a human and not only that they smell multiple scents at the same time....like pieces to a puzzle. For a comparison: If you have a supreme pizza cooking you smell "pizza". When a dog smells that same pizza he smells pepperoni, sausage, hamburger, green peppers, etc etc. That's why hiding it in really anything sented or even multiple scents, they "will" smell it.
word, fed ex also RATS YOU OUT! i had a freind that was odering prescription narcotics from online pharmacys,(vikadan ) by the thousands, fed ex was coming twice a day to his house delivering drugs, granted it was extreem, but they rated him out, if you rat, your a rat no matter what. i still order vikes once in a great while, but i go through ups, and i don't do it often. the sad part is, me and some freinds where in town, and saw 10 cop cars parked and they had a k-9 unit with them, then they loaded up and went up the road he lived on, now knowing there was only 1 dealer that lived on that road we knew they were comin for him, i called him and told him to flush everthing the cops where on there way, to bad the dumb fuck didn't listen, but lucky for him he was runnin low and only had 200 or so he didn't get it to bad, but point is don't trust fedex OR ups.
WTF? You guys are RETARDED!!! First of all, I used to be a loader for UPS, and I know EVERYTHING about how a UPS hub(main regional facility) operates. Secondly, YOU GUYS ARE MORONS TO SHIP POT THROUGH USPS, they have FAR MORE scanning/sorting procedures, and are MUCH more likely to have bomb/drug dogs sniffing out packages at major facilities. TRUST ME WHEN I SAY, UPS does not have ANY sort of security, and DOES NOT check your package in any way. With ups, there are no safety checkpoints or drug dogs, and most of the time your package is sitting safely in a semi-trailer. ALWAYS SHIP UPS GROUND, because any air shipment is likely to be subjected to local airport search/sieze procedures. LASTLY, ALWAYS SHIP VIA UPS BECAUSE THEY ARE LAZY SACKS OF SHIT, AND CUT COSTS IN EVERY FREAKING WAY POSSIBLE... The only thing that could happen would be a stoner UPS worker(with a very good nose) finding your stash and taking a HUGE risk in losing his job by stealing the enclosed goods. Trust me when I say a UPS worker would have EXTREMELY little time to accomplish this without getting caught. Most of what they steal are prescription drugs in plastic shipping bags, and jewelry also packaged in plastic shipping bags. Any of you fools can say whatever you want, but I couldn't let the BULLSHIT go on any longer... End this thread on a truthful note, SHIP UPS!
LOL I KNEW IT!!! they where stealin my drugs! all im sayin is fed ex has proven itself unsafe in my eyes, and ups on occasion, "loses" my vikadan shipment. but i like ups better for shure i've had no problems with them.
Thanks for the firsthand info Barnaby. I had it from a reliable source that UPS did scan packages...guess they were wrong. Also..have to agree with Wa....great post minus the name calling.
For what it's worth, I've shipped very stinky bud via fed-ex several times w/ no problems....BUT, I reccomend sending it overnite, it sits around much less, ficticous return address and make sure you note that no signature is required on the other end..Unless you want the person receiving to have to sign, probably not... I of course package extremely well....