Seeds from female plants (no males around)....I need info.

Discussion in 'Advanced Cultivation' started by Cannagirl, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    So far I have seen only one seed (well, I think it's a seed) on my plant. With all the recent legal activity it looks like getting seeds in the US is gonna get harder and harder. I wont be growing again for many months and I don't particularly want to order anything now.

    My actual question - so I think I see at least one seed on my plant 54 days into flowering. It looks like a small green pea. does that sound right? It's popping right out of a bunch of calyxs. I havn't seen any of what you call "bananas" but I really don't even know what I'm looking for. I figured if I saw it, I would know. But all I see is regular female looking stuff and the one seed. There are probly a few more, but i'm not gonna look until I'm actually smoking it.

    Will these seeds work for my next grow? Are they all female?? I really have no info about seeds from un-polinated female plants so forgive me if my questions seem dumb.

    I think I remember reading somewhere that the majority of female plants will always have a seed or two, or more. Even when males are not present (but I could be wrong). At no time have I ever noticed her showing hermy signs...cept the seed. (or, possible seed)

    Also, will they all be the same pheno or could I get variety?
  2. The Dawg

    The Dawg Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Canna,Every seed I have gotten out of a bag of crippy that I got to live turned out to be a female.I would say that half of them turned out to be late herrmies that produced a few seeds them selves.The buds still got me high as shit even if they had a seed or two.I have grown about 12 plants from a seeds I found in a ozs of crippy (usally one seed per 5 OZs ) and got a few seeds from those plants that I have grown.I dont really have a problem with late heermies but I grow outside so I dont have to worry about pollinating further grows like inside growers.
  3. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Bananas can hide VERY well. Chances are ya won't find it till one day you're busting a bud open and there it is. Yes you can plant the seed and most likely it'll be fem coming from a hermie, but in the still carries the hermie trait. Just a FYI.
  4. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Well it may not be so bad..

    I grow with seeds from a hermi and feminized parents. They have been all female plants so far.

    This isn't for everyone but the F1 buds are mostly seedless here. Example last crop 7 ounces less than 15 seeds total.

    The selfed or F1 hermi X hermi are always Hermi in F1 but still wonderful smoke.

    I also doubt you have a seed but time will tell.

    And Not to stick a stick in a Yetti's eye but Herb what data supports that all seeds from a Hermi X a feminized carry the Hermi trait.

    I am of the mind set that all MJ has the ability to change sexes but that it is expressed or not expressed due to genetic distribution.

    I'm wondering because it seems to be a common fact but is it folk lore?

    I mean if that is true then there could be no non-hermi plants ever imo.

    I have only grown these hermi X feminized F1's for 4 years. They are the same seed crop..
  5. Confused420

    Confused420 Full Flowering

    even unpolinated plants still produce see pods that is what a good share of the bud is but if the plant is not pollinated the seed pod will just be empty.

    and about the thing with the hermie gene almost all marijuana plants carry the hermie gene that is why if you abuse them they will go hermie, (the gene is resesive).
  6. Wild Bill

    Wild Bill A Fat Sticky Bud

  7. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Is that a fact we can look up?


    Where did you see that data?

    I'd like to have my facts straight.

    My story is a funny one.. about 5 years ago I went to the Medical Shop to get seeds and they had all female seeds so I asked for some male seeds to make more seeds duh...


    So I bought a breeders hermi...

    I made seeds and have F1's here.. It's all good for me but there are some seeds in any given crop anyway I digress.

    Can you give some links or places for me to read about that data?
  8. Wild Bill

    Wild Bill A Fat Sticky Bud

    ......LOL.... Randy, I thought you were going to fix the minimum length thing on the posts.
  9. Confused420

    Confused420 Full Flowering

    I had it explained to me by another grower/breeder. I trust him he started doing it before i was even thought of.
  10. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I disagree with you there Randy. I don't have seeds unless I purposely pollinated. Cannagrl, Chances are even if you did have a hermi release some pollin in your grow the seeds will be immature, unless you let them grow for another 3-4 weeks.
  11. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Pardon I ment in my stuff.
  12. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    too tired

    I'm fuzzy brained what minimum length thing?
  13. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Maybe I was not clear Randy. Let me explain....say you have a plant that turns hermie and busts a nut making beans on the same plant....those beans WILL carry that hermie trait along with them. I know firsthand from doing so and then growing out those beans. I found myself constantly looking for male flowers cause I was getting seeds left and right in the offspring. No not all the plants popped male flowers, but the resesive hermie gene IS still there. I have to go with SFC should NOT be getting beans in your crop and if you are then you have inpure genetics. Ask any breeder what they think about hermie traits and they'll tell you that it's their worst nightmare. They purposely backcross and stress plants to find the ones that don't carry the trait. Hope that helps clear it up.
  14. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Oh Herb I grow these because the have the effect I benefit from medically and I understand the benefit of genetics that do not express the Hermia recessive trait. Besides I'm still on the F1's of years ago and I plan on getting my monies worth out of the effort LOL.

    But it must be possible to have a Hermie female pollinate a female and some of the seed will not express that recessive trait yes?

    Then I would gather that it is believed that some offspring of some parents produce genetics where that recessive trait is missing altogether? Or maybe just a stable recessive trait for that strain?

    I don't mind getting my facts straight; it just that I'm pondering the loss of a genetic code vrs the suppression of one.

    From your reply I would say the trait is passed on no matter what. The ideal is that it is stable as "not expressed." Not expressed under the conditions tested for at least. Not expressed for the environments it has grown under.

    Is this a correct thing? There but not expressed?

    Oh I am getting laid these days I'm just running this down once and for all.


    Thanks :rolleyes:
  15. celticspride34

    celticspride34 Germinated

    Although odd, not a huge deal. Honestly, what's a couple seeds per oz.
  16. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Well ....

    it's a bit tongue in cheek here but the real point is getting my verbiage tuned to truth.
  17. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Yes this is correct. I was referring to a female pollenating itself rather than a hermie fem pollenating another fem. I htink we're comparing apples and oranges here buddy. ;)
  18. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Very interesting stuff here...look what I started lol.

    I actually saw what I think to be a seed a couple weeks ago...although it has not really changed in appearance. I have looked on the rest of the plant but nothing visable without breaking stuff apart and checking. Either way, It's cool. Maybe there will be a couple in the colas I am going to let go to 70-75+ days. If not, I will just order some when I want to grow again...hopefully about a year from now there will still be some seeds banks shipping to US. If not, how does one go about getting clones from a club?

    Thanks guys for all the awesome info/experiences!!!!!!!!

    P.S. If it's not a seed....what is it? It's round and green and looks like a baby pea sticking out of a bunch of calyxs......It's also smooth and shiny without trichomes on it, could it be a "banana"?
  19. 420solo

    420solo Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    To get back to the original the ends of there life cycle..unpolinated plants will sometimes self pollinate (creating 1 or 2 male sacks) to preserve the strain.

    Every calyx is a possible seed...Pollen hits hair ..signal is sent...calyx fills with seed. No pollen by the end...calyx fills with resin..IMO Confused is not so confused.

    I agree with Randy although not proven... IMO Enviroment plays the roll on sex and they can change when needed.

    Ahhh its fun to be back IMO retort :smoking a big fat fatty:
  20. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Little Pea?

    At a young age I would think it's just a calyx getting bigger.

    I assume it won't open to expose a seed till late. I could be wrong but I remember thinking the growing size of calyx ment it had a seed in it.

    After distroying a few I decided I was wrong to assume.

    I had a Kush strain so they were large to start off with.

    Do you really see a pea inside or is the thing just big?




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