High Yeild

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by Amoney, Oct 3, 2005.

  1. Amoney

    Amoney Veggy Stage

    To get a high yeild what should be the number 1 step. longer veg? more phosphourus in bloom? strain? I have a 400 hps. would a longer veg make more of an impact than extra juice like bloom stimulizors and phosphourus. for the room i have now i can only veg for 4 weeks from sprout at about 3.5 feet. any other tips you guys might have for blooming to perfection let me know please.
  2. BelowMe

    BelowMe Excommunicated

  3. smokinbasser

    smokinbasser Veggy Stage

    The right phenotype of the right strain plus the right conditions in its environment.
  4. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    Well if you only have 1 plant just go with that right formula, and you will know when you have done it right.

    let us know how much smokeable bud...
  5. Amoney

    Amoney Veggy Stage

    i had 8 goin 4 were males so im left with 4. the room was too hot over 90 for a couple weeks i think stress caused so many to turn male. i have for and i have been giving them dark energy, nitrozime, bloom stimulizor, and general hydro flora bloom and micro. this general hydroponics flora bloom formula has only 5 for phosphourus? should i find stronger juice?
  6. Dew Drop

    Dew Drop Begun Flowering

    You can use Kool Bloom along with your formula. But watch your plant for overferting this stuff is quite strong. Make sure that you do a real good flush at the end because Kool bloom is a powder so it build's up in the bottom of your pots. I use kool bloom in the 4th to 7th week of flowering, then big flush to clean her up. I'm feed my plants different them most ppl. I feed them every day, I feed 3 times then ph'ed water, feed 2 then ph'ed water. I do this through the whole blooming cycle. Some ppl I'm sure don't approve to my method but I've never been able to achieve the same growth with only watering every second day. I follow the scheduale that GH printed for their products. Holy crap, it acctually works pretty friggin good.
  7. Amoney

    Amoney Veggy Stage

    kool bloom how much does it have in it ?-?-? is it expensive? even though my name is a money im as cheap as can be:)
  8. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    #Moderation Mode

    I'll tell you right now that you want to FINISH those plants at 3.5 ft under a 400W...not start flowering them then. A 400W only penetrates so far into the plants so anything over 3 ft is wasted energy/time IMO. Learn about LST and Jogging plants so you can maximize veg time while keeping a short plant height...THAT will increase your yeild. :ebert:

    Moved here
  9. Dew Drop

    Dew Drop Begun Flowering

    Amoney, the numbers are 2-45-24, it costs about $35 well worth the $$$. When I start feeding this you can see the resin production increase exponentially while the buds fill out and harden. But like I said before make sure you flush well when using this.
  10. fishman

    fishman Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    What Herb said! cooling your room down would get you better yields too.
  11. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    agreeing with herb and fish here. you flower that bitch at 3.5 feet you are gonna have too much plant. 3 -3.5 should be what you finish with if you are using 400w

    :animbong: wa
  12. Amoney

    Amoney Veggy Stage

    ok that sounds right i will finish these and see what happens thanks for the advice fellas. ill let you guys know what happens
  13. Amoney

    Amoney Veggy Stage

    this is my first indoor i should be posting in beginners
  14. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    good luck :bigok:
  15. Smoke and Pass out

    Smoke and Pass out Begun Flowering


    Quote: from BelowMe on 3:10 pm on Oct. 3, 2005


    PEACE :animbong:
  16. Angry Iraqi

    Angry Iraqi Begun Flowering

    You want to get the most out of your 400? Then keep it flowering plants all year long. Oh ya, you will need another light and a cloning area to do this. A 250 watt would hold a mother plant, and veg plants, and a cloning area is easy to set up with flourescents. Take 5 cuttings EVERY week, allow to root, and move under the 250 to veg for 2 weeks. Then move them to the 400 for flowering. Then you can harvest 5 plants each week from your 400 watt. That is a perpetual harvest. That will give you the most pot, and alot of grow practice.
  17. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    ^^^^ totally agreed^^^
  18. georged5150

    georged5150 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    What Herb said. Here is some pics to prove it. My first grow I started flower at 3.5 feet tall


    Notice how onlt the top of the plant is budding


    same plants one week later


    same plants at 7 weeks. I wasted time by growing them 3 feet tall in veg.


    I got nice buds on top but **** on the bottom. Notice the fat buds on top and then nothing but stem and pop corn buds below that.

    The story here is if you grow them 3 feet tall before flower. Your just growing stem.

    (Edited by georged5150 at 3:28 am on Nov. 6, 2005)
  19. herbalicetea

    herbalicetea Veggy Stage

    Hey George,

    When you harvet those can you just cut the top buds off, Then lower your light and flower the bottom half?
  20. Angry Iraqi

    Angry Iraqi Begun Flowering

    If you leave the bottom buds and keep flowering, the bottom buds will enlarge somewhat, but it will not be a huge amount. Useful for ripening them a bit further if you take the top nugz early.

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