How to tell when to harvest without microscope

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by blackomens666, Nov 1, 2005.

  1. blackomens666

    blackomens666 Germinated

    I'm in the fifth week of flowering and I got some crystals forming and some of the white hairs are turning brown. I don't have a microscope and won't be able to get one this grow. Since I don't have a percise way of telling how to harvest what is the best way to know without a microscope?
  2. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    Dude... You can pick up a magnifying loupe from Radio Shack for about $10.00! Well worth it!
  3. Chris Pavao

    Chris Pavao Germinated

    Get a microscope well worth the money u can have lots of fun with it. [​IMG]
  4. DCS reefer

    DCS reefer New Sprout

    the loupe is great, i just got mine like a month ago and i love just lookin at bud with the thing, great investment for 10-15 dollars
  5. alz

    alz Developed Alternating Nodes

    wait till about 70/80% of the hairs have turned from white to brown
  6. herbalicetea

    herbalicetea Veggy Stage

    Hey man, I dont know about $10-15 but you should check out ebay and pick up a jewlers loupe for a couple of bones.
  7. DCS reefer

    DCS reefer New Sprout

    with ebay, you will still pay s/h which is a couple of bucks so your still payin the same price, go the radioshack way... its most likely best

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