Grow container

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by Obnoticus, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. Obnoticus

    Obnoticus Veggy Stage

    Is it possible to grow 4 plants in a utility bin that hold 59 liters or 62 quarts, approx 21in long , 18in wide, 15in tall, the same 4 plants in the bin , or would i need more room
  2. yourhighness

    yourhighness New Sprout

    I've done somthing like this. There are a couple constraints: First off, I assume you're growing in soil. You must allow each plant to get adequate room in the soil. When I did this I went to the hardware store and bought a roll of reflectix. I cut the reflectix into dividers and divided the bin up sectionally. You could use any material that is flexable but sturdy.

    Secondly, you must anticipate access to light during each stage of the grow. I had some trouble here because a bin is not too manuverable. It's heavy and bulky and hard to position; especially if you're plants do not grow uniform.

    After trying this I much prefer the transplanting method, starting with 1 gal and eventually moving into 5 gal. buckets.
  3. herbalicetea

    herbalicetea Veggy Stage

    You dont want to have plants in the same pot. Thier roots will interfere with one another. If ypu want to use that bin you could make dividers to seperate it into 4 sections. If I were you I would just by regular pots. If one of your plants turns out to be male it would be hard to get rid of it. also they might get cramped in the same bun. MJ needs some room to grow.

    Also when you start them out from seed you want to use small pots, then transplant them to bigger ones once they start getting bigger.
  4. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    ^^^^word Herb!!!! except i don't transplant at all. jusy MY preference.

    :animbong: wa
  5. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    this is day 3 of 12's


    day 17 of 12's and BTW i took the advice of a friend a lil too seriousely. but well get to the end


    but u can see that they all grow individually even when trained. i did it seperated the roots with plexiglass. and its a pain in the ass. dont have time to upload the other pics taht are not in my garden...some other time. but really man pots are cheap and u dont have to divide them and they are just so much easier. believe me. still though i use 2.5 gallon watter jugs...just cause im a rebel...and they fit so nice in the fridge :biggrin:

    happy growin' :pimp:

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