First time

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by HeadCase, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Ok guys what year was the first time you smoked pot and what kind my first time 1969 and was Acapulco Gold 10th grade
  2. rtyree

    rtyree Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    hought noone would never ask.

    I believe it was 1976 Any it was at a Kiss concert with my older brother it was the alive1 concert damn talk about sensory overload the out of tune music of kiss coupled with volume controls that went to 11(If you watched spinal tap you'll get the 11 reference) the fire the blood Damnit why do we have to grow up the 70's fuckin Rocked
  3. ShortySmoker

    ShortySmoker Banned

    somewhere in 1995....I was 15 at my aunt's house (my aunt is only 4 1/2 years older than me and we've always been close), and they got me high on some creeper weed. I kept smoken and smoken and smoken, not feeling nothing, complaining that it wasn't working on me...... then WHAM!!!! all at once I was knocked on my ass. they took pics of me all tore up...eyes were so red and I had just this pure evil look on my face. Uncle says it looks like I was chanelling satan thru me that night. :D

    Gotta say....even to this day Creeper weed is my fave.....just can't never find the chit around here anymore. (I lucked out and got some homegrown creeper from a friend early last year....stored the seeds forgot about them, just found them in one of my drawers couple weeks ago...already got em planted and they're bout 3". think that only 1 is gonna last the other is runt)
  4. kkamikazekidd

    kkamikazekidd Veggy Stage

    1988,...Providence Civic Center,....Ozzy's No Rest for the Wicked Tour....age 13-1/2

    It was summer, I was about to enter my freshman year of high school. I remember telling my mom that I needed to go to this show(my first real concert) because it was Ozzy's farewell tour...hahaha,..imagine THAT! I got a ticket for my birthday...let me just say,it was a great life experience...I had 12th row floor tickets, center stage....everyone was standing on the back rims of the plastic chairs and holding on to one another...joints were just being passed down the after the time Oz and Zak and the band did the final encore(Paranoid...oh yeah) I was as stoned as I will ever be.....thank you Mom.
  5. smotpoker

    smotpoker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    it was in 1997, and i was 12, sitting on the beach, around our campfire, watching the 4th of July Fireworks in Long Beach WA. we smoked out of one of the metal pipes with a resin chamber
  6. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Just three or four years ago. Was at this dudes apartment and he had what he called medical pot. came out of a prescription bottle...does that ever happen? Anywho, we were watching the english patient and he switched it to full house...took me about ten minutes to even realize the change. I just remember sitting there saying over and over again "my legs arent connected to my body"....and "did i just say that out loud?"
  7. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    1991. i was in the back seat of, belive it or not, a motherfuckin' Yugo. It was my friends sisters car. both window handles broken off within a week. had to use vise grips. the vise grips were the most expensive "option" on the car :D it was the deluxe model. you know, the one with the cup holder. LOL :D

    any way, my high ass digresses. I had always said i'd never do any drugs. first joint i actually laid eyes on i smoked. I was 14 and it was on the way to the liquor store. i laughed halfway to the liquor store and the whole way home. :) then proceded to eat everything in site. I thought, hell this ain't bad at all. in fact, i kinda like it! :D
  8. GeoKitty

    GeoKitty Guest

    I had a friend with serious glaucoma back when I was in Jr. Hg Sc. in Denver, around 1974, she was part of a medical study at Denver University & used to get large, tall pill bottles of pre-rolled joints of killer good weed!
  9. bubblegump

    bubblegump Latae Sententiae Excommunication

  10. MisSativa

    MisSativa Blazed and Confused

    first time i smoked was my first night at college...1983...smoked one joint with 5 people, drank too much Mich wicked sick..gave up booze for years, bought my first sack the next day
  11. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    And at that very a land far far away....Herbsparky was conceived. :D

    I too was in my sophmore year of 'high'school when I smoked my first J. Back in '85' and I was 15. A friend of mine in PE was the proud son of a pot dealer. His mom would have 'pot parties' and he'd have all these different joints given to him from the left overs. One day while standing behind one of those equipment storage deals near the football field my buddy whipped out a fat ass doob and sparked it up before our coach got out there. We had a good 10 minutes to stand and wait. I was always the straight laced 'church' kid, but something that day made me wanna just go for it and try something outside the box. Like Wa.....I liked the shit.
    :D PE was just before lunch and I ate two hamburger trays a day with LOADS of fries and ranch dressing everyday the rest of that year. LOL!

  12. halfandhalf

    halfandhalf New Sprout

    1996, with my brother while listening to "Illmatic" from nas. first time i smoked it was a blunt and it was some hawaiian variety of marijuana.

    i got super high of course and fell down the stairs. from that moment on i knew i loved mary jane.
  13. rcf1987

    rcf1987 Guest

    I guess I must be young the first time I got high was Summer of 2002 I was at this dudes house, who later became one of my best friends, and he said "ever got high before"? I said "no but I'll try anything" He proceeded to fill up a gravity bong he made with some "Dank" (its what we used to call really really good stuff back in Virginia) I took a hit, coughed my ass off and the rest of the day is just a blur in my mind.
  14. celticspride34

    celticspride34 Germinated

    holy shit, thats what i was listening to as well.

    any ways, i'm 18 and a senior in HS at the moment. in 9th grade in math class, i always sat at the same group table (it was a weird math class that the school dumped after one try) with the 4 biggest stoners in the school ( 100 kids in MS + HS) and they kept telling me how they got high, etc... so, i ask to buy some off one of them. i buy a dime and go to their house after school.

    this is where the problem arises. they can't find their bowl or papers and get pissed. we procede with an arizona iced tea can, but that turns to shit as well. i end up getting tired of doing nothing and go home. didn't help that i was parinoid as hell about my mom as well.

    so i go to the store and buy an arizona and go home. i save the can and make a "bowl" woth it after my mom goes to sleep. i "break up" the weed a bit. say "break up", cause i didn't know what the hell i was doing. i had a reclining, rolling office chair in my room. i proceded to roll over to my window, open it and take my first hit. i've been a pothead ever since.

    the crappy thing is that after i smoked 1/5 the dime, i leaned back in my chair and fell asleep. i woke up at 6am right before my mom came to wake me up with the can still on the windowsill.
  15. georged5150

    georged5150 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    1983, the weed was Humbolt County. My brother was the first to get me high. I cought him and a friend smoking out in my parents camper. He got me high so I could not tell on him. We still laugh about it to this day.
  16. OrastaG

    OrastaG Germinated

    mine was summer after eigth grade i went over to a friends house and our school drug dealer showed up and smoked us out, all i can remember is that the bubbler was pinkish and we were near a church, it was awsome. :D
  17. Tex

    Tex Veggy Stage

    I first tasted mj's sweet smoke in 1996 when i was 9. my friends parents would always smoke joint and leave them in the back so one day we got a few of the roaches and smoked them all with tweezers. I didn't get the full effect until i was like 11 though.
  18. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    Good shit georged! :)

    First time I got high, I was in fourth grade. You heard it right. I come home, see, I lived with my grandfolks, and they were lax as hell. My uncle was living there also and left out a purple slide graffix bong with about 1/2 a hit left in it. I come home from school as I said, and laid eyes on it. I was so curious. I had a stressful day that day and decided to say fuckit and go for it. I hit it, and didnt get shit, I knew how to hit it already from watching my entire family smoke. I was destined to be a pothead. My parents were dealers and growers, my entire family smokes, even my elders. Its grand when I put it into perspective like that. But with that, comes sacrifice.

    Anyhow, I didnt get high, but I was instantly hooked from the "coolness" factor and risque aspect. I hurried up, threw together some cash, probably from lunch money, and me and a few of my co-conspirators in everything, purchased a small sack of leaf, $15 for a lid of leaf. LOL!! Anyhow, we rolled it up, smoked it in the baseball field, and I got officially high for the very first time. I was walking around the bases going "i did it , i am really high, im fucking stoned, this is great, im flying" and shit like that. It was awesome. I loved how I felt and never put it down to this day. For long at least. My friends werent so analytical about it and that was the point I realized pot would also help me weed out the people in my life that had no point in living. Pot spawned my over-analysation of everything, but its great for introspect. Helps me think deeper. Sometimes too deep. I love it!
  19. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    HA my familys the same way all the way up the gneration down the beatnecks,first time i got high i was 7 sitting in the living room watching my dad smoke a jay he set it in the ash tray and walked into the kitchen for a beer or somthing like it,so i walked over to the ashtray pick up the 1/2 finished still burning jay and put it to my lips and take a deep hit and inhale ( i knew how to inhale i had already smoked cigerets befor and was taught how to) i got a good 3-4 hits befor my old man came back in the room and beat my ass red,but afterwords i still laughed stonley and to this day im smoking
  20. rcf1987

    rcf1987 Guest

    That second paragraph is me in a nutshell weed is the reason I only like to have a few really close friends and why I am always critical of everything weed is the best now if I could only find some, moving sux.

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