Have you ever smoked with your parents?

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Kathmandu, Apr 23, 2006.

  1. Kathmandu

    Kathmandu Veggy Stage

    I have a few friends that grew up with parents that grew and blew with their kids. They were very hip I recall.

    When I was younger, I heard that my mom smoked with a neighbor lady when I was in my early teens. She came home laughing and my dad got PISSED! Damn shame!

    Fortunantly, I recently smoked with my mother for the first time. She is in her 70s. She was a trip! I could handle her that way all the time. :rolleyes: Have her take Nature's Prozaq every morning before dealing with the world.:D
  2. GeoKitty

    GeoKitty Guest


    Years ago, like back in 1982 or so, I got high with my Mom on some amazing Hawaiian pot that came inside of a coconut can! You had to open the can with a can opener, dump out the little bit of coconut that was on top and peel the paper seal away to reveal the dope! Awesome & amazing stuff!!

    My Mom got so high and laughed so hard, she fell off her kitchen chair and peed her pants! Just then, my stepdad came upstairs, took one stoic look at my Mom on the floor laughing, with her wet pants, gave me a funny look, then said: "Hot Damn!! Maybe my chances of gettin' lucky with your Mother tonight just got better!" Then I laughed so hard, I fell off my kitchen chair and peed my pants!

    Nowadays though, she completely denies that that ever happened! My Mother has a selective memory! I have issues with my Mother, can ya tell?!!
  3. rtyree

    rtyree Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    My step father smoked with us and our friends in the late 70's and when he comes around we still burn 1 however smoking with my mom? I just think that would be wrong, at least for me it is always more fun when she is saying " son are you high again" Than for her to say " son I'm wasted".

    At least for me
  4. holdmeclosrtonydanza

    holdmeclosrtonydanza A Fat Sticky Bud

    Seriously, everyone in my family smokes. My mom and dad used to smoke when I was really little and they started smoking again not too long ago. My sister smokes and slings. My grandpa also used to smoke with my dad in the 70s. He doesn't anymore, obviously. He's in his late 80s.

    Yeah... my family is really weed-friendly.
  5. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I first knew my dad burned at about 8,or 9 years old. We didn't burn together though until I was probably 21. I Have encouraged his sorry ass to grow his own instead of buying Mexican,but he is lazy. I do hook him up on occasion myself. My Mom has burned before,but it is not her thing. My father-in law has always been a stoner. So yeah, I am at least second generation stoner.
  6. rcf1987

    rcf1987 Guest

    My mom likes to toke up on very rare occasions and my step dad used to smoke but can't cause of his job.
  7. MisSativa

    MisSativa Blazed and Confused

    My parents call it "the pot" and are stricktly against it. One time they suspected i was a smoker, i was 23 and moved back from out of state, my father searched my car, found a bong under the seat, smashed it to bits in the driveway. I moved out the next day. Im pretty sure they at least suspect i smoke but we never discuss it. Im sure my mother prays that God will give me strength to avoid the evil devils weed
  8. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    My parents know I smoke and are actually for it now that I've educated them. I doubt I'd get my dad to smoke, but my mom has been showing interest actually. My goal is to one day at least get her to try it in cookies or some other baked good, but I doubt she'll smoke it. She's never really drank or smoked in her life. She's curious in any case. I come from a VERY straight laced 'church' family so I'm one of the few black sheep in my family. I can only think of 3 cousins that I've actually smoked with...and my lil bro who smoked twice with me and has not touched it since. Think my pot was too strong for him. LOL! :D
  9. chopstick

    chopstick Chilled out

    Ah, I did try once. But you have to understand I come from a typical asian family and after my Mom figgured out I was trying to get her to smoke weed, well she promptly gave me a good old flogging...Wont try that anytime soon.
  10. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    :eek: Welcome back Chopstick!!! :eek: [​IMG]

    Nope... I have never smoked MJ with, or around my parents...

  11. celticspride34

    celticspride34 Germinated

    yeah, it was ackward. i come home one night, stoned off my ass, and she asks me if i have weed. me, being the parinoid son i am, say no. she says she knows i do, go get it, and get her high. :confused:
  12. SgtSmokinSensi

    SgtSmokinSensi Begun Flowering

    im 18 years old and have never smoked with my parents. I know they smoke and have smelled that sweet scent as long as I can remember. I got into their stash when I was like 14 and ran through it pretty bad. got a quick beating and they moved the stash haha.

    I have yet to smoke with my parents and dont know if I really desire to. It would just be too awkward now. My brother is 32 years old and has yet to burn one with either of my parents.
  13. Igotagun

    Igotagun Veggy Stage

    I smoked in front of my dad for years and finally got him to burn one. But he dosnt normally smoke it just hear and there.
  14. ShortySmoker

    ShortySmoker Banned

    both my parents claim they don't smoke up and never have.....I know it's a lie, and I think they do smoke up from time to time. (The first time they found one of my sisters stash, da had a tear in his eyes when he flushed it down the toilet, after him and ma both had a nice lonnnnng smell of it) They know that all of us girls smoke up, they joke with us about it.....when I'm being bitchy my ma tells me to go 'take some medicine and chill the hell out' She got one of my lil sisters a pink shirt with a big ass potleaf on it and it said "got weed" (airbrushed custom) they're cool about it now, seeing as how just about everyone in the family smokes up...even my 66 year old gram smokes up now. But to answer...nope never smoked up with my parents, or in their direct line of sight. But they know, and I have smoked with everyone in the family that smokes up
  15. OrastaG

    OrastaG Germinated

    i ve smoked out my moms house when i was in highschool while she was there, i found her stash and i we openly talk about weed but ive never smoked with her.
  16. nugsmoke

    nugsmoke Full Flowering

    my parents caught me smoking weed in my room when i was in high school. i was basically on house arrest after that for 6 months until they pretty much gave up on me, and we got very distant until i went off to school. then when i fucked around and got tossed out she immediately blamed it on weed, even though it was very tough to find that year and i got high maybe twice a week :eek:

    anyway, it just goes to show that telling kids no and punishing severely does not work, it just ruins parent-child relationships. things have never been like they were before they caught me. i blame them 100%, i felt like once they knew i liked to get high i wasnt "their son" anymore, i was some failure they had to deal with until i turned 18. nowadays i think they are just in denial, hoping ive "grown out" of it.

    strangely enough my mom does think weed laws are ridiculous and it should be decriminalized. but i think its because she doesnt want me going to prison.
  17. GeoKitty

    GeoKitty Guest

    My Father

    My father was a pretty cool dude.......well, for the most part...he wasn't a very good dad when we were little kids, but after the divorce and us kids were teenagers, we got to go visit him once in a while and this was when I found out just how cool my Dad was!

    He's been gone for over a year now, passed away from lung cancer. You should have seen the telegrams and flowers that came in from all kinds of famous people! Whoopie Goldberg, Maya Angelou, Dad built their private coaches a few years back! Ozzy & Sharon, Santana, the list is endless!

    All through the 70's and up til present day, my Dad designed & built, and drove those really posh tour busses that rock bands and others lease to go around on tour in!!!!! Anyone ever seen those things up close?? They're amazing!

    He's driven some awesome people and had THE best stories about all the crazy shit that goes on behind the scenes in the music industry!!

    I've got some really good "My Dad's Road Stories" to tell if anyone is ever interested, I could start a new thread!

    My Father was the one driving the bus when Randy Rhoades was killed in that mysterious plane crash in Florida......and the crash did not happen the way it was told to the press! Someone had murder in mind!!!!

    Whoops!! I got my "Dad Stories" mixed up this morning!! I did have a lovely morning buzz when I wrote this earlier, so please forgive me!

    Back during the KISS heydays, my Dad had to physically remove Ace Freehly from the bus because Ace was drunk and wasted and threw an apple really hard at the back of Dad's head while he was driving and Ace was pissing on the table & tearing up the bus!!! So, Dad beat the shit out of him, dragged him off the bus & left him in the middle of nowhere in Kansas!!!!

    Then he drove to the nearest town to call the band manager to quit the tour!! While on the phone at the truck stop, here comes wasted Ace, crammed into the backseat of some family's station wagon that had given him a lift!!!!!

    The management gave my Dad a really big raise to finish the tour and promised to no longer have fruit on the bus!! Ace was no longer allowed on the bus....they had to fly him on ahead!

    He also kicked David Lee Roth off the bus and smacked him around for being an asshole and tearing up the bus!! I've got recent David Lee roth stories too, from that tour he did with Sammy Haggar! My Uncle drove Dave this time!! And what a pill he is!!

    Whenever Dad would come thru town, he'd call & I would go see him and get backstage passes to whatever tour he was driving. I would always toke up with him, sometimes with the band, on the bus!

    He even gave me a big bag of dope from the bus that Kansas was on back in '75 or so, and we snorted coke with him once on Ozzy's bus!

    Yep!! My Dad was pretty cool! I'm really happy that I was able know him as an adult!!
  18. the_clairvoyant89

    the_clairvoyant89 Developed Alternating Nodes

    That is fuckin awesome!!! I am a big metal fan, I love Randy Rhoads...he is a guitar god (R.I.P), I also love ozzy!!! David Lee Roth was the best singer of Van Fuckin Halen!!! Has he ever driven Iron Maiden???
  19. GeoKitty

    GeoKitty Guest

    I don't think so, not that I can connect to any of his stories at least, but he could have!

    That Randy Rhoades plane crash was really about some guy's wife, can't remember name, that was cheating on him and either this guy was the pilot of the plane, or he grabbed the wheel and tried to crash the plane into the bus, where the cheating wife was standing just inside the door!!!!!

    Randy was just a passenger in the plane, and my Dad was on the bus when the plane's wing clipped the side of the bus and then flipped and crashed into the house!

    No offense, but, I hope you know how much of a "Prima Donna Asshole" David Lee Roth is in real life!! As I said, my uncle drove him on that Sammy Hagar/DLR tour a couple of years ago, and Dave was more trouble than any other group combined! At one point during the tour, Dave wished to make a phone call, all alone, in some wharped sense of complete solitude.....and he demanded that my uncle pull the bus over on the side of the highway and stop the bus, so it would be more quiet. Well, my uncle tried to explain that there wasn't enough room for the bus to stop on the side of the highway, but there was rest area coming up in another mile or so........Dave threw a temper tamtrum, but my uncle held his ground and simply stopped at the next rest area! So, Dave makes my uncle stand outside in the pouring rain while he makes his phone call.......for over an hour!!!!!!

    In New York City, as they were loading up the bus to leave town, DLR ordered my uncle to get rid of two very expensive bikes of Dave's, that Dave decided he no longer wanted. My uncle asked Dave what he wanted him to do with the bikes and Dave yelled: "I don't give a flying fuck!! Just Fuckin' get rid of them" So, my uncle looks over at the doorman of the hotel and asked if he wanted a couple of bikes!

    About an hour or so out of town, Dave says he wants to pull over to ride his bike..........yeah...I'm sure you can imagine what happened next!! Needless to say, the first major town they pulled into, Dave had to stop at a sporting goods store to purchase 2 new 'umpteen thousands of dollars' worth of bikes!!!

    I'll tell ya a really funny Ozzy story next!
  20. the_clairvoyant89

    the_clairvoyant89 Developed Alternating Nodes

    Yes i do know that David Lee Roth is a certified asshole, i heard on lots of shows.

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