I don't know why people say you can't get high smoking male plants. I just smoked one of my males and got high as ****. The blunt was about the size of the actual phillie. I haven't smoked in a couple of months, so mabye my tolerance is low.
well this would have been a good post for the smokers lounge. The reason people say they can't get high off of a male plant is because they cannot get high off of a male plant. I have tried and I might as well have been smokin' tobacco. glad it worked for you, however, but i guess that if you smoked a joint or 2 of some quality bud that those harsh ass males leaves wouldn't do ****. you could prolly get a buzz off a marlboro if you haven't smoked in 2 months.
I still stick to the story that 'male plants don't get you high'. When I was younger and first experimenting with smoking different things one of them was a male plant; my brother had me convinced at that point that it was "the real thing", and well I didn't get a thing off of it and I had never smoked pot before. The only thing that smoking the male plant did was make my throat feel like ****.
I have a Male plant and I have een getting high from it for the past two months.....what's up? If you cn not get high from a Male plant then why am i getting high, it is loaed with seeds....will it get any buds
Well mintz if your plant is loaded wih seeds it's not a male,male plants can't produce seeds,if you are talking about the male pollen sacs yes they kinda do look like seeds to the beginner but they are in no way seeds,and some people do smoke the plloen sacs from male plants to get an indication of potency for breeding purposes but thats as far as it goes>>>.
Okay lets get this straight. Male plants do contain THC which of course, is the chemical that gets you high, but a very, very little amount of it. If you are catching a buzz off from the leaves of a male plant then your tolerence level is really low, if you even have a tolerence. People say you can't get high off from male plants b'cuz they assume since you are here trying to learn how to grow that you have some experience and tolerence to marijuana. Now, what this tells me is if you are getting high off male plants there's a good bet you don't know much about weed at all or maybe even what real bud taste like. no offense. For most of us here, we could smoke an ounce off a male plant and catch nothing but a headache. But if that works for you, great! Just watch yourself when you actually smoke some quality bud b'cuz it is going knock you on your ass.
QUOTE Quote: from chato420 on 6:32 pm on Aug. 28, 2005 THE TRUTH IS THAT YOUR A ROOKIE TOKER! double post. (Edited by holdmeclosrtonydanza at 1:56 pm on Aug. 29, 2005)
what I've heard about most plants (herbs, flowers) is; When it comes to its potentness of leaves, its always with the newest growth. And you indeed can get buzzed from the tops of the male plants. If you choose to do this; Do it in a bit larger quantity than you would with buds, and don't expect to keep getting a buzz by smoking it for more than a day or two. In this, it is better to smoke it once, wait a week then smoke again. take the top and cut it, let it dry a bit then store it until your ready. but dont let it get too dry, for it will lose potency. and remember, this buzz is a bit different so don't smoke a lot until you know what its like; 'cause i've heard of it giving some headaches. ^This is an alternative to smoking tobacco or MJ, and I can see why those who have quality bud wouldn't want to. This is mainly for those who are interested in other herbal highs, as I.~ personaly i like the buzz - its usualy,, clarity. ~~-=0=-~~ brother ekobud said, "me too..didn't like the bananadine though." for it made his eyebrows grow down to his nose. ~~-=0=-~~ ~T.H.C.
Dear,PDST,mintz "WakeUp" and smell the male burn'in. Males are only good for one thing. "MAKING SEED STOCK" but only in a controlled enviroment. So now learn to grow some "HIGH GRADE GACKY SENSIMILLA" And "QUICK FUCKING AROUND WITH DIRT WEED ****" before everyone loses faith in you. PDST And mintz good luck growing some good female weed, I'm sure everyone here will be happy to help, as long as you stay away from sore subjects like (Smoking males can get you high) PS Sensimilla Is Mexican For (VIRGIN FEMALE PLANT) PSS theEyeballKid include yourself in with those other two. (You wouldn't want to grow males under that fake rock would you?) (Edited by OutlawServer at 8:18 pm on Aug. 30, 2005)
QUOTE Quote: from holdmeclosrtonydanza on 10:55 am on Aug. 29, 2005 QUOTE Quote: from holdmeclosrtonydanza on 1:52 pm on Aug. 29, 2005 Haha you couldn't handle robotripping.
Now, I'm realy getting tired of these smart-assed remarks. I'll grow any godamned thing I want under my fake rock. I have no problem with any growers having the opinion; males are only good for pollenation. Though, I highly disagree. Don't be so narrowminded. mintz: if your like smoking leaves from a male plant, just do it. a buddy of mine (who grows bud) saved a few bags of male tops in his freazer, intending on making hash. He gave me a large bag, then we rolled one up and smoked .. and we both were buzzed.. the flavor was great. So don't let a bunch of assholes beat you down, cause they probly either; 1: got plenty of bud, and dont care. 2: smoke so much (maybe too much) that male leaves wouldn't effect them. [these damned smart ass remarks, hell, they're ten times worse than what the smart asses call "dumb questions"]
go smoke your male plants kid b'cuz if you actually knew anything about weed then you would be singing a different tune.
i love u weedgrl. And as for you other guys... why don't we all work on NOT stating our opinions as facts. And stop saying someone is fucking stupid, a newb, an idiot, doesn't know what they're saying, or doesn't know **** about weed. Just because someone stands up to all this bullshit that males DO NOT get u high, is no reason to be a fucking dick. This site exists to help out your brother grower, new or experienced, by offering your opinion, being respectful to newcomers and our Godly expert friends. And by the way I am NO FUCKING NEWB (also btw. I hate that fuckin term...WE WERE ALL NEWBS ONCE) and I have gotten high off a male, not THAT high, but decent buzz, cuz of whole tolerance thing, and we grow some badass bagseed hydro, the best weed Ive ever gotten my hands on.........so lets all stop being a bunch of ragging bitches, and fucking be helpful or just dont say ****. ALSO to all of u who say "god, read the FAQ's before u post stupid questions"... it is much easier and more precise to post a thread. I can ask EXACTLY what i want and get a precise answer. AND get many different opinions on my question. IF YOUR GONNA TAKE THE FUCKING TIME TO POST A REPLY SAYING IM A FUCKING IDIOT AND READ THE FAQ'S WHY DONT U JUST ANSWER MY QUESTION---U GO OUT OF YOUR WAY JUST TO BE A DICK---WHAT THE ****---IF U TRULY WISH TO ONLY BE RETARDED, NOT HELP, AND TELL ME TO GO READ THAT ****, THEN JUST DONT FUCKING POST.......idiots...... As for the rest of you, I love you. ha ha ha, lets all just getalong, and stop comparing dick length