
Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by jordan, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. jordan

    jordan Germinated

    hi i was wandering how/or what should i use to kill mini flys because these little guys are flying every were........ thank you to all
  2. shhhhh

    shhhhh Germinated

    light a candle around ur plants it might work

    Im rick james bitch!!!
  3. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    dry soil is the #1 way to stop fungas knats from breeding.  If you have knats then your conditions are too wet and this is stunting mj growth.  pyrethium derived from crysanthimums is an all natural way to kill fungas knats.  Neem oil works too along with many other home remedies.  
  4. jordan

    jordan Germinated

    thanks for your replies !!!!!

    what if i was to use a pesticide? would this kill the plant or damage it???
  5. StashDaCash

    StashDaCash Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Eddienator is right. Need to check for proper drainage and don't water for a while
  6. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    Yeah, listen to Eddie on this one. MJ likes to have dry feet anyway. Those pesky little Fungus Gnats are always a sure sign that you have been overwatering.

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