yo PEEpZ i just wanted 2 n=know if malE plants SMELL ........THANKZ IN ADVancE...GGgGGGGgGgGGGG_UnIT.like SWEET SENSIMEELA....GOD bLESS YOU All.
What on gods green earth did you just say? Do you think saying GGgGGGGgGgGGGG_UnIT makes you sound cool? because it doesn't, it makes you sound retarded. On a lighter note: Yes male plants do smell. I have evan had males that smell more then females.
thanks duffman....just wanted to know mahalo.....i appeceiate that. im just a g-unit fan dont hate on me.
I'm not hateing on you, I don't know you well enough to hate you, like whatever kind of music you want just dont sound retarded when you do. How would I sound if i said KKKKKkkKKKKKKKKeeping on RRRRRRRRrrrRRRRockin' in the FFFFFffFFFFFFree wWorld? It just makes you seem like a wannabe or something. (Edited by DuffMan at 9:08 am on July 1, 2005)
GgGggGGGgGGGGg-UNOT! (Edited by CanadianDAN at 12:30 pm on July 1, 2005) (Edited by CanadianDAN at 2:09 pm on July 1, 2005)
G-UNOT..eh lil GAME in yah it seems....I'm not for g-unit or anything.. and yes it is overplayed alot but there is nothing wrong with 50 cent and g-unit... or Eminem,Ludicris for that matter .. my father is very old.... and he still listens to eminem and 50... now ... where you said "kids nowadays think being a thug and shooting guns is cool and makes the women like you".... i been there done that.... got away from it.... i'm with you on that one....well.. this is just my 2 cents... not worth 50 cents
well duffman i might sound retarded but if you did that rockin roll thing i would not say anything cause thats your own thing but ...really i just wanted you to anser my question.you know .because now you saying i sound like a wanna be.so wats your porblem .....i ant got notin but peace in this forum....
wow, too much conflict guys. You are all here, you all smoke it so go and smoke some now and calm down.
When on GK you need to stick your fingers up the persons ass your talking to . Make sure there is no stick then resume conversation. Huh guys . ::Snaps the rubber glove:: (Edited by StashDaCash at 1:11 pm on July 11, 2005)
hmmm, lol, well I will sit here and the fact that I am in no pain I will best assume I don't have a stick up my ass, just so no one really has to do the checking for me...lol.. Yea, anyways.. I see what you mean though. :LOL:
*nooooooo*, oh, ok, just get it done and over with.. *Bends over and bites down on stick* Is it done yet???