flood lights any good?

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by bloodislove, Jul 8, 2005.

  1. bloodislove

    bloodislove Guest

    hey guys im kinda new to GK. i was wondering is a 75watt flood light ne good. im runnin a ghetto ass system and found this light and thought i might as well put it to use. will it be too hot? i also have 3 45 wat flos.can someone plz help me out.thanks.
  2. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    Although the flood lights may "seem" like a good idea, they produce the wrong light spectrum for growing mj. You should invest in MH or HPS lighting if you want your plants to thrive & get the big buds. Flos will work ok, but the yield will be greatly reduced. Try looking in the FAQ section. You will find that most of your questions are already answered there. Also, take a look at the photo section & it will give you a good idea on how to set up a nice grow op! It may be a bit expensive at first... But once you get started, it will be worth every penny! Welcome to GK, and good luck in your grow!
  3. bloodislove

    bloodislove Guest

    thx alot. alotta time saved. those HPSs r alot cheaper than i thought. would a 70w hps be ne good for like one or two plants? r they very hot?
  4. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    70w may be a lil weak. you need 30w of light per square foot of space you have. 50w is optimal. A 70w light would grow them, but you would get much more dense buds with a bigger light. think 150w maybe.

    HPS won't get anywhere near as hot as that flood light you been used to.
  5. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    bloodislove did u just buy the bulb or did u get the fixture too just wonderin cus awhile ago i bought a 70 watt bulb for 20 bucks and that that was it but then i figured out u cant just use it in any fixture it had to be made for hps
  6. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    Blood... If you just bought the HPS bulb by itself, It won't work right! You can't just screw it into a regular light socket! HPS bulbs require the proper ballast. You will need to get the full lighting kit. If you go with a 70W (430) kit it will run you about $70.00 at LOEWS or Home Depot. Keep the extra bulb handy as a spare in the event you have a burn out.

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