getting moisture BACK in

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by mrsoprano, May 30, 2005.

  1. mrsoprano

    mrsoprano Begun Flowering

    i just dried out what looks like half an ounce. it weighs less that a quarter. its so brittle it crumbles when u touch it.

    how do i get moisture back in???
  2. bobbybfunk

    bobbybfunk Veggy Stage

    Osmosis bitches!!!!! A Humidor with a humidifier will work beautifully but it will take a while for the moisture to go back in and it probly wont werk perfectly [​IMG]
  3. scrugg

    scrugg New Sprout

    Seal it in a Tupperware container with a damp sponge. Make sure the weed doesn't touch the sponge.

    You'll notice the change in half a day or less.
  4. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    or you can jsut ad an organge peel to the bag jsut a little bit and it will put a little mostiture in the bud plus add an organe aroma :bigok:
  5. ProGrowShow

    ProGrowShow Guest

    If you have anything that is wet, and put it in a sealed container by laws of science it will even out through all of the items in the container. Something about high and low pressures evening out.
  6. mrsoprano

    mrsoprano Begun Flowering

    ok then. what i am going to do is out a pit of moist towel in a ounce size zipper bag and leave it sealed,

    should it be in the sun?
  7. Nesta

    Nesta Full Flowering

    i would leave it at room temp. the heat from the sun may make a musty smell.
  8. Jiggyjohn

    Jiggyjohn Germinated

    hey progrow its called equailebrium the evening out of one thin to another until equailebrium is reached
  9. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    it will probably no longer be able to resemble what is known as dank weed.  Sometimes in the past i put orange peels w/ swag weed in a sealed container for a few days.  ^^^^Equilibrium and osmosis^^^
  10. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    When my sh!t has gotten to dry to smoke, I just take out what I plan to use, place it on a sheet of paper, then take a handheld clothes steamer (anti wrinkle thingy) and wave it over the dried grass for 5 - 10 secs. You can see the dried out sh!t "fluff up" a bit. I found that by doing this, the weed rolls up easier, burns slower, and is not nearly as harsh to smoke. For me, it is a lot faster than the orange peel or humidifiers. If the weed is steamed too long, simply wait about 15 mins or so & it will be great! Just my 2cents. :animbong:
  11. caliguerilla

    caliguerilla New Sprout

    If your moistining the bud,especially in a plastic bag I would keep it in a cool, unlit area. It's amazing how fast ammonia can build up and cause the bud to be useless.
  12. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Crust of bread, just a pinch.
  13. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I learned a trick from my g-ma on how to rehydrate dry cookies. Kinda goes along with Indi's suggestion. Take a large tupperware a fresh slice of bread in the bottom and cover with a paper towel. Lay your cookies on top of the paper towel and snap on the lid. Let this sit over night and you have THE gooiest cookies in the morning. [​IMG]

    I would imagine that it can work for buds as well. [​IMG]

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