Bathroom Grow - First Timer

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by LetricBud, Jun 4, 2005.

  1. LetricBud

    LetricBud New Sprout

    Hey guys...i have one plant growing and its 14 days old...its at my mothers house in the city and i think its time to move outta there..too many ppl can find it and theres ot enough at my house up in the woods i have an extra bathroom im not using..its fairly large..about 9'x15' and it has a 7 foot tall shower with 6 sq. ft. floor room.its nice for growing..regular shower materials and its enclosed by a planning on getting it covered and putting in a small cheap grow under 180$$ and im going to get 4 seeds from my growing in a shwer in an enclosed bathroom wrong or right??? i need alittle help before this gets to expensive or risky

    Thanks Guys-LetricBud
  2. LetricBud

    LetricBud New Sprout

    i think i need to get a light, fans, T/H guage and some nutrients for there any problems with growing it inside a shower...??? or should i make one of those wardrobe growboxes i suppose the wardrobe would be easier....plz help me out guys im new to this
  3. Dew Drop

    Dew Drop Begun Flowering

    doesn't sound like too bad of a place with the water and Nutrient run off going down the drain, but you will need to exchance the curtian for some mylar or some black/white poly so you can reflect the light back onto the plants, and you'll also need a reflector for the light.
  4. LetricBud

    LetricBud New Sprout

    thank you dew drop...i think im going to go with the homemade closet idea though... there is a slight hazard in doing it in the bathroom..risk of melting the plastic on the father thinks i should build a little closet so that i may use the being my only shower in my half of our house..(long story)...thanks anyway..if you can give me any advice on growing that would be great
  5. Dew Drop

    Dew Drop Begun Flowering

    Make sure that when you transplant that you only do it once. When your little guy hits about the 5th node put it into a container that you'll be using for the rest of the grow. You could probably start to give your little guy a weak form of plant food right now. If you give it full strength you have a good chance of burning the roots and killing it. Which way are you going to be feeding it, organic or chemical? I use chemical, and I haven't had any problems with it yet, Do you have a grow book? You should pick up one, they help you out in so many ways.
  6. LetricBud

    LetricBud New Sprout

    thanks dew..but its a very small that age?

    its only 15 days old now and it has been growing slow...due to over watering..and yes i have 3 growing books

    DANK WIZARD New Sprout

    Go to the FAQ forum and read it from begining to end.

    Because if you ask a question that is covered in FAQ,


    I'm only messin with you. Do read the FAQ you will be glad you did.
  8. LetricBud

    LetricBud New Sprout

    lol dank ok...dont get so huffy yourself...your only ranked as a kind smoker...careful...
  9. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    LoL @ Dank [​IMG]
  10. kennyde99

    kennyde99 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Dankmans right. & also , growing in your mums home isnt a smart idea. unless she approves. :LOL:
  11. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    my mom would kill me my dad would probably want to help me
  12. Patz0852

    Patz0852 Developed Alternating Nodes

    My parents thought I was growing onions until I moved the plants out and to a safer place, then they suspected but really didn't care...
  13. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    :LOL: come on onions?!?! you could at least said something that looks a little like ganja
  14. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication


    Quote: from LetricBud on 12:14 pm on June 5, 2005
    lol dank ok...dont get so huffy yourself...your only ranked as a kind smoker...careful...


    ok buyin a growbox iz prolly da best thing 2 do. they got sum on ebay wit dual lightz (mh hps) ready2go. i have convertd a cabinet 2 b a vegbox, which iz very easy. on da otha hand i have also built a box frm scratch, which wuz no fun @ all, but iz mo suitd 4 growin pot. good luk!
  15. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    the only concern I see is that it is surrounded only by a curtain. You will need the "room" to be ABSOULTELY DARK during certain periods. mostly during flower.

    I'm not sure a curtain will be enough to make the room dark completely.

    you will need 12 hours of COMPLETE DARKNESS. If you said you had a plan for doing that I apologize i missed it.

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