
Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by wacky tobacky, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. someone told me that its dangerous to make a bong out of pvc pipe because it makes the smoke harmful or something.  does anyone know anything about this?
  2. StashDaCash

    StashDaCash Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    If you melt the PVC yes it is bad for you and will make you sick . But unless your trying to melt it your not going to. Made many bongs from PVC and i r still normal
  3. awesome thanks stash
  4. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    Poly Vinyl Chloride could be used as the bong not the bowl piece
  5. Bud Hungy

    Bud Hungy Veggy Stage

    Ummm, I hear smoking from pvc is bad for your lungs/health. Even if you're not using it for the bowl. Because the smoke still passes by the pvc "chamber". I think it's kinda like chemicals leaching into the smoke from the heat. It's like getting a wierd taste from smoking from acrylic. W/e I'm not 100% sure.
  6. jordan

    jordan Germinated

    Good tips........
  7. yeah thanks for your help

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