
Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by onelove, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. onelove

    onelove Veggy Stage

    i'm in my third week of flowering i noticed early male parts and i took them off what i saw, so its a possibilty some opended now i'm startinging to seesmall growths looks like a very minature pod of peas when i open it has a small clear ball thats has liquid in it could this b the early stage of a seed should i take them off has anyone seen this or have a clue of waht i'm talkin about i know a pic would help but i dont have one any help is appreciated
  2. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    if it's a male remove the whole plant from the room.
  3. weedgrl

    weedgrl Metalhead

    I am in my (almost) 7th week of flower and I do not see anything like that on my girls. I got my males out when they were really immature. From what I heard, the females produce false seed pods which then fill up with I am unsure if what you are seeing is normal or not. C'mon all you experienced GKers. Help!
  4. onelove

    onelove Veggy Stage

    thats what its is weedgrl a seed pod with no seed just a clear ball inside
  5. onelove

    onelove Veggy Stage

    thats what its is weedgrl a seed pod with no seed just a clear ball inside it is female its growing buds
  6. mrsoprano

    mrsoprano Begun Flowering

    i had that when i harvested my first grow. i just put it down to un pollenated seeds.
  7. mrsoprano

    mrsoprano Begun Flowering

    or i mean that seed thing with the white hairs sticking out thing?

    whats the correct names for this thing please!?
  8. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    pistils is what they are called. What you are seeing could just be calyxes. Normal. If you are sure they are not immature seeds, disregard my previous post and just leave them alone.
  9. Bobby Brown

    Bobby Brown Guest

    Could it possibly be a hermaphrodite ?
  10. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

  11. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Post a picture of it.
  12. jordan

    jordan Germinated

    its a male i think....

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