Shrooms in the Soil?

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by CrazyCallaway420, Jun 15, 2005.

  1. CrazyCallaway420

    CrazyCallaway420 Germinated

    Hey everyone what's up? I woke up this morning & went straight to check on my plants! When I got there I couldn't belive what I was seeing. I had about 5 to 7 little mushrooms growing in my plant's soil. Mind you this is an inside plant. What do you think is the cause of these littl shrooms?
  2. drunken monkey

    drunken monkey Veggy Stage

  3. CrazyCallaway420

    CrazyCallaway420 Germinated

    Does it mean anything bad? Sure hope not.

    DANK WIZARD New Sprout

    What kind of soil are you using? I have seen this happen when you use soil from your outside garden. Alone it is to dense and will have poor drainage. I grow in 3 to 5 gallon buckets with holes drilled around the bottom rim. I put 2 inches of gravel in the bottom just covering the holes. My soil mix is one part perlite, one part vermicultite,one part humus, and one part peat moss. Worm castings are better then peat moss but are hard to find. Don't over water.
  5. CrazyCallaway420

    CrazyCallaway420 Germinated

    I'm using regular potting soil with some fertilizer. I can't find the bag at the moment or I would tell you the name. I didn't think to put some rocks at the bottom of the pots before planting I think I'll redo that. Thanks for the hints.

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