Stages of a plant

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by soliedmyself, Jun 13, 2005.

  1. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    herbgrower grows the chronic :bigok:
  2. spliffstar29

    spliffstar29 Germinated

    I have a daughter who is learning the ways of life and even though I work daily with her with various situation, I don't tell her she can no longer come to me for help with it anymore because I covered that with her big sister already dude. I'm a communications major, I read allday everyday on the subject. For example, my wife and I were debating what the PH should be 63 or 65 as we had both read our respective books that said what the primary PH was. So I came here to ask an experienced grower to see what their opinion was, and I got it no problem. Also I don't care how courteous someone is or isn't, but it's all about respect. I'm a writer so of course I read, but when I'm done reading for work I want to come here and converse with my people. If it bothers you then don't answer. It's that simple.
  3. soliedmyself

    soliedmyself New Sprout

    "If ya too lazy to do a bit of work,you wil get answer's like mine and some of the other member's are not as "civil" as me.

    The reasom for that being is that; "

    First of all, that was completely incomprehensible.

    Secondly, I did do some reading, and I've said that many times now.

    Then you follow it with some random list as to why you think you are good, mostly to do with your ability to grow and your balls. I dont get what the correlation between your ability to grow and your rigt to be rude and unreasonable is.
  4. StashDaCash

    StashDaCash Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I quit asking questions on this site.

    Never know who will reply

    DANK WIZARD New Sprout

    The reason people direct newbies to the FAQ section is not because they do not want to answer your question. It is because they know there will be hundreds more all of which are covered in FAQ especially the grow guide. It would be an injustice to you and your plants not to guide you to this gold mine of knowlage. If you have already read the grow guide you would not have asked the question you did.
  6. herbman

    herbman Full Flowering


    TRUE DAT!!!
  7. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower


    My point exactly.

    It does sound like the hostilities are subsiding on this thread, and it would do us all good if we joined together in something we can all agree with...smoking excellent ganja. Stop flexing your blog muscles, and chill. There are so many better ways to invest your energy.

    To anyone that cares:

    The Frequently Asked Questions have been researched, documented, and organized. GrowKind is only capable of the efforts of all concerned. There's a line from a Me Phi Me song; "We drag you up the mountainside because you're in bad shape, but think of how much quicker we'd all reach the top if we didn't have to carry your weight." Honestly there are short answers to every question, but to truly understand the "stages of a plant" one must read a mountain of literature. That's all I have to say about that.
  8. soliedmyself

    soliedmyself New Sprout

    Seriousely, this is silly.

    I already appologised for asking the question.

    Also, when I say I read the FAQ, I didnt mean that I read every single word of it, and ever single link in it. That's an unfair assumption.

    Can we all move on yet? You might just be doing dome blog-muscle-flexing of your own...
  9. spliffstar29

    spliffstar29 Germinated

    Well all I'm going to say is this. I've read all the FAQ's and I have the subscription to High Times and I've bought the indoor grow bible. I've read all that ****, but I got this site to converse with real people doing what I'm trying to do. I know how to make THC pills, brownies, blueberris, etc. Many different ways to get high healthier, but it still doesn't beat Spliffing one up. It would look real crazy popping that pill and sitting around waiting for the effect while you're sitting their with your friends. I ask questions because of the many different responses I'm going to get. Now this morning I was looking at a particular High Times mag as a reference to differentiate a male and female. Once I cut down the expected male I kind of had second thoughts, but I'll never know now because it's gone. Maybe someone could've gave me current better advice on how I could determine the sexes, but I don't feel comfortable asking. I just felt like this was a site to wind down and relax with your people. I've read that you should start your plants off with an MH light from the books etc. but It's people hear that use HPS from start to finish. It's people who put colored(red) ground covers over the dirt. Well they don't talk about that **** in my books. I've learned alot in the short time I've been here. You people are smart as hell. The people at Hightimes and other places, some are there only because they have the necessary degrees to be there. You in my opinion, can help me more than that. You need a degree to get certain jobs, but you don't need a degree to be smart. I want to know what you know.
  10. Night Rider

    Night Rider New Sprout

    well said spliffstar29......i'm with you in this matter
  11. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~


    Quote: from spliffstar29 on 8:14 am on June 15, 2005
    Well they don't talk about that **** in my books. I've learned alot in the short time I've been here. You people are smart as hell. The people at Hightimes and other places, some are there only because they have the necessary degrees to be there. You in my opinion, can help me more than that. You need a degree to get certain jobs, but you don't need a degree to be smart. I want to know what you know.  

    ....right on!   I totally agree that you can NOT learn everything in a book but the fundementals you can.  You hit the nail on the head when you said "you do not need a degree to be smart"....most intelligent people never even put a toe in college.  They learned on their own and thru life experiences and or self taught.  Gotta appreciate everyone of them too for being that damm smart to help themself and expand their brains! :bigok:

    btw...ty Pete for sticking up for me even when he didn't mean me. LOL Nice to see men are still gentlemen. ;)  Still think Herbgrower deserves mucho respect for being a good frd to us all and lending a hand in growing as the rest of my dear growbuddies.....  gotta respect the senior growers here...:kiss:
  12. spliffstar29

    spliffstar29 Germinated

    Yeah herbgrower is a cool dude. However, when I said oldschool I meant that defending a woman's honor is rare these days. Males are more interested in taking a ladies honor. That's old school nowadays.

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