my plant is dying!!! i need help!!

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by dominicano en alta, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. i have my plant in my roof its about 2 weeks old and it started to get yellow and burned i water it every day so i dont understand why this is happening please help me this is an emergency!!!
  2. herbman

    herbman Full Flowering

    Not an expert, but I don't think you need to water the poor little MJ everyday. I don't know much though!
  3. bobbybfunk

    bobbybfunk Veggy Stage

    do you mean in ur attic or on your roof and if its in your attic how hot does it get?
  4. FloridaBud

    FloridaBud Germinated

    i have tried putting a plant on my roof too. my plant did the same thing. i think it is because it gets to hot on the roof because my plant was fried.
  5. FloridaBud

    FloridaBud Germinated

    i have tried putting a plant on my roof too. my plant did the same thing. i think it is because it gets to hot on the roof because my plant was fried.
  6. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    i started my plants out on the roof it is about 85-100 up tehre good thing i chose a danm good bag seed that was susposebly from afgana or india but from the looks it looks indica doniment
  7. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I agree that it should not be watered each and everyday. If the soil is drying out THAT fast then you have it in too small a container. Second thing is it is getting burned up....The roots are probably getting WAY too hot. If none of those are the reason maybe the UN is spraying herbicide on your plants. :biggrin:
  8. the thing is its in my roof and i live in the caribean so its pretty damn hot over here what should i do put in in the shade and if i do wont this bother the fotosyntesis? o and if its dusty will this damage it?/?

    DANK WIZARD New Sprout

    If the surface of the roof is black put down a small piece of plywood painted white and put your plant on it raise the pot with a couple of bricks so air can flow between the roof and the bottom of your pot. Your pot should be at least 5 gallons and should be white.
  10. herbgrower

    herbgrower Veggy Stage

    Excellent advice from DANK WIZARD ! :ebert:

    By the sound's of it,ur root's are getting WAY too hot.

    Bigger pot's and most definately white or painted white.

  11. bobbybfunk

    bobbybfunk Veggy Stage

    I think your best bet if its just getting burned to death from the tremendous heat and you're doing everything right, find a strain that was bred for very hot areas. I'm sure you could find one. But just in case explain your step bye step of how you are caring for the plant.
  12. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    no. u cannot grow good mj on a roof.

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