This sucks my power was out for 2days do to the weather in the second week of flowering is it bad,can they go hermie?
Hi HELL BOY 420, i would say that any interuption in the flowering period is bad, to what degree i guess depends on the length of time. 2 days sounds like quite a bit to me and obviously isnt gonna do your crop much good however i dont think anyone could say your plants are definately gonna go hermie i guess only time will tell. Certain strains will be less or more likely to go hermie than others but this doesnt mean that your crop is ruined. I would look on the positive side and just carry on and hope for the best.
Good advice lil pot. I worry more about my plants getting light during the dark period more so than not getting light at all for an extended period. What makes the plant flower is a hormone that builds up during darkness....soon as light hits that hormone drops to zero and has to start over. That I believe is what induces stressed hermies from light poisoning. Guess we'll see if any problems arise eh Hell Boy? You can tell US in a few weeks.
I actually had missed one full day of lighting, not from a power outage, just from being stupid drunk and forgetting to turn the light on. ( i dont have a timer so i do it all myself). And nothing happended to mine. Ive read before that some people leave their plant in the dark for two days before harvesting, or something like that so i dont think its a bad thing nessicarily. Like pappy said i'd be more concerned if there was a light leakage during dark time. Im still a newb, but i dont think your plants are in trouble from that.
Well first off all a Hermaphordite is a blend of both male and female sexual characteristics. Just like a human Hermy would have a vagina and a penis, a hermy plant produces both Buds (female) and seed pods(Male). This occurs when a male plant is left undetected ina room full of female plants and once they start flowering, the male pollenates the air and fertilizes the female. Thus causing the females to have seed pods and buds (which are garbage). This is not factual, this is just what im gathering from the back of my mind. Just some things i read on this site and such. Hermaphordite: you'll notcie the small pods (male) and the white hairs or pre-flowers of a female.
You're close Dan but NOT quite there buddy. First that pic is not a hermie. What you think are male parts are just swollen female parts. Second males don't have 'seed pods'. Males have 'pollen sacs' in the form a small yellow banana looking flower clusters. Females produce seed if they are pollenated. Those things in your pic are swollen 'seed pods' in truth without a seed in them. That's what you smoke...false seed pods that are filled with resin instead of a seed since the flower was not pollenated. Hope that cleared it up for ya.