brown leaves

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by FloridaBud, May 25, 2005.

  1. FloridaBud

    FloridaBud Germinated

    I have a problem, my plant is about 1 1/2 weeks old. it has is working on its 3rd layer. the bottom leaves started to turn a little brown yesterday, and today they are all brown. what should i do to try and save it?
  2. mrsoprano

    mrsoprano Begun Flowering

    could be fert burn. if they go yellow first then brown and dry out then i would expect thats the problem?

    but are you using ferts yet?
  3. FloridaBud

    FloridaBud Germinated

    no i am not using no ferts, but i did use MG one time.
  4. StashDaCash

    StashDaCash Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    MG sucks it nut burned the shitout of my plant
  5. mrsoprano

    mrsoprano Begun Flowering

    so you have used ferts or not?
  6. Jiggyjohn

    Jiggyjohn Germinated

    i have the same problem could it be shock
  7. FloridaBud

    FloridaBud Germinated

    no i dont think it is shock because it is still growing.

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