...you've been dealer-free for a year or longer... ...and/or... ...all yer' close stoner friends are wantin' to dig ditches for ya'...that's always a good sign... > > . . < < ok...ya' all...this is where you come in...I know that there are a few of us among us that cultivate the plant here...and as you know I respect that...smack down cool...watt I would like to see happen here at this thriller of a strand is for ya' all to complete my openin' title's sentence...so it would go like this...just like I have done above as examples... You know you have grown some kick-ass pot when: ...***yer' example here***... Folks...let yer' comedic side shine...that's watt it's all about...and as bush would say..."Bring it On"...lmao...cheers! DC
You know you're growing some kick ass pot when a house fly lands on one your buds and either gets stuck or just wouldn't leave, kinda hard to tell which. You know you're growing so kick-ass pot when you walk out to check your mail and you can smell your grow room (your mailbox is over 100 yds. away)
You know youve grown some bomb ass chronic when... you're fingers are so full of sticky resin that if you were to stick them together it would practically involve peeling skin to get free.
We were laughin yesterday, went to a friend of mine's parents and they were tellin him it didn't hurt so much if he didn't hit it so hard. I chimed my smartass little mouth in and said "If you're not hurtin then you didn't hit it hard enough" Was a lot funnier then, than it is now.
You know your growing so kick ass pot when your daughter's freinds talk about the good weed she gets but they don't know where she get it.
You know you're growing some kick ass pot when you lose your lighter in either your pocket or in your own hand.......several times.......on a regular basis! You know you're growing some kick ass pot when the guy you used to buy weed from starts calling you! PeAcE
lmfao The one about the lighter. Happens to me stoned or sober. Same with my cell phone cigs bowl rolling papers. Anything small Can and will get lost lol.
when yer sittin in front of the tv with your wife and can no longer hear anything she said....... then she knocks the shit outta you for not listening
You Get The Picture...I'll bring the thoughts... You know you have grown some kick-ass pot when: you email yer' senator this nice message at his website...lmao: Thoughtful tag: Hello, Mr. Hagel... Good mornin'... Just thought I would exploit this opportunity to share a few of my thoughts with you. I as a human first, on this GOD/ALLAH-given planet, we know as Earth, and as an American secondly, have much doubt and despair these days when it comes to the events playing out in the world we are both surround'd by. Specifically the subject of this current crisis the world finds itself in, otherwise known as the global war on terrorism...terrorism, such a touchy, touchy word, is it not, sir. A question and thought of mine on terrorism. What makes the Americans brand of retribution towards its known and suspect'd enemies any different than the brand of retribution brought to the Americans by our known and suspect'd enemies? If Osama was willing to negotiate in the Tora Bora mountains of Afghanistan...I believe that moment was a moment lost to have salvaged any sort of stride towards bringing this conflict we have brought upon ourselves to some sort of a conclusive stage with the elements of radicalized Islam that so want for our beings and idealogies to be brought to a standstill. I some times "have" to ask myself...can you blame them for their hatred. Why, when us Americans were capable of spearheading a movement and project(MAnhattan) that fulfil'd our wildest security dreams...a bomb...sir...yes, a bomb...that would protect us from all evil...sorry to sound religiousy there...however, we sleep in the beds we make...so perhaps my view seems for lack of a better label...liberal...but labels and slogans...such as "collateral damage" don't do it for this human...just so you know. Thank you...and I'll be chattin' with you soon!... DC