I can do even better......Apollo 11Out of EVERYTHING I've ever grown or smoked, A11 the crown jewel of the cannabis family.not only is it the smoothest, clearest most creative high I've ever had, it's also a pure joy to grow.....a 49 day Sativaif i had to have only one smoke, this would be it. /monthly_2007_12/A11.JPG.45361940f285f1c3aef369c88fb62f2b.JPG /monthly_2007_12/1A11.JPG.2b3fbf3c8501bba7ddc3bfdb822779a9.JPG
My fav strains so far In no particular order... Northern Lights (femaleseeds) Bubblicious (Nirvana) Blueberry (Dutch Passion) Great White Shark (Green House)
Tell me more of this Thortons Poison.... Thortons Poison? Thats one i aint heard of before NEON...any other info on it like is it commercially available or was it your own genetics,etc What was the stone like? If everyone who has submitted their best ever strains smoked in this thread took the time to do some smoke reports in the subforum section then we would have some kick ass reviews of some kick ass strains!Just an idea,not trying to subliminally influence your thoughts or anything ppl:icon_smile: :jmorph:
BEST STRAINS--TOP 10 LIST 1)Sour Diesel (East Coast Version) 2)Skunk Red Hair (Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds) 3)Papaya (Nirvana) 4)Super Skunk (American Skunk not that Euro-trash version) 5)Super Silver Haze 6)Blueberry 7)Kyle Kushman's Strawberry Cough 8)White Russian 9)Grape (Eugene, OR) 10)Double Strawberry Diesel (KKSC x Sour Diesel) These are strains that I have grown or smoked. It's harder than I thought to narrow the list down to just 10!!!!
Regarding the SUPER SKUNK.... Some great choices of strains there Green/Man:icon_thumleft: Iv smoked 7 of your top 10 strains.... just one thing though regarding the SUPER SKUNK you mentioned>>> Coming from Europe myself,currently living in the U.K, i can assure you that some of the SUPER SKUNK strains over here available to buy legally in UK seedshops are AMAZING strains with high potency levels so i wouldnt call our version of SUPER SKUNK "eurotrash" :eusa_naughty: ...our dutch version of SUPER SKUNK is far superior to a lot of other so called potent strains.I aint tried the american version of SUPER SKUNK so aint really the best person to comment but all i can say is that there are great SUPER SKUNK strains of bud over here in Amsterdm, Glasgow, London that iv been lucky enough to smoke that got me stoned as a MO'FO! In fact one of the best cross strains that iv smoked from a friend was the SUPER SKUNK x BIG BUD that he has as a keeper strain that he continually grows,grow after grow,thats how good it is,he wont toke anything else... i spose the huge yields he gets from the strain also help his decision:icon_wink: :eusa_think:Maybe the eurotrash stuff you smoked was the result of a bad experience or a taste of a bad grow?All i know is the dutch and UK strains of SUPER SKUNK aint shitty,they are great especially for cross breeding purposes.Peaceotleaf:
No offense to you personally "The Apprentice". Just from my experience i've found that euro growers mainly dutch tend to select for sweeter skunk varieties as compared to most American growers tend to select skunk plant with a dank pungent earthy variety. On the other hand if it werent for passionate growers from europe the cannabis genetics around the world would be decades behind where we are today!!!
None taken..just curious,cheers for the feedback though.. None offense taken my friend... i aint tried the american version so aint qualified to discuss its merits compared to dutch strains...i do know that here in the UK we make some strains like what you describe as im sure some ducth places do aswell.. Maybe you just aint found the kinda strain you like from our vast collections,there are many strains that fit the description of what you quoted.TBH id never gave much thought as to american strains being so different seeing as most strains at some time orother whether european,african,asian, or american have all been crossed and inter bred with each other,etc. Sounds good either way,glad its on of your top strains.Maybe one day i will get to try it if me herb and the rest of the mod/admin ever manage to get a get together planned over on the west coast round herbs neck of the woods...unless them guys would rather meet up with me in amsterdam ,either way im sure would be a blast. Out of curiosity what other strains do you know of that you feel the american versions are better than the dutch or UK versions Its just the 1st time iv ever heard anyone compare the two continents strains as being different or the dutch varieties being not as superior kinda thing.Im sure you know we got many great strains out here though:icon_wink:...i assume 'eurotrash' is the USA= of 'mexican brick/ditch weed'?Im smoking some rather fine eurotrash right now:icon_smileeace amigo
Hey T.A. - Im not admin/mod at all, but if you make it across the pond to the West (Best) Coast here, I gotta say, smoke and pints are on me brother. I think what the poster above was getting at is what we call RKS or Road Kill Skunk. Since you dont have skunks over there you can't understand. Another Brit had described the smell as rotting flesh and tires burned with diesel fuel in rich soil. The americans will understand. RKS is the old skunk from the late 70's- early 90's that smells like a rotting skunk corpse just climbed up your nostril and wiped his ass all over your ol-factory glands. In defense of my Euro bretheren, I will say that the skunk we (Americans)know as skunk had multiple phenotypes. There was the infamous RKS, and what eventually was inbred to SKunk #1. The RKS was very popular here, but got people busted, as no carbon filter, or odor precautions could handle the stink this baby put out. IMO that is why it is so hard to find nowadays, which is a tragedy IMO. I think the RKS is still available, but only through those mountian type folk/growers that dont have to worry about smell. OK, back to to my Euro brothers - It should be noted, that Sam the Skunkman intentionally bred the RKS out of Skunk, creating the fruity/sweet skunk we now know as Skunk #1. Yes, it was bred in Euro, and I consider it no where close to the RKS, however, the breeding was done by an AMERICAN. If you know your ganja and breeder histories, A-Dam was nothing until StSM moved there and took multiple strains with him, that are now the base genetics for most of the Dutch strains. Ever hear of NL? From the No.Cal/PNW. Haze? From the Haze Bros in Santa Cruz circa 1968-69. Cali-O? Santa Cruz/No.Cal. 79-82. Skunk, also Cali from the 70's. Basically almost all the good original genetics in A-Dam were brought by StSM. Prior to that, A-Dam was getting mostly import bud of mediocre quality, but the hash was superb. The BoEL from So. Cal (hippies from around here lol) is responsible for most (up to 60%) of the MJ, hash, LSD, Shrooms, Peyote and Cocaine in the US during the 60's and very early 70's. Before anyone says Howard Marks, this is his predecessor int the trade, and opened the door for Mr.Nice. I just read a 140 page book trying to get to the bottom of some of the original strains mentioned above, hence the reason this is fresh in my mind. There is some great info for you hippies, neo-hippies on the culture you love. The BoEL helped make the hippies what they were, and allowed them be what they were, e.g. fun loving, free loving hippie tree-huggers. Check out the Brotherhood of Eternal Love if you get a chance. Explains a lot about the subculture of the time. OK sorry for the off topic rant.
Thnx 4 explanation! I gotta question iv EDITED in yellow regarding a strain>UK CHEESE You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Useless again. EDIT>>>> As usual Useless you are a constant source of information for me, i truly respect the experience you have shown that you have just by the amount and way you have always answered every & any question i post or pose to you:icon_salut: If we could do a growkind book like " The GrowKIND Growers Guide " then i reckon you'd have a few chapters to add to it for sure.I know we have many guys on here who been growing for years and know their shit inside out due to experience,etc BUT you also have a fantastic general marijuana knowledge whether it be on MJ botany like DNA mapping a plant to see if its a polypoid or be it on a topic like this where you gave me an in depth answer so i would fully understand what G/Man was meaning(which i now understand what he meant,i of course have grown original blueberry for one that is an american strain,i dare say iv grown a few other USA strains) so thank you and if that book ever gets underway i'll be sure to see if webby and the team wanna include an ask Dr.Useless section of the book:icon_wink: Theres a forum idea:sign13: you could be like the UK's Dr.Hemp who iv got a link for in my signature,lol,aye thats got a ring to it>>otleaf:"Dr.Useless the Marijuana Agony Uncle":jj:...:icon_smile: Talkin of strains ,im a member of a UK forum where swapping of medicinal strains and clones is kinda allowed or they turn a blind eye,etc... iv been offered a strain called UK Cheese which is a CLONE ONLY strain in exchange for a POG clone from my strain collection,just wondering mate or anyone who reads this thread if they have ever heard of Cheese?UK version), it aint no longer available from seed, clone form ONLY kinda like the mythical G13 or proper PURPLE HAZE so im asking for any feedback on it... So far iv been told by some trusted local cultivators in the UK that its a great strain that is in some way a mutated version of a great skunk#1 strain,dont ask me how it got mutated though,lol,thats just the story iv been told regarding the strains origins.If ANYONE has any knowledge of this strain and its genetics,etc then please PM me or post on a thread about it as i need an urgent answer for this guy who seems to be a trusted member of their forum and hes a UK resident aswell, local enuff for me at least... Im hearing that this UK Cheese strain is the bomb basically ,just curious as to whether their is a USA version of Cheese and if so can it be bought in seed form as this is a clone only form im told.Like i say the story goes that it was from a 'keeper' strain of a potent skunk#1 that over time got mutated into what is now called UK Cheese and apparently my lil brother who lives in England says hes smoked it and that its pretty well heard of down south of the border so im just looking for any info and a few second opinions if thats possible? END OF EDIT (14/02/2008) Ahhh ok NOW i see what he meant,cheers U/less:icon_thumleft:...yup iv heard of RKS but can only imagine what the hell it tastes and smells like! Hell if i do come across the pond a toke and a pint sounds good(any british style 'pubs' out there?)... I'd love to try this american type skunk as its summit iv never heard of before but now that i have im right up for some of it,lol....any particular strains except the one mentioned that i should look out for?The only strain iv toked remotely connected to USA is the new york diesal which i loved!Peaceotleaf:
Well not too many British pubs here. But plenty of british beer. Boddingtons? Newcastle? Old Suffolk? What's your poison? As far as the skunk goes, I have been looking for a cut. But she's an elusive girl and I can't get a line on her. As far as smoke, you have grown American strains bro! Dj Shorts Blueberry -American. But some of the best smoke is going to be OG Kush, Bubba Kush, ECSD, Daywrecker Diesel etc.
To: THE Apprentice Skunk is one of the major strains that are different in america vs. europe. Also diesel is differnt over there as well Soma's poor excuse for new york city diesel is a weak comparison with the accual diesel. But there are only a few major strains that are different between contenints. However like you said all those seeds from tons of different countries have found each other through comercial breeding so I'm not suprised that there are some differences between stains...also the fact that now a days its hard to find the F1 generation of seeds with no legal patent laws many seed companies take elite strains cross them with a landrace variety thus weakening the genetics and pass it off as a knockoff of the original. Anyway thats my 2 cents. Peace
Interesting.. :icon_thumleft:Yeah i get it now,done a bit of reading up on it aswell i see the differences...In the UK we just call ALL decent bud >SKUNK so tous every and any good strain is simply SKUNK but upon delving deeper i see that i have grown a few american strains,lol,just never knew and iv read abouyt the RKS earthy types aswell so cheers for the enlightenment.Peace EDIT>>> CAN ANYONE READ THE EDIT IN MY LAST POST AND GIVE ME ANY SORT OF FEEDBACK ABOUT IT OR ANY STRAIN CALLED CHEESE,I GOTTA ANSWER A GUY URGENTLY SO NEED SOME INFO IF ANY ONE OF YOU HAS TRIED OR GROWN IT APPARENTLY FROM CLONE...Mistical,Geheim?Anyone?
TA - there is no USA Cheese. The CHeese clone only is phenotype of a rpe 1989 Sensi Seed's Super SKunk. It was found in the UK and only recently made its way across the pond here. If it's a real cheese clone, I would trade him 10 of your POG's for one. In other words, you'd be a damn fool not to jump on it. Besides, then I can pester you in PM about a trade! LOL. I dont trust the so called cheese clones here, everytime someone said they had it was fake. Or Big Buddas CHeese, which might as well be called fake too, since its a not the cheese clone, but the cheese crossed with nl, as is common place over there. But to me, keeping the name cheese fouls up the gene pool, as people will claim to have cheese, but it's not, it's the hybrid! WTF?! lol Real Cheese is gonna be a Sat dom Skunk. Hope that helps. PM if you want anymore info, so we don't take this too far off topic. Cheers OH yea, Greeanman - in regards to your last post, ain't that the truth!
UK cheese all iv read so far on it... So afr this link to a thread about UK CHEESE on UK cultivaor is thee only source of info i have to go on,again they talk about how it is a mutant s1 strain but not a lot more to go on than that and the fact the site has some nice pics of it but all from clones,heres the link for those interested in this 100% keeper strain>> http://www.ukcultivator.biz/showthread.php?t=12725
Gracias Amigo... AGAIN...thanking you for your constant feedback to every question i ever ask which isnt always answered,i salute ya buddy:icon_salut: Iv checked this guy out who is offering me the uk cheese and hes a trusted member apparently and at the moment there is a thread on that forum with images of some UK Cheese clones that members have sent each other so im assuming if hes a senior and well liked member that its entirely plausible( i hope) that this guy possibly could also have gotten one of the clones that seem to be getting passed amongst the forum for whatever deals or shit they do for it,like i said all he asked for was a POG in exchange which iv got plenty of so taking a cutting from one wouldnt even affect me,hell id give him some bubbleiscious,ice and K2 aswell if he wanted if this strain is as good as im hearing from you and other ppl like my brother who has toked it plenty down south where he lives... I hope the guy is genuine which he seems to be and iv seen proof there are cheese clones doing the rounds so it could just be my lucky day.I just needed to know if there was such a thing as UK Cheese as id never seen it in any seedbanks nor heard of local cultivators in scotland growing it although i had heard of a seed form called cheese,id never heard of this UK CHEESE that only comes in clone form...thanks for clearing up the bit about whether it was a skunk#1 mutation or not as i was very interested to know exactly which strain it really was derived from.I'd rep ya but gotta wait a while,lol.Cheers again man... you fill the gap skunky leaves when he aint around,lol,you two got answers to alsorts!Peace amigo
Didnt know that Useless my good man! TBTH, I had NO-IDEA that Big Budha CHEESE was NOT the REAL deal (As you SAy so Bro...) :icon_confused: It was a REALLY strong ass smoke though! :thumbsup: But what i CAN TOTALLY Entrust on ya and Confirm myself, That CHEESE (The "REAL" O.G CHEESE strain) is a PURE SATIVA based strain!?!?!?:sign13: :eusa_shifty: For that, IM Pretty sertain/sure, ive watched a few grows of Supposed REAL CHEESE on the "NET", And another From G.H.Seeds, but the one i found on GOOGLE looked like the ACTUAL Supposed REAL O.G CHEESE ( Original Pheno of it..) And for sure, their Strain ( GHS) has that Much more Indica Look in their Genetic Line from the Plant, as far as i could compare to my eyes(Which ive watched n watched, as ssen as i has tried the CHEESE from GHS in the "DAM") i wanted to "TRY" a Grow of CHEESE,.... Going of topic now...( Big Budha's CHEESE though!) Hmm..:sign13: Thee' CHEESE is wayyyy more of a Pure SATIVA high and LOOK to its Supposed REAL PHENOTYPE IMO!!! :sign13: ( Totally STIVA line of Genetics the CHEESE is Mreant to be anyway!!! Well so i hear n Read! Anyway, Thanks all, Peace out for now, My " Pence Worth...... lol UBB..........: pimp: otleaf: Though for the "REAL CHEESE"!
the top ten (not really in specific order) 1. diesel(sour & lemon diesel mmm) 2. afgani goo 3. kush(og & bubba) 4. bubblegum 5. grand-daddy purple 6. orange crush(kush i think?) 7. train wreck 8. ak 47 9. alaskan thunder fuck 10. warlock where else do u find great bud like this than cali?gotta love it.
my favorite is ak-47. thoughout my experimenting i grew a handfull of good genetics...and ak47 is what i used as all my control groups and test plants. i really like the high. mmmm i miss it i think i have a bean or 2 round here somewhere...*Bonk*