I have the picture posted to my garden its called fertburn. my plants have been about 3 weeks veg they where great lush and green. I had to move them to a new growspace. It was cooler inside also just before the move I had watered them real good. Anyways about 1 day after being put in the new spot the leaves started to turn yellow around the edges it had been a week since I have last fertilized. But had just recently watered kinda alot. Could it be a nutrient deficiency from overwatering or fertilizer burn? (Edited by hella420 at 8:34 pm on Mar. 2, 2005)
hella420, it could be a couple resons. if you did kinda overfertilize,then overwater,then put them in a colder area,then the amount of cold could influence the amount of uptake the roots can do. plus in a colder area the water will evaporate slower. This will make the bottum of your container wet,with alot of nitrogen,doing root damage. as well in cooler tempatures the leaf's dont open to allow water,and oxegen to leave the plant,this "Could" cause a build up fert's in the plant causeing the yellowing. if you can leach the soil good,get some air(a fan on the plant),and try to get some warmer air on them. 72 degree's is about. Good luck,Hope Ive helped some. S. Farkus
Ok well I haven't done anything to them yet for fear of messing them up. I am going to Wal-Mart tomorrow to buy a moisture meter and getting a PH kit too. Its been about 3 days since this problem started the plants are still growing but they are yellowing further up the plants now. I am going to check the moisture and the PH. Then if that shows nothing I guess I will flush and try to start over. What I am asking though is how long do I got to fix this before it kills my plants? There about 12 inches tall at the moment.
Not to bump my own post but I am also thinking of switching to organic fertilizer could this help to stabilize my situation?
hella420, it looks like nitrogen burn. Organics is great,and its hard to burn the plants with overfert diong it that way. Makes the weed taste great,and "Soma" swears by it,so it must be good. remmeber to first flush the soil,allow to dry some, then begin. good luck,and keep us informed and uopdated. S. Farkus