Hi, A friend of mine has a female plant not yet in the flowering stages. He has trimmed everyone of the leaves since it was about 2 feet tall. As soon as the leafs come out he trims off every one except the one in the middle. So instead of having 5,6,or7 leafs on each new sprout it is left with just one. He says he's avoiding detection because someone who doesn't know what they are looking for wont know what it is.There is a problem though shortly after he trims them the hairs on the baby buds die! I keep telling him he is killing the buds but he wont listen. Help me settle this one once and for all! Whos right and whos wrong?
Leaves = Bud Factories Cut the leaves off and you have nothing with which to build buds. He is correct in that nobody will know what it is cause it will not look ANYTHING like a pot plant with no buds growing on it. So guess you are both right.
The plant looks healthy other than the hirs dieing on the baby buds. I'm afraid he won't belive me, so after this post has more replies I will print it and take it to him. Its a damn shame it would have been some kill!! I gave him the seeds and told him not to waste them Do the hairs dieing signify the deaths of the hundred or so babies it has on it?
Wisetales and myths. Mother nature built marijuana w/ leaves!! Don't cut them off. Your friend sounds like he has his facts confused. Tell him that cheba said to leave the leafs alone.
it will get alot better then it is now but its nut just gonna get better in a few days it will take maybe a week or two
to GrowKind, tinkerbell. From now on if you are giving seeds away send them to: House of Herbs c/o Indyface 420 Stoner Way Herbville, USA 420000
welcome tinkerbell, are u a fuit, or a hottie? neways as far as ur friend goes...i first have to ask...is this a joke? for petes sake man i hope u send this to him... it amazes me sometimes to think that things like this really happen, this exact "camoflage" was a joke between my HS buddies for years...i'm gonna look for their phone numbers, they arent gonna believe this shizzle...man alive i really never thought i would ever hear of this actually being done. STOP IT! Thanx for the laugh anyway Happy Growin' PS...what was his plan for the future anyway..did he think that cause it only had one finger leaves, the smell and the bud wouldnt seem as obvious? (Edited by green goblin at 6:00 pm on July 9, 2005)
Well now ur in for another laugh!! NO **** he actually told me that since the plant only had to produce one leaf at a time that more of the plants energy would go into the bud!!!!HAHAHA I think his brain has been pickeled in bong resin and alcohol. I only wish I had a digital camera so I could post a pic. Its bout 4 1\2 feet tall now and it looks very healthy other than the DEAD buds. I gave him all the supplies to make her strong I even let him have some of my cotton plant compost.
From now on if you are giving supplies away send them to: House of Herbs c/o Indyface 420 Stoner Way Herbville, USA 420000