Check it out. Two to three months airo then out into some sweet soil. The idea is to get the potency as high as possible and smooth the taste with soil. Ever hear of it. (Edited by Duke at 10:37 pm on June 18, 2005)
Duke. I can't say that I have heard that b4.. Yet I figure that any stress on the plant would be a bad thing. In my mind, what's left of it, I believe the quality of the end result depends on a the genetics and the enviroment. If the plant grows under the same conditions it may develop better than if it's enviroment changes too much. I grew in 'sweet' soil and it turned out well. Do you have an airo system? If so how does it work out quality wise?
The greater the light the better the yeild. Oh yeah, Co2 too. The hole indoor setup. But, you never go wrong with soil. love my green house. I am in the army right now and God can't wait to get out. Felt something was just not right about the damn thing you know! (Edited by Duke at 11:04 pm on June 18, 2005)
Well Duke gardening is a life long thing imo. It has been for me. The best advice is to read up and keep your interest alive. The second best advice is wait till you have a secure place to grow. The third best advice is never show anyone your garden. You might drop a note in the hydro forum here. There are folks who drop in and check only one or two forums. They might know more on airo to soil. And what about that 18 month tour? The 18 months that extends to infinity...
Well... I was over there for one full year. I don't think they will try and pull the 18 monther again. Feel sorry if you are SF though. So many dark corners in this world and not enough light bra.
Think the potency has more to do with the genetic's of the plant,Duke. The only thing ya may have to do is "harden" them up for the outside move. Don't just put them from an inside enviroment straight to outside,as you may kill them due to the difference's in climate's.
herbgrower... I am thinking of using a fan during the veg-stage to bring about strong stems. Do you think a climate control box is any different from a green house?
Fan is good. Not too sure wot ya mean by climate control box tho. Is that like a grow-chamber ? Coz that's how i get my outdoor plant's to get them up to about 6-8".I use my grow chamber. The only thing i can think of with a greenhouse is fluctuation's in temp's,unless ya got a heater going in there full time. Hope that kinda help's,if not ask away !
Yes bra, a grow chamber. One that I made myself as well as my green house. I am thinking about taking a chance and putting the airo outside in some soil. Just to see if this jaw jacker knows what he is talking about. I am going to bed now but I will check on your reply. Peace
Your in ur summer month's over there too,i forgot,um,as long as they are getting the appropriate amount of day-light hour's ur plant's should be ok. Getting them up in ur climate control box is an excellent idea and will give ur plant's a good and healthy head start,as i said b4 this iis how i prepare my outside grow's. With the green-house is it a glass or plastic type ? Can ya get air-flow happening in there,as this will help with the stem's and cooling once ya relocate them to the green-house. Just be a bit careful that the daytime temp's don't get too hot in there also while they are still small.
The green house is plastic. White to let the most light in. With the same controls as the grow box. A fan big enough to move the air and keep the right temp.
No worries. Thanks for thinking though. I bought a control box along time ago. It has the ability to run the co2, the exaust fan/fresh air fan, and kept the room temp to par. 75% baby! See... it has a infered thingy on it that did all that. It also had the option of a light for you to plug in too. Timer, does it all. Cool huh? I've had purple kush, mauy waowe, and some white $#!@ that I have never had more than once. That one is my favorit. What do ya like?
Anything that get's me off me head !!!! Am growing a Somatooth#2 x NYCD at the moment and have a NL X NL on the way as well. Um,got a K-99 that will be at 6 week's on Sunday,and am thinking of getting some Orange Kunk or White Light's happening next ! With ur timer's and stuff,make sure that if they have any LED light's exposed,cover them up or they will screw ur gro w up !