I've mentioned it a while back, but I think we should have some required info about the grow b4 someone can start a thread asking for help. like the way OG used to do it.Most of the time they just post a pic and ask what's wrong. Or even worse no pic. WE NEED MORE INFO THAN THAT. For example Clone or seed? Bag seed or strain? Soil or hydro? What size container? What kind of h2o How old? How tall? What type of light and how far away is it? What type of nutes and how often? Temp and Humidity? Lighting schedule? Size of space? That's all I can think of now . Any other suggestions?
I agree, with everything you said. I got nothing but freetime for a month, so I don't mind killing time being a nice guy, 'cause I mostly am. The list you made, is right on the money. Most of the people who ask, have a bolted sprout in a dixie cup in the closet in moms house. Its there first three posts, of course they never bothered to sift through the FAQ, all this is true, but; I wouldn't want to go 180d in the other direction, and have the site seem mean, either. I belong to two Pink Floyd boards, and you want to talk about snobs!!! MAN. If you post something, no matter how laid back, that the MODS don't like, say, "Roger Waters solo music isn't as good as Pink Floyd," and that MOD likes Roger. Your post will be removed, and/or you will be banned, and if you don't like it, go away and FU!. Theres like 5-7 "inside," people on both boards, and the rest are trash, I'm not an," insider," but I like Pink Floyd. :5headache: I agree with your post, but I don't want to "do," it in a way that seems like were saying FU. I get like 3-5 PM's a day, and I'm nice about it, where people ask me how, step by step. I try, even with the sprout in the dixie cup But I know what your saying, I really do. How do we do it, without being snobby?
I agree,... But I don't know if it should be REQUIRED...some don't even know that much about the situation....lol...:icon_confused: I'd be happy with knowing whether it was dirt, pot size, age, and water/nute schedule....most of the other stuff gets answered in a sideways way eventually anyway, sometimes.... Did that even make sense? I just leave it as "if I don't understand the original Q, I don't want to ask 5 more questions just to understand the original Q.....so I might not respond." I mean, alot of the times an answer will be right in the FAQ, but it might be different coming from someone who's done it. And I'd rather teach someone to do it right than have them give up and/or hate it.... I guess I'm just here to give moral support:qcheerleader:
Tke it to a vote...a I love a good member submission idea:icon_thumright:... IMO sMARMY take it to a voters poll and see what the masses thik,if enough ppl like the idea then take the popular consensus to the mod/admin and see if it can be done. Although on the down side,in the past we ran polls for calendars,etc and ppl voted FOR it but never took part and subsiquenally they failed but i kinda like this idea for one,although id modify it slightly..Peaceotleaf:
Could always add a form to the create new post in the beginners lounge that includes those questions as fill in the blanks...and if they don't know, they don't have to fill it out....
hell yeah take it to the poll!i'd vote for it,makes great sense,i often forget to add in my grow conditions when asking for help and i can see where it gives more of the big picture aspect to the problem. like triage at the e.r., your enviroment,lighting,medium,strain,everything just like smarmy said.that way those that know can better help.great idea,i'd also like to say for what it's worth,the tricks of the trade thread, choker started it i believe,that is good shit too,alot of helpful tricks and nuggets of wisdom in there that us rookies wouldn't be getting any other way,you guys should sticky that one for sure.there's not too much room for improvement though,you guys make gk a great place for grow info and help already,i love this place and i look forward to being able to contribute, soon as i pull my head out of my ass and learn how to grow some quality green.:icon_confused:
I'm not sure if I can make that happen with the version of VB we have here at the present. I'll look and see. It's a good idea to request a lil more info if someone is gonna ask a Q. No sense in being lazy if you truely want an answer, but then again...many newbies just aren't 'aware' when they ask Q's for the first time. There's two sides to the coin and I'm trying to see both. If I can muster a way of implementing this I'll give it a go.
maybe it can be a sticky at the top of the forum with a template like the ones in the strain guide . Put something like please use this template when asking a question. It doesn't have to be mandatory to post but I think if it is there they will use it. Especially if I point it outto them :laughing6: you got my vote
I'm pretty sure it will let you prepopulate the fourm message with something like, what you guys are talking about. Where did you get it? What method soil/dro And they would just add to the prefill question their anwser. Drop down boxes would be cool but more work.
Make up a template that you think will work best for newbie questions and I'll post it with a sticky.
yea i REALLY think that this is a good idea, it doenst come off as being an asshole to noobs, and its straightforward, and simple.
I think something like this would be good. Let me know if I missed something. Please cut and paste the questions below, and add your answers. Please try to include a clear picture with your question. How long have you had the problem? What strain are you growing?seed or clone? What is the age of your plants? How tall are the plants? What stage (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? What type of system are you running? Hydro, Sog , Scrog, etc. What size pots are you using? What medium are you using? What brand of soil mix are you using? What nutrient's are you using?How much of each per gallon? How Often? What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used? What is the pH of the soil and run off? What method of pH testing was used? Strips? pH pen? How often are you watering? How do you determine if it needs water? When was your last feeding? How big is your grow space? What size bulb are you using? What is the distance to the canopy? What is your humidity? What is the canopy temperature? What is the Day/Night Temp? What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) What is your water source? Tap, R/O Have any insecticides been used? If so what and when? Are plant's infected with pest's?
that should do it,huh smarmy?(you forgot mother's maiden name and birthplace though)pretty thorough brother
Pest and plant problems template!!!! Okay this is the revised version, what do ya think? Please cut and paste the questions below and add your answers. The more information we have, the easier it will be to diagnose the problem. Please try to include a clear picture with your question, it will help a ton. How long have you had the problem? What strain are you growing?seed or clone? What is the age of your plants? How tall are the plants? What stage (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? What type of system are you running? Hydro, Sog , Scrog, etc. What size pots are you using? What medium are you using? What brand of soil mix are you using? What nutrient's are you using?How much of each per gallon? How Often? What is the pH of the soil and run off? How often are you watering? How do you determine if it needs water? When was your last feeding? How big is your grow space? What size bulb are you using? What is the distance to the canopy? What is the humidity? What is the Day/Night Temp?What is the canopy temperature? What is the current Air flow? (cfm etc.) Have any insecticides been used? If so what and when? Are plant's infected with pest's?