My Ballast Died :(

Discussion in 'Advanced Cultivation' started by Domin8rix, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. Domin8rix

    Domin8rix Resident Evil

    OK, so here's the deal. I've used my 1000w HPS ballast and lamp for about 2 grows so far and haven't had a single problem. I was just getting it going for my new grow and had it turned on and running when I accidently pulled the cord out of the socket. I thought I was unplugging the heater, but it turned out to be the HPS :crap:. I saw a blue spark when it came out and the light turned off... I thought it was just the lamp, but after replacing the lamp it still won't turn on. The Ballast hums, but not as loud as it used to and the light doesn't even flicker. Is it possible that I just killed the capacitor and not the whole ballast? Can I place the capacitor? I'll post pics of the inside of the ballast ASAP. Thanks all! :kiss:

  2. Domin8rix

    Domin8rix Resident Evil

    Here's a couple of shots:



    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

  3. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Sorry to hear about that. I let the electricians handle that sort of thing, but thanks for the testimonial. I'll be extra careful with my ballasts in the future.

    Was your ballast purchased new or used?

    (Edited by llIndigoll at 1:00 pm on June 7, 2005)
  4. Domin8rix

    Domin8rix Resident Evil

    I bought it new... Yeah, I'm bummed [​IMG] Hey Indi, do you think it'll hurt my girls to go back to floro light after being on the HPS for a week? They are starting to get leggy just after a few days... I need to fix this ASAP!

  5. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I find it odd that just unplugging it did any damage there Dom. That's the same thing as turning it off only you are the switch. Could be coincidence. Anyway if you look closely there you wil see both a capacitor and an ignitor. I'm not sure which is which, but it should say. I THINK the one that stands upright is the ignitor. That I think it your problem...the ignitor. It hums which means the transformer (ballast) is fine. You say there is no spark in the bulb at startup....that leads me to the ignitor. Should be an easy fix if you can find an electronics store nearby. I have to say though...for being new ballast with only 2 grows that transformer SURE looks beat up. Where did you purchase this light?

    DANK WIZARD New Sprout

    I suggest buying a ballast kit. If that transformer is not shot it looks like it will be soon. You should be able to find one locally at an electrical wholesaler. They run about 75 to 100 dollars.
  7. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    not to point out the obvious...the rust and corossion could be your problem.  Looks like your ballast had a rough day at the beach.

    Good Luck domin8rix
  8. Domin8rix

    Domin8rix Resident Evil

    Thanks guys... I got the ballast from Inside Sun, but I had it for a couple years before I used it, so the corrosion is probably from being in my storage unit.

    Pappy, the smaller one on the bottom of the case is the ignitor, I'll try to see if I can find one of those at an electrical supply place. Thanks for the help guys! XOXOXOXO!

  9. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Just like me to be dislexic. :smoke2:

    Cheba that rust and such would not play a role. A ballast is simply a transformer which is comprised of a 'winding' of copper wire insulated by a resin. Only way to lose the transformer is to have this insulation break down on the inside and short the windings. This COULD be the case, but in orderto really know you would have to test the trans. with an ohm meter while it is unplugged. Best way to remedy a problem for the average Joe is to replace the cheap parts first adn work your way up. I'm kinda with Dank here....would be better to buy a new kit and KNOW you have lots of life left. A loud hum from a transformer is a sign that it is either poorly made or on it's way out. You only want a faint hum to be heard.
  10. Domin8rix

    Domin8rix Resident Evil

    *Sigh* well I bit the bullet and ordered a new ballast today [​IMG]. Oh well, at least this way I didn't waste any money fixing things only to have the damn thing crap out on me again. Thanks for the advice guys, :kiss: this is why I love this site! :animbong:


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