? on supercropping

Discussion in 'Advanced Cultivation' started by DANK WIZARD, Jun 11, 2005.


    DANK WIZARD New Sprout

    I have 12 plants half way through veg that I started from seed. I don't want to stress them until after they show sex. My question is after I start 12/12 and find the females if I put a break in the main stems 4 inches down from the tops and give them a good dose of nutes will this do any good? I read that the plants will absorb more nutes then normal to mend giving the plants a nice boost as long as I keep them well feed. Am I on the right page here or should I wait and take some clones and supercrop them?
  2. herbgrower

    herbgrower Veggy Stage

    Why u want to be hurting them plant's for Dank?[​IMG]

    Don't break them,bend slowly,they are pretty flexible and breakages cause slower growth coz the plant is trying to repair the damage.

    (Edited by herbgrower at 12:38 am on June 11, 2005)

    DANK WIZARD New Sprout

    But the theary of supercropping is to crush the stem and bend 90 degrees causing the plant to absorb all available nutes to heal. I have seen pics of buds double in size.I know this is done mostly in veg but I am growing from seed and I don't want to end up with a box full of super cropped males due to stress. My question is can I start this in early flower to definate females? Will it have positive or ill effects?
  4. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    you're right to want to avoid overstressing the plants, which is why i prefer a mild form of supercropping. by pinching the stem just enough to bruise it you can stunt vertical growth for only a couple days. when the plant recovers the stem is stronger at that point, and that node should not stretch much more -- if at all.

    i have used this method through veg and the 12/12 stretch with success. i'm not exactly sure what your goal is, but i ended up with some very fat single-cola buds.

    concerning stress to the plant, it won't make much difference when you pinch the stem. whether you do it to a seed plant still in veg or a clone in flowering, it will cause stress. female clones can be stressed into turning hermie just as an unsexed plant in veg can be.

    i like to compare pinching stems to lifting weights. when you work out your muscles rip, and when you rest afterwards your muscles are repaired and get bigger. however, if you go all out on your first day and try to lift more than you can handle you will damage your muscles too much, and then you'll be sore for days or maybe weeks. it's just another case for moderation.
  5. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    Dank wizard i supercrop tall and lanky plants the first 2 weeks of flowering during the 'stretch'.  Crush stems just before the main growth tip on a few branches one day and do the rest another day to avoid excess stress.  Then go back and do it again in a few days.  Some branches will be squeezed up 4 times in difference spots.  
  6. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    ^^^^what mellowdood said
  7. herbgrower

    herbgrower Veggy Stage

    ^^^ what he said ^^^^
  8. scrugg

    scrugg New Sprout

    What I Say--
    Ray Charles
  9. fishman

    fishman Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I pinch early on. It causes 9-11 colas to develope. Each one if as big as if the plant only had 1 cola. I'm talking up to 6oz per ounce from this method.

    DANK WIZARD New Sprout

    Thanks everyone I will start pinching in the first two weeks of flowering. AG did you mean 6 oz per plant? My last grow I got 2 oz per plant. That was with flors. This is my first grow with HPS. If I can get 4 oz per plant I will be doing cartwheels all over my house.
  11. fishman

    fishman Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    yes I have maxed out at 6oz per plant under 1000w HPS
  12. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    nice work agrowgimp...i wouldn't say you're a gimp when it comes to growing cheba
  13. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    My gimp tastes funny.
  14. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Why Daddy? :crap:

    :roll: Gimp tastes funny. Well...SPIT IT OUT!
  15. My taint tastes funny doesn't it Pappy?
  16. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    For those that don't know the 'taint' is the that small spot between the 'pussy' and the '*******'. ;)

    Nice taint dude...tastes like chicken! :biggrin:
  17. QUOTE

    Quote: from Pappy on 11:36 am on June 13, 2005
    For those that don't know the 'taint' is the that small spot between the 'pussy' and the '*******'. ;)

    Nice taint dude...tastes like chicken! :biggrin:

    The taint is the taint because it taint your balls and it taint your ass. Dumbfuck.
  18. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Must be the gay avatar you are sportin there sport cause the taint ain't the pussy and it taint the *******....:dickhead:

    God you really ARE gay....here we just thought it was a rumor. :roll:
  19. Nesta

    Nesta Full Flowering

  20. pollypboy

    pollypboy Developed Alternating Nodes

    physical stress will not change the sex of the plant.... whan i say physical i mean bending breaking or cutting... only temp, humiditly or light stress will cause hermies!!

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