moving to the bahamas

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by ishmeil, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. ishmeil

    ishmeil cannabis connoisseur

    so, i got kicked out of the house for the rest of the summer, for owning bongs, which were beautiful and served me well before getting destroyed by the parents...

    ive decided to move to the bahamas for the rest of the summer, i went to school with a guy from there and he offered a job, and im taking it, i leave on friday at some point i think , im bringing the computer but i doubt i will be here all that often, so in advance for the next coupla months, happy growing, good luck to everyone !!! this time around i plan on bringing back about a hundred seeds from the shitty island weed there, bringing it back to north america, grow it properlyand have some foreign danks,

    also during my travels in the past week or so, i met a fellow grower, who is willing to give me a 600 watt light and some beautiful clones, for the price of on the house, so the fall grow should be gk calendar worthy hopefullly!

    so yea, enjoy the rest of the summer folks, i know for a fact that i will (makin minimum wage in the bahamas is so much better than making minimum wage in canada, even ifits higher in canada)
  2. dooobster

    dooobster A Fat Sticky Bud

    Good luck in the Bahamas, ish!

    I wish I could move to the friggin Bahamas... sheesh!!
  3. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    You should destroy something of theirs before you leave for paradise.
  4. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun


    Good luck Ish. Hope you have a good time in the sun and smoke some dank green! I got a friend kinda in the same situation as you with the parents, it will get better one day, and at least you know you will move out soon. Have fun! :smoke2:
  5. Gratitude

    Gratitude Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    Dude that's rough...

    My parents destroyed my music, I didn't have bongs back then.

    Have fun in the Bahamas Bro!

    Take some pics for us...

    C U in the fall

  6. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    i wish you luck in the bahamas, ish. and keep outta jail there, ok? :wave:
  7. ishmeil

    ishmeil cannabis connoisseur

    thanks to all of ya, and no dirty danks in the bahamas, just your average garbage island bud, with too many seeds. im sure it wouldnt be TOO hard to find comparable to the bud i get, but either way! il take some pics of the bud for yall to see how bad it actualy is haha
  8. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    Maybe you could find a way to introduce some dankness to the island growers.

    If the bud is that bad there, I'm sure they'd appreciate something new.


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