Howdy :)

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by CanadianCannabis, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. CanadianCannabis

    CanadianCannabis Start of veg

    Hey all im a new grower located in southern ontario, Canada. This is my first time growing, but will not be my last. I have 7 babies right now and will post pictures along with plenty of questions. To start those off iwas just wondering my plants are about two weeks old now and two of them arent standing no their own but theyre starting leaf growth i was just wondering if i should tie them to a stake or somethin to hold them up?

  2. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    That would help and Welcome :)
  3. ishmeil

    ishmeil cannabis connoisseur

    indoors or outdoors?

    and i happen to be from the same area as ya! welcome
  4. CanadianCannabis

    CanadianCannabis Start of veg

    Theyre outdoors and thanks :) ill be on here alot tryin to learn as much as i can hopein for some females but if i get males i will grow em out neways for next years crop. Ill tie em up then and some of them have redish stems and others have straight green is this like different strands? and how do u get ur lil quote a tthe bottom lol
  5. Hawaii 50

    Hawaii 50 Veggy Stage

    aloha bro.

    steaking them should work:growin:
  6. Kind Cola

    Kind Cola Loves White Rino

    Wellcome CanadianCannabis,, Good Luck with your 7 babies :qbluewacko:
  7. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    Welcome from the steel city! Alot of questions can be answered through the FAQ section. But anything outside of it's realm can be answered on a per application basis. As i tell all new members Stay as long as you like just turn the lights off when you leave! DSP
  8. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still


    Welcome to GrowKind, CanadianCannabis :wave:

    Click on the quote button @ the bottom of the post.
  9. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Glad to have ya with us. :wave:

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