Salvia Update

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by Fretgod, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. Fretgod

    Fretgod Excommunicated

    For those of you who couldnt wait for an update on my salvia garden(which is ALL of you) here you go. This is the biggest of my 2 plants. They are now able to be out of thier humidity tent all day :)

  2. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    What the fuck is that??
  3. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

  4. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    It's either a hydrangea, cabbage, or maybe a radish :laughing5:
  5. "The Master"

    "The Master" Time Lord

    Is it hard to grow Salvia? I've tried to smoke the concentrated extracts, and I got a trippy moment from it, but for some odd reason, they were always REAL negative? but to be fair, I was going through some shit then.

    Is it hard to grow? :)
  6. CanadianCannabis

    CanadianCannabis Start of veg

    Thats salvia and it fucks you up. Ive smoked it plenty of times, highest ive done is x70 xtract. Ive never heard of anyone growing it though keep us posted and i'd be intrested in seeing wat a plant of that yields.

    Looks good tho:)
  7. Fretgod

    Fretgod Excommunicated

    Its been easy as pie(mm pie). They are easy as shit to clone too since they dont often make seeds and the only way to get a plant is to buy a cutting. Another cool thing about em is the plants can grow up to 8-9 feet tall with support and what you want is in the leaves, so you dont have to flower it.
  8. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Hey Fretgod I must be old I though it was some kind of pot My Bad -Bud
  9. "The Master"

    "The Master" Time Lord

    I've seen places here and there online that claim to sell Salvia seeds. So does that mean they are a rip off?

    I got a quick buzz from it, real trippy, but like I said, it was always negative, but I was dealing with some bad ju-ju at home, you can see the potential there, though. :evil4:
  10. Fretgod

    Fretgod Excommunicated

    they COULD be seeds,ive read some stuff on about people being able to hand polinate, but i wouldnt risk the money on them since salvia seeds are sappose to have a low germination rate as well. I got my salvia cutting off ebay for 20$, well worth it in my book :)
    "The Master" likes this.
  11. Gratitude

    Gratitude Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    Is the new growth yellow?

    Mine aren't exactly thriving in the back yard, I'm still searching for the perfect spot for them that is the right mix of sun and shade... The new growth on both of my plants is pretty yellow, just wondering if you were seeing the same or if that's an indicator that they are getting more direct light than they need/want.

    bud - I think the thread about this happened while your PC was down.

  12. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    There starting to look more like Salvia FG. Looks good. Salvia is a neat plant. I smoked a good share of it, though u gotta smoke a shit ton of it to feel an effect. How do u go about make the extract?

  13. Fretgod

    Fretgod Excommunicated

    The new growth on my plants is very green, far from yellow. Salvia plants should be put in the shade sir.
  14. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    This could get interesting....

    Im pulling up a chair and rolling a few spliffs:passit:... this thread sounds interesting,i look forward to hearing more about the cultivation of this plant,im tuned in:smokin:

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