The past few years ive spent a lot of time reading all sorts of conspiracy pages and learning about ancient cultures and history. (A mushroom trip inspired me to look up this 2012 thing maybe like 6 years ago when i only knew of it as some number ive heard before, i had no idea what it represented. Needless to say, in the middle of a giant mushroom trip i was fucking blown away by the stories and ideas i couldve never imagined in my wildest dreams). I have read some that seem plausible and others that are fucking KA-RAZZY! Anyone have any input on the craziest ones youve read. Or ones you believe arent conspiracies at all, just labeled that way so people get ridiculed for investigating them. Its funny cause theres so many things tied to the 2012 date. Some people actually believe the world is gonna end (laughable), others think its when we will be confronted with alien intelligence, others say its the end of linear time, or thats when the rapture will happen. Some people will say "Aw its just another Y2K scare!". But keep in mind our current calander "The Gregorian" is off target and not as accurate as the mayan LONG COUNT. Why do you think we need daylight savings time and leap years and whatnot. To keep our fake time in line with real time? hmmm..... 2012 could be the actual leap into a new millenium, our calander was just 12 years behind. The thing with the "time" ending could very well be a cosmic cycle, a natural cycle of the earth, or galaxy even, that the mayans knew about. being masters of reading the stars and cycles of our earth. Fuck man i gotta stop cause this post of mine will go on forever. But let me point out, i dont beLIEve in these things %100 but once you start reading about stuff your not openly told about, you just cant help but wonder if we really are being lied to. When i look around these days i see things so different than before. When i watch mainstream channels like ABC NBC CNN FOX, i can almost see the distractions in place to keep us from asking the questions that matter. Instead everyone talks about last nights episode of dancing with the stars, American idol or some other bullshit that has no meaning whatsoever. Its simply entertainment, there to keep you entertained and ignorant. I know hes a nut for his reptilian conspiracy, but david ickes views and research on politics and the people who are in control really open your eyes. If youre into deciphering symbols and like to lose yourself in all sorts of whacky OCCULT shit. google video- JORDAN MAXWELL This guy is the one who people like icke get their research from. But then again it could all in all just be DISINFO... so dont get caught up in it all, just use it as references to how you view the world. Do you agree or disagree? I dont know about you, but i like to THINK. Im sure some of you will have a lot to say.
The 12th Planet You should check out Zecharia Sitchen's The 12th Planet...and all of The Earth Chronicles books!! Interesting theories about Earth's first alien visitations and their need for gold, Adam and the Adam Gene, various religious origins, Earth space stations and launching pads, space travel 450,000 years ago, the Sons of Gods sleeping with the Daughters of Man......all kinds of cool stuff!
WOW, whenever that dude is on Coast to Coast am? he can make your skin crawl. He is onto something, great input right there. I've been to his site, if you've not been? you should go. All I want to add? we as a nation in my eyes went off course when we bought the crap with the JFK stuff. When we swallowed that turd, we've deserved all that we've been fed since. I've no answer on it, but the story er bought DON'T ring true, past that? WOW, crazy shit, man.
Yeah Geokitty ive read all about Planet X and its 26 or 36 000 year eliptical orbit . The annunaki and their arrival to earth. Like you said "The Sons of God sleeping with the Daughters of man", which is right out of the bible i beLIEve. As crazy as the whole Planet X thing sounds i just got suspicious when i learned that every planet in our solar system is rising in temperature, not just the earth. And ive seen some photos of Saturns poles and there is Geometrical shapes forming in the clouds rotating there. Then all of a sudden Pluto is no longer a part of our group. Maybe some weird shit is gonna happen to Pluto since its the furthest out weve identified, and we're not supposed to know, so lets just not pay attention to pluto anymore, its not a planet. Crazy weather is supposed to be another thing linked to this arrival of Planet X into our solars ystem. Is all this crazy weather and earthquakes something the Earth is doing itself, or is it something else contributing to it? Shit where i live we've had crazy thunder and lightning storms with hail almost every 3 days for the past month. America is getting its ass kicked all over the place with record numbers of tornadoes. California is on fire AGAIN. China is being fucked in the ass by earthquakes. Who knows what else is going on out there! Anyways, yeah the Planet X or Nibiru one is pretty mind altering. Ive always liked reading about the Illuminati/Reptilians. Al Jourgensen of MINISTRY has made his views known recently. I went and seen them in MAY live.... fucking badass...
2012... mark it in your diaries.. thanks for that one geokitty All i know is the mayans and ancient american tribes are a fascinating subject,no where in all the bible is the continent of america referred to... i believe the american based/formed religion the mormons are the only one to claim to have actually found plates of gold with ancient writings on them that relate to a lot of this mayan stuff cos its all the same timeline... the possibilities are endless they really are,aint it great where our imagination can take us,im gonna check out that stuff geokitty for sure!Cheers I read a book called the celestine prophecy for david icke...hes a failed tv sports presenter who one day said he was son of god and scotland was gonna be destroyed by earthquakes,well im still standing... i'll check your guy out though Dan and see if hes a bit more credible.. i do investigate a lot of this stuff but david icke just takes good ideas or truths and fucks them up with his lizard shit...honestly guys like alex jones and all them hate david icke cos he makes their theories sound more absurd and sometimes these guys are onto something till david icke joinsin then everyone just goes ...... I dont rule out nuthin,lol,but there ARE lines and herd mentality philosophies i wont alow myself to sucked into at the same time.Peace:jj:
glad to see my kind showing up 2012 is the supposed year, most common date is december 21 2012 some get specific down to the second, like the mayan calendar. the only problem is the start date and time. but the mayan calendar seems to correlate with other ancient calendars in asia and such the synchronicity is constantly multip in frequency...craziness... so the most compelling thing ive read ever was the cassiopaean experiment. it was a channeling experiment with contacts riding an energy wave from the 6th dimension. they claim to be the same entities as when a big hype bout the pliades i believe some years ago. claim they call themselves by the location of the energy wave at the time of communication, of course time in the third dimension is ...nothing anyway if u care to check it out heres the link, but be warned its long, like months and months of reading, i think theres something like 10 years of channeling on there. with notes from the author about what was said or how it relates to her life...pretty neat stuff. theres alot in there from channeling sessions from like 1995 when string theory was way in the dark, n these "cassiopaeans " were answering questions that i read the answers to in scientific american earlier this year in those breaking physics stories. might have been another mag, but u know what i mean. so out of curiosity, sound off if ur awakening to reality? life is as our minds allow it to be
Shit ive always been intrigued by this stuff. The Mayans were defintly way ahead of their time and I've also read plenty of theories on that 2012 thing. No one really mentioned Nostradamus, i know he has some 2012 theories. But anywas i just wanted to say that on 2012, if my sour soul is still around, ill be just as high as i am every day, ready to face the aliens, end of time, earth explosion, shit who knows? all i know is ill be grinnin in the face of anything comin my way, maybe even make it to 2013? BTW. I love mushies and i just read a post about seeds being bought off th enet and not coming. two months ago i ordered a 55$ spore kit, cant remeber the site off the top of my head, but it never came anyone know some legit sites? wouldnt mind some yummy fungis cC
Yeah Apprentice i agree with you about David Icke being weird with his Reptilian shit, but its title could also represent royalty or TPTB. But if you dont mind me getting crazy for a moment. Dinosaurs/Reptiles have been here millions of years before us Monkeys. Who knows, maybe that one Reptile thats Millions of years ahead of us had been around long enough to avoid the extinction of Earths "Surface". Its all just personal thought. Its just an idea, please dont get on my ass about it! lol Its one of my "many" thoughts... GreenGoblin... Ive read about quantum physics briefly, leading to "string theory". That shit will really make you wonder. Also reading about OTHER DIMENSIONS and energy in general. Energy in its purest form seems to be GOD. Its "Everything that ever was and ever will be". We and andeverything around us are vibrations arent we? I dunno.. The day i realized we and everything around us is simply energy vibrating at a level our 5 senses can consume, i really changed my outlook on EVERYTHING. I think i should add... Next time youre on a Mushroom Trip or just really really baked, take a walk into the nearest bathroom, place your hands on the sink, lean in and stare into your own eyes. Look at them and seriously ask yourself what you are. Why are some of us so full of hate? Think about how your thoughts affect your actions. Fuck i think i might do the last half quarter of shrooms I got left tomorrow after golf. LOL Just to get the FREE THOUGHT flowing again. . I got to add this "Terrence McKenna" google his "Time Wave Zero / Novelty" Theory. Its about "Life Changing Events In History" repeating themeselves at a FREQUENCY that is speeding up. Kind of like TIME speedin up ( have you noticed TIME f the fuck by? My last 5 years since graduation have whizzed by!), almost like water getting tighter while draining through a funnel or an HOUR GLASS. This MATHEMATICAL EQUATION apparently becomes impossible on the date of DECEMBER 21st 2012 (The WinterSolstice) if im not mistaken..
Shrooms (no conspiracy theories here) I just found that site a few days ago. I grew shrooms years ago. Back then you had to order them from the back of HT magazine. I was pleasantly surprised that spores are still available and easy to order legally. I'm planning on adding shrooms to my medicinal grow soon. They are much easier to grow than cannabis and cost next to nothing.
Pinchbeck anyone? Glad to see this thread! New things to check up on! I don't have the time to really get into things right now but if you want something that isn't too hard for the mainstream to follow then checkout "2012 The Return of Quetzalcoatl" - Daniel Pinchbeck. He's also written a book called "Breaking Open The Head" which I've not yet read. He covers lot's of "fringe" ideas in "2012", written as an account of his own exploration and discovery. He's a big advocate of psychedelics, and tells of his Iboga and Ayahuasca experiences. Great read, very thought provoking. I got to the end and turned the book over and started over. He covers a wide range of topics such as The Greys, Crop Circles, Jung, Quantum Theory, Rudolph Steiner, McKenna, Mayan Calendar, Shamanism etc... Highly Recommend this book! Reversal of the Earth's polarity is one of my personal favorite "out there" possibilities (loosing GK would suck though). Just gotta get out of the city by then! Looking forward to ongoing dialog! Grat
Yeah some say pole reversals were the cause of our past... 5 ice ages i think it was. Forgive me i cant remember the exact number what it was. But they say pole reversals have been documented in ancient diagrams or art, where the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, but nowadays its the opposite. And something about 3 days of darkness or sun depending on when the earth stops its rotation to flip... errr something. :qbluewacko: Fun to think about. Yeah ive read some interviews with Daniel Pinchbeck.
hey iv got my tin foil hat on aswell man! First of all DAN... please dont misunderstand me my friend,i was NOT mocking YOUR opinions just giving my :2c: on David Icke but id certainly NEVER "get on your ass" about any of your theories I do read ALL this stuff i just dont post too much of it anymore cos a while back i think ppl were starting to question my sanity when i used to go on about and and all my alex jones stuff... ALTHOUGH I MUST SAY IF YOU ALLL HAVE NEVER VIEWED PART ONE AND TWO OF 'THE MONEY MASTERS' ON GOOGLE VIDS(3HRS LONG) THEN Y'ALL WILL SOON WISEN UP AFTER WATCHING THIS FACT BASED CONSPIRACY THEORY,ESSENTIAL VIEWING FOR ALL. I firmly believe that the power and money here on earth is controlled by the few,a small band of eliteists who control everything and iv no doubt govt's have and still keep carrying out their hidden agenda 'social experiments' with us as if we are labrats and they use submlininal thought process to mke us think we have free choice when in reality they 'own all the horses' so it dont matter which horse you back they STILL win,i believe theres more wars a comin and guys like herb have the right idea,try get food and water storage and be self sufficient,learn to not depend on technology cos thats the 1st thing that will go,then the oil then mass panic when trucks cant deliver food to stores,then the riots and looting,before you know it martial law is imposed and the ppl finaly decide to uprise and form state militias fighting against the central govt...ALL ENEMIES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC AS THEY SAY:icon_salut: I can easily forsee civil wars in the UK,parts ofeurope and america,in fact anywhere in the world,its a powderkeg like its never been for so many years....barack obama will either make or break america if he becomes the 44th president and if he gets 2 terms he will be the one in power come i dont think y'all are nuttty or nuthin like sitting at home with my tin foil hat on along with y'all:icon_winkeace:bongin: PS: Grat iv read some of what you mentioned,cheers for reminding me about that stuff as id once investigated it,etc:thumbsup:
Shit i just went of on a mad tangent type post,lol.. tHE POSSIBILITES AR ENDLESS MAN THEY REALLY ARE... The whole quetzecoatzal thing is like the americas version of a ressurected jesus visitng them(they say in the bible,john i think,that if all the works and doinggs and wisdoms and propehcies of jesus could have been written it would take more than all the books in the world),i reckon that religion MUST have summit to do with everything,i mentioned how american Utah based religion/christians tellus they found gold plates that were translated and they tak of ancient tribes that musthave been the mayans if the timelines are correct,these civilisations are mentioned in great detail,this got me thinking...theres so mnay religions in the world with their own sacred books like the bible,torah orkoran,etc that surely mankind since itsdawning cant have been sooo wrong as to always have had believed in god or gods Even in this day and age ppls beliefs in a god or higher power who has something to do with our origins or who we are and where we came from,now since day one theres been mention of god,the torah i believe has some ofthe most ancient writings although over tinm maybe they have been mistranslated or whatever but surely mans unshakeable belief in a god or good and evil cannot be naivety?I reckon all the worlds different religons and gods are ,sages,they are all worshipping the one and the same god without knowing it,i reckon that god in old days to us now would be a higher being,asceneded ancient being almost(yes okay i DO watch a LOT of startagate and sg1 atlantis but thats not the point:tvlaugh)...surely all these sacred books all contain TINY FRAGMENTS OF A TRUTHH LONG FORGOTTEN AND LOST TOP MANKIND? Or is religion to most of you guys just straight out organised:bs: not saying who's right cos i aint educated enough to know every religion in the world but i do know that all the pomp and stuff surrounding the pope and the catholic church and also to a certain extent the monarchy/queen in the UK,when they are coronated they are annointed under the cover of a tent and no one knows what is said in that tent during the ceremony or done almost like when the pope dies and the white and black smoke things,its all to dogmatic and controlled,oriental religions offer insight and topics wothy of serious pondering.. .... i believe that whatever happens if anything was to happen in 2012 that it would somehowbe an explanation of sorts as to why man has always believed in a god,maybe if aliens visited us and said they were a billion years more advanced than us and we were their experiment and they created us "in their own image",maybe for a time they stayed in contact with us "until the chosen ppl rebelled"...maybe when we die they can extract our souls into another dimension and we live on just not on this earthly plain but in some other form or existence on another level of ascension I could talk shit all night about this stuff,my mates think i read to much ,i cant quelch the thirst sometimes:eusa_drool: All i know is that in the king james bible john the revelator predicts that when god returns he will come "like a theif in the night 2 aka not one single fuckin one of us is gonna know the time or the hour,it will no doubt happen when no one sees it coming,not when we are all sitting at home in our tin foil suits ,scuba diving shoes on and oxygen tank and radiation suits,my bunkers built:icon_salut: D-A-M-N... im S-T-O-N-E-D :redbong:and talkkin real shit tonight,lol,im typing my thoughts so y'all are privy to the stoner goings on in my mind tonight .. i been out tonight,bought a new lesther sofa for the new home,had a truck and picked it up with the mrs cousin,he passed on some ofhis ULTRA SKUNK from dutch passion to me(iv got one plant of it only 7 weeks from harvest that he gave me,its looking good,i cant upload ikages for moment since my stoopid vista upgrade:scream: Anyway this shit is real trippy but in a good way,im sitting at home laughing my ass of,i love a good conspiracy thread,hey whos to say another man is wrong,we just dont know do we,really,who knows?Cos the minute you say you are the guy who knows the truth then thats the minute other ppl start nailing your ass to the cross for saying so.... YUP THIS ULTA SKUNK SURE IS CEREBRAL:eusa_whistle: Anyway stay cool.. im enjoying tuning into this thread every time im stoned....anyone else got some crazy ass shit they wanna post or am i the only one wearing the tin foil hat tonight( its STILL a pimp hat though,just covered in foil Even artiricial intelligence could one day enhance so much as to the govt to carry out part man part nanotechnology type A.I or increased mind capacity and features,a super soldier type thing( and NO i am not referring to anubis's soldiers from stargate sg1:tvlaugh Although the daleks springto mind We all know how its gonna end>> :bduh::eusa_doh::yikes: so until that day ppl.....make hay where the sun shines... or grow weed under some hpsotleaf: Peace out fellow conspirators and believers in things that we dont yet know..and of course weedpimps:jj: Yeah im fuckin wasted all right:bongin::redbong:
man o man i hope this continues... frequencies...are what set things apart i think. gravity is the energy that binds, that holds form, that makes sound possible, makes light possible. gravity is what creates the oscillations we refer to as frequencies. and just what are the oscillating particles? perhaps many more smaller particles? and just how far down does the rabbit hole go??? seekers of the rabit hole unite!!! im such a stoner i feel right at home as for religeons, i think theyre set up to distract people from the truth. god is not within us all. god is all of us. collective conciouseness...although i do thionk jesus was a real person, or at least there was someone going arround doing some miraculous shit, but it wasnt in the name of a church i dont think, unless the "church of the human mind." the bible in itself is not a book "to be understood" its a book written in code, the earlier versions were checked hundreds of times for punctuation, spelling, typeset accuracy(which changes throughout), and also theres some crazy things that happen if u plug certain patterns into the hebrew version... such as: if u take the first letter of genesis, and skip 49 and take the next, and continue thru to exodus, every 4 letters spells Torh which means "the law of god". using the same skip sequence in numbers thru deuteronomy spells "HROT" the law of god backwards. skipping 7 letters in leviticus spells "Yawh" the hebrew name for god . so we have the first three books and the 4-6th book saying "the law/word of god" pointing to God himself in leviticus. ive been reading leviticus but havent found anything revealing yet... anyway theres plenty more like that but that one only works in the hebrew version of the old testimate. and i hope u all know the bibles been changed more that the queens diapers. cripes yeah man...stoney balony when two people are grounded they make an antenna
Shit man, i love this stuff too. And yes ive been looked at in weird ways when i vent off on my thoughts i cannot keep to myself. One day while i was sitting with my mother i went off about David Ickes Book " The Biggest Secret" which is online to read for free, if you want the link ask me for it. Its a pretty deep book. Crazy at times but life is crazy, so fuck it. She was telling me i should start teaching this shit, i laughed and said "yeah right". But to tell you the truth i want everyone to hear this shit. Not because i beLIEve its the truth, but because its good food for thought. You know, something to kind of mix into your thoughts on life in general. GO stare into your own eyes in a mirror for a few mins. It really hits home. It sounds dumb, but do it. What the fuck are we? what is all this for? Im so curious to know what happens when we die. Seriously think about that for a second. I really wanna go off on some more shit right now, but ive had a few beers and i dont think my mind is in the right state to get into this stuff. I more or less like to speak on this kind of stuff when im sober and confident in my own thoughts. Sometimes ill post and then when i smoke some bud i get slightly paranoid and think " awww fuck, why did i expose my thougts to a community of people i dont even know? Ill bet their all laughing at how far my brain can expand." But then i come check the updates and see that im not alone. Thats pretty reassuring. Ive actually got to force myself to not go off on a rant right now.... Ill post something tomorrow maybe. Me and a Buddy of mine are gonna do the last bit of shrooms i got left tomorrow night if he doesnt get called into work. So i might get a little deep if i post tomorrow evening! lol :idgaf: Oh yeah.... Apprentice i know your werent insulting me, im aware of David Ickes persona. Its easy to label him nuts, but he has a saying. "There are many who will dub me a ‘nut’ for what I have written in this book. My reply is this: Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut that held its ground." heres the link to his Book.
Okay... What about this one named "Project Lucifer". Apparently a few years ago NASA sent a satellite to observe Saturn and its moons or something, and when the mission was done they wanted to safely get rid of the orbiter because it contains some sort of Nuclear fuel rods for its propulsion. They said they didnt want to leave it orbiting recklessly because they have had their eye on one of Saturns moons called TITAN that they beLIEve could possibly be similar to earth, and they didnt want to fuck it all up with nuclear waste if it ever smashed into it. So they apparently threw this satellite into Jupiter. Plunging it deep into its thick gas atmosphere. Im no professional on this im trying to remember what it all was, but apparently when they did this it caused a HUGE black scar on Jupiters surface a couple of months later. No mainstream astromers/scientists spoke of it, but amatuer astronomers apparentl started speaking up and asking questions. Im too lazy to look for another picture of this supposed spot. So as it turns out they say the illuminati/TheElite are actually trying to create a second smaller sun that will heat these frozen moons and turn them into water planets. You know the whole "MAN PLAYING GOD" scenerio. Now theres a whole story about this and the reasons why Jupiter wasnt ignited. Something about Jupiters atmosphere being to large and there not being enough rods/material to cause a Nuclear Fusion/Reaction. Now apparently "THE CASSINI" satellite is orbiting saturn right now as we speak gathering photos and whatnot, and it has twice the amount of nuclear fuel inside of it, and Saturn is a hell of a lot smaller than Jupiter. So theres this crazy story that this time its possible it could work. The spooky thing is CASSINI's termination is JULY 2008!!!!!! Thats right now! In one of my earlier posts i mentioned how i seen a picture of some Geometrical shapes at Saturns poles. A hexagon. Heres that picture. Im not gonna get into it. look it up if you want to. It has nothing to do with this particular conspiracy, but i thought it was interesting when you read about what scientists have to say about Geometrical patterns forming in clouds that are spinning in the opposite direction of the rest. WELL NOW I JUST LOOKED INTO IT and Cassini has been given an extension on its mission untill 2010. Creepy thing is this whole conspiracy is tied into the movie "A SPACE ODDYESSY 2010". Weird. :icon_confused:
, but I have to speak up on this one. There is no way any of those satellites can cary enough nuclear material to get those planets to "ignite." We've exploded much larger nuclear bombs on our own planet and it never turned into a Sun. When Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 slammed into Jupiter, it hit with far more energy than all man-made nuclear explosions combined and it still did not ignite, but it did leave a bunch of black spots on the planet which could be seen even months after the collision. In fact the largest spot was about the diameter of the Earth. Besides, it is gravity that causes the nuclear reactions in stars. The gravity creates the pressures in the star's center which brings the nuclei of your hydrogen or helium (depending on the age of the star) close enough for the "Strong Nuclear Force" to take over and create a fusion reaction. I could go into a lot more detail with formulas and stuff, but it would get too boring. Anyway, if the illuminati/TheElite are trying to create a smaller sun by slamming the nuclear power plants of small satellites into planets they will fail and really need to take some courses in Astro-Physics.
No problem man! Im just throwin em out there. I didnt start these loony stories. LOL Its funny to think where this all comes from. Its fun to debate these things.