Poe's simple hash method(must see)$cheap$

Discussion in 'Hash and Oil' started by doctor D, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. doctor D

    doctor D Germinated

    alright you will need:
    -1 mirror(farely large)
    -at least 1 clean razor
    -a hair dryer or the sun
    -rubbing alchohol(91% or more)
    -and last but certainly not least you will need to have already saved up used baggys that have at one time held weed,or start saving them now.this simple process includes squirting the rubbing alcohol(either with a syringe device or by poking a small hole in the lid safety seal)into each bag towards the sides,coating all sides lightly.then use hands on outside of bag to break down trichromes or THC crystals inside the bags.after thoroughly swishing rub alc. thru the hole bag,including corners,your liquid should be looking yellow or golden.then make small cut in the side and pour out liquid onto your mirror.you may need to do two runs on each bag and also if no cut is made the zip lock of bags will catch your THC ,thus not putting it on your mirror which is where you want it.once all of your bags are done you can start drying.you may dry with a hair dryer or the sun.i prefer to use the sun then come inside and use the hair dryer.i do this because the sun drys it more thoroughly but then you really need that mirror to be nice and warm to scrape.if not warm enough it will not scrape of the mirror like it should.you need a clean scrape with no streaks.the best way to warm it up is to not only apply heat to the top ,but also to the bottom of the mirror.when ur hash is dry and mirror is warmed up you then take your razor blade and scrape away (with pressure).you will then have some hash.smoke it how it is,press it,throw it in a vape,or on top of weed.it doesnt matter it is legit hash if you make it right.if u screw it up,dont worry just try it again.peace DR
    LionLoves420 likes this.
  2. Allen

    Allen Humble Gardener

    That method wouldn't be too bad swishing the alcohol around in jars and pouring out.

    Is the hair dryer going to almost work like a vaporizer and vape the thc before you smoke it, or does it not get hot enough? I'd almost try it, but don't want to vaporize the thc with the hair dryer before hand.
  3. doctor D

    doctor D Germinated

    it doesnt get near as hot.to ignite thc you would have to bring the mirror to like somewhere around 300 degrees.youll only be drying it enough for the rubbing alcohol to evaporate.i promise:smokin:
  4. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Not the mirror but the THC and alcohol itself, I'm sure they have a lower heat index than glass. Why not use a heating pad and place the mirror or pyrex dish on that to let it evaporate like you do with BHO.
  5. Gratitude

    Gratitude Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    Isn't the threshold about 325?

    I can't remeber the exact temp but I know it's higher than boiling 212(F).

    I've only tried making butter with the trim from my grows but it can withstand boiling and retain potency.

    All of that is to say that I really doubt a hair dryer would be that hot and not burn your scalp.

    There was a time when that would have been a great trick for me to try, I had a bunch of big bags, lbs. bags not $40 sacks... I tried to scrape the trichs off with a razor blade but not much success... Now, I buy $40 sacks and transfer the bud to jars as soon as I get home from "the guy's" house so not much trich build up in the bags.

    dr D - how many bags do you save up before you do this? Seems like it would take a bunch to get a couple of hits... still, you already paid for it so if you can use it...cool!

  6. doctor D

    doctor D Germinated

    just yesterday my buddy and i made a good bowl or two,that was maybe 10-15 bags.its not a mass producer but it really kicks ass when you have no bud or your just bored and want to throw variety into your next smoke session.
  7. Gratitude

    Gratitude Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds


    At least you are dealing with a respectable substance... The kids in my hood seem to have taken to dipping blunts in Robotussin:icon_confused:

    I've "robo tripped" before (to the uninitiated that's drinking an entire 8oz. bottle of Robotussin DM) but I can't even smell that shit without wanting to hurl these days... My body says NO, it doesn't matter if I have a cold and could use the intended effects... I can't take it under any circumstances or at any dose now.

    It works...but it's harder on the liver than mixing pills and booze...just a bad idea...

    I think I might try that method with my little stash jars though...The trichs are so thick that I can scrape them out with my finger nail...

    Thanks for sharing your methods dr D.


  8. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Great shit, I've tried this before with a differnt method, fucked it up by getting shit wet. But I agree, a good way to clean up the jars/bags, and have a little fun in the end!

    When I was younger, I made oil out of resin in the bowls after I cleaned them....it got you buzzed, but not a good idea in the long run. :smoke2:
  9. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Kids must be having a problem find their liquid hydrocodone with promethazine.

    oh and for jars I wonder how this would work with water. kind of mixing the isohash method with the blender hash method. Instead of dissolving the THC in the Isopropyl, if the water(maybe warm) can remove the trichs from the jars wall then you could just put the water in a pan and collect the parcipitate like you do with blender hash. Just wondering cause no matter what ISO tastes horrible compared to any other method.
  10. doctor D

    doctor D Germinated

    i havent had a batch where you can taste the rub alc.it completly evaporates.tastes just like some sweet bubble hash:)
  11. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Hmm maybe I should try this hair dryer method. I was just always iffy about it because on the box of mine it said real big something about some advanced ceramic heating element, so I just associated that with my vaporizer like a dip shit. Not so much scarred of it getting hot enough to degrade the THC but hot enough to flash over the ISO. Shit THC boiling point is like 200*C or 392*F, not worried about that unless it was a heat gun. But I searched around and found the boiling point of isopropanol is 82.3*C or 180*F and the dryer I have has a safety cut off of 153* to prevent causing hair damage. So all is good. I'll have to try it out and see if I can get the taste. My previous experiences with ISO we went through the stuff fast and I guess it didn't evaporate all out even after setting a few days.

    We shall try again.
  12. Allen

    Allen Humble Gardener

    Just did this method with glass jars and 91% iso. Just dumped a little in the jar and swished it around. Kept dumping from one jar to the next. Dumped it on a glass lense and in about 20 minutes it evaporated. Really no need for a heat gun/ blow dryer unless you're in a hurry. Pretty stoned off just a little piece that I scraped up.
  13. doctor D

    doctor D Germinated

    thats whats up.i knew it would benefit someone.:smokin:

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