Hey there I remember seeing your name alot when I was reading the FAQs before i started growing. Nice to see you up and about. asssit:
Ghosts of Christmas past......:not-worthy: What brings you back to these old stomping grounds Wawona? Place look a little different? Think you still have Mod access. If not let me or MrGreenjeans know and we'll set you up so you can pop into Admin and say hey to the new crew. For anybody not familiar, we at GK owe Wa much. He's a true GK legend and one of the early influences on GK.
WA WA WAWONA is back yall!!!! LOL Long time no see man! How have you been? N yes i daze alot lmao....
Hey, sweetie! You doing good? My fibro is GONE and I feel better than I have in 20 years! It's great to hear from you!!
...Wa!!!... ...Could it be, can it be...it is!!...Wa!!!...Damn it's bean a few months anyways...probably longer!! Wow, good to hear from you...how's life treating you and the family?...I hope well!!... ...Up to my usual status of present and account'd for...always, for all time and space...and the light in her eyes... :alienwink: ...Summer is almost here and I am ready for it...spring never really sprung, I mean it did, and it didn't...cooler than usual this spring, to simplify...my garden is in full swing...I built two 4 x 6 raised beds in my front yard along with all my other gardening spaces thru-out the spaces that I have on the property that I rent... ...Still doing the library internet access, and my hour is closing in quickly...pm me dude...would love to hear from you......cheers!! ***Mods never sleep*** sorry, I know better...will pm the man. :alienwink: ...DC...:XXsunsmile::new_scatter:
Blast........ :anibong: .....from the past.....made me smile seeing you guys and your posts. As far as being a legend of any kind, I am not....though the compliment was well taken folks......GK was here long before I and apparently will be here for a long time after I am gone, but it is good to be recognized as a citizen in good standing in such a cool place. This place helped me get on my feet with the grow and I owe all that knowledge and experience to GK. Good to be home!!!!!! :anibong: MaryMary......that is GREAT knews gal. So glad that you are feeling as good as you are. That's amazin........ :anibong: Daze....the loo hasn't been the same for a long time bro....but I am so glad that you are here....gotta a little something brewin' myself brother, but it's not really in my hands so to speak.....I'll PM ya cause I'd love to get caught up.... :anibong: family life is great headcase, good to see you too buds, Resin got a little something cookn and made me think of this old place......things are good here astro. thanks teamster, bigbud, scotty, HHHG, BOA,. Good to see you guys too what everybody been up to? I Still work at the same place. I did manage to get a new home built with what those bastards pay me......now I just have to pay for it......wife and kids are great...just hectic a lot of times tryin to take care of everything, but it's no more than anybody else has on there plate. I am lucky!!!! Herb? :bong-2:
Wawona! :-welcome-: Nice to have you back here at GK. The place was not the same with out you. We kept the light on for ya. :thumbs-up: :bong-2:
Herb be taking a breather and actually passed the torch for real this time. Didn't think he'd actually be able to do it. Guess after taking so much shit for so many years the goats looked like better company for awhile. Where ever I was stirring the pot I'm glad I did if it brought you around for a chat and put a smile on your face. BTW...just checked and you still have a set of keys to the engine room. Understand if you don't want to stop in back there. Kinda messy dark and stinky. Just like you guys left it. asssit: Keep thinking we'll clean the place up but Skuzz keeps passing out and nobody wants to move a drunk brit who's pissed hisself.
Great to see you here again Wawona!! In '06 I was kickin around as bud.lighter I think. Your posts were Always respected. Hope you stay a while. Retiree
LOL at Resin...i like dark places so it suits me fine......Greenjeans...you know it's great to see you my jogging mentor...wish i had left my pictures up....really wanted to see more of my work....glad you found my posts helpful retiree :anibong: