
Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by wawona, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. Stash2.0

    Stash2.0 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    WOW !! Whats up Wa ! Still rockin that strawberry Cough ?
  2. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    I wish

    Been a long time since I had any really good pot much less The Cough. OH how I miss it. What you been up to lately?
  3. Stash2.0

    Stash2.0 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

  4. ncmaineac

    ncmaineac Harvested Fat Sticky Bud


    hey welcome back...i too have read lots of your posts...i been around for a while mostly in the background until i retired a couple years ago....i have asked you some questions in the past and you were very cordial and i always appreciated that...nice to see you back dont be a stranger...we need all the experience we can get....and keeping these current mods straight can be a mutha!!!llol:passsit: :passsit: :passsit: :passsit: :passsit: :passsit: :passsit: :passsit: :passsit:
  5. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    Life in the panhandle of the frying pan is relentless...when will the state I live in ever see the light...damn cornhuskers...but enuf of that sniffling bs...Wa...the loo is a memory worthy the effort...many smiles for miles and miles...I am doin' well...and learn'd the fine art of surfacing...that includes cloning...I got that sh*t down, bro...basically could do it in my I know why SFC got so irate with me in the past...something so simple to do...should not be ignored...if I would have only taken his advice when I had the cherry pheno of that rad and learn...and love is the answer when it comes to the patience and the grace...

    I am still mired in a comfortable rut...path of least resistance...but oh so ready to break this mold that I have allow'd myself to conform to...I turn'd 49 this year...and the way I see it...I have a long ways to I'm beginning the begin of the new DazeChain aka fits really a glove...I will make the required changes to succeed...everything I involve myself in is success orient'd...facts...and that will lead to the life I choose...come hell or high H20...did I mention I can clone

    In a more serious less than code is good, Wa...hope your family is well and that life has been treating you well also...I am still considering a move to Washington...state that is...not DC...not to be confused with my handle here...and I also have been giving some serious thought to taking up an offer proposed to me by my cousin in Colorado...Denver, that is...where they know what is good for their some degree...however, my logic tells me somedays to stay underneath the radar until the feds change their tune...if you know what I mean...I got a sack full of beans...will travel, in other words...meanwhile back at the farm here in the pnahandle...I am a power gardener of the nth tomato plants 100+, are thriving really well...should be eating garden fresh tomatoes in a week or pepper plants are making a turn for the better as the temps have really start'd acting more summer-ish as of the last coupla weeks...and you name it, I probably grow is a short list...indian corn for corn mill and decorative purposes...cukes, onions, beans(pole and bush), dry beans, radishes, snap peas, squash(zucchini, summer, magda, which is a middle eastern squash, butternut, acorn, winter squash of several varieties, yukon gold potatoes, beets, carrots, sunflowers(decorative and edible), and rhubarb...again a short in a nutshell, I'm busy...still also helping my stepfather occasionly with flooring(carpet, vinyl tile, ceramic) when he needs some help...he's 70 now so he has slow'd down a bit, however the work still comes in occasionly...

    DazeJane, my soft-coat'd Wheaten Terrier is thriving like no other!! She celebrated her 10th bday May 12th, this year...she is and always will be my pride and joy...and speakin' of pride and joy...caught U2 at Denver's Mile High Stadium May 21st...their second go round here in the states on the 360 tour...supporting the album from 2009, No Line On The Horizon...I caught them at Soldier Field in Chicago on the 1st night of the first American leg on Sept 12th, 2009!! First time I had ever been to Chicago...I had a blast!! Stay'd at the Hard Rock Hotel on North Michigan...and really traversed the city while I was there...such a vibrant city, Chicago...I will return one day...I had never been that far east b'fore, so I cross'd the Mississippi River for the first time in my life...for some no big deal...for was like damn...this is one wide river...speakin' of rivers, lot of them in this country have been on the rise this year...kinda crazy...

    ...what's left to say is miss you round here, Wa...hope to hear from you soon...maybe in PM's ...wherever...take care of yourself and will see you round...cheers!!

  6. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Fuck you Wawona IM THE FUCKING BOSS!!!!!

    You suck 2004 poo!!!!!!!!

    Whos ya Daddy???????????
  7. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    ...that was harsher than mexican brickweed...:roffl:

    ...DC./. :XXsunsmile::new_scatter:

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