how to exhuast a portable a/c unit

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by troy_mccular, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. troy_mccular

    troy_mccular Begun Flowering

    I recently got a portable a/c unit for my grow room. It has about a 4 inch exhaust on it, problem is how to a filter out the smell with this unit? I need some type of inline filter but not sure what they are called.

  2. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    That's an interesting problem. You might try a regular 4" carbon filter, enclosed in a larger cylinder of some sort (like a 2 liter soda bottle?), such that the air passes through the filter, out into the chamber surrounding the filter, then on out a 4" exhaust tube which you could vent outside the room with an inconspicuous vent.

    It does sound kinda Rube Goldberg, tho. Good luck.

  3. retiree

    retiree A Fat Sticky Bud

    Sounds like you've got a unit like mine. Only one tube right?

    Something along the lines of what the friendly farmer could work but you will def need an additional exhaust fan to maintain the same output cfm the unit is designed to operate at.

    When I was using mine, I just scrubbed the air inside the garden and what stink was exhausted was minimal. Unless you're venting to ground level where people/neighbors are located you should be fine.

    In case you didn't already know there's a difference between a carbon filter and a carbon scrubber. Both units are physically identical. However, it's the application that differentiates them. A filter is used at the end of an exhaust line to filter the air before it exits the garden. A scrubber is used to "scrub" the air within the garden.

  4. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

  5. ncmaineac

    ncmaineac Harvested Fat Sticky Bud


    i would use an extra fan to exhaust the air on the exit side of the air conditioner out to the window or attic wherever you decide. doesnt need to be a large fan probably a 175 cfm would be fine...they are about 50-60 bucks...4" ...

    good luck
  6. troy_mccular

    troy_mccular Begun Flowering

    The problem is I can't just clean the grow rooms air because the a/c won't allow for this. There is plastic grates etc... on the intake of the unit. I would have to filter and boost the air on it's exhaust.
  7. retiree

    retiree A Fat Sticky Bud


    Are you paying attention? There are two products that will effectively eliminate odors. A carbon filter and a ozone generator. Do you have either of these? I have used both and reccommend a filter. Ozone will eliminate odors but it has it's own odor as well. It smells somewhat like electricty imo. It also has some hazards associated with its use. Carbon filters are simple and highly effective.

    Buy a fan and filter that are appropriately sized for your garden. install the fan onto the filter so that it pulls air through the filter and blows out of the fan. Place the fan/filter inside your garden wherever you choose. Now you may use your AC as you please. This will ensure that 90+% of all odors are removed from your air before it is exhausted from your garden. Like stated before, as long as you're not exhausting into your neighbors patio, you'll be fine. If you insist on 100% odor removal then you're going to have to get fancier with the design of your exhaust/filter/fan or add a ozone gen to the exhaust line and deal with the ozone odor and potential hazards.

  8. retiree

    retiree A Fat Sticky Bud

    Oh I almost forgot about Ona gel. I've never used it but believe it to be effective as well. I'll not go into how it could be used as there are too many options but just wanted to mention that there is another option.

  9. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    This would work for that.

  10. guidoman

    guidoman Veggy Stage

    that is what i use i have a portable and i cut a hole in the wall into a closet and attached the filter to the hose that is connected to the exhaust and then exhaust the heat from the closet. try to keep the tube as straight as you can though. havnt smelled a thing since. i also have a filter scrubbing the heat that accumulates at the top of the room.
  11. Bobacuda

    Bobacuda Germinating

    Ona gel is all I use and no smell at the exhaust
  12. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Not a fan of ONA at all..

    Gel not so bad, but I bought one of their auto spray systems with refills for like $100.00. Total peice of shit, didn't cover the smell and when it did mist, smelled like cat litter.. fucking horrible!! Sitting in my garage right now, would advise to stay away from them.

    I used the gel in past with some luck on small (1 or 2 plants) ops, but nothing beats a carbon scrubber, plus you can vent in through your light to avoid heat build up.

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